Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1336: Backlighting(12)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The official blog post was the killing feast of the Fenghua crew.

Mingshu is still at the banquet at this time. After all, there are so many delicious foods that you can't let it go.

As the hostess, Ming Shu sat next to Director He.

Director He was respected a lot and drunk.

"Xiaodizi, you are really good at taking this path. There are talents like you, and you can't find a few in the circle."

Director He spoke slowly.

In the interlacing of gimmicks, the voice is vague.

"You must not go the wrong way. Once in your life, once you go the wrong way, it is difficult to look back."

"Director He, someone is pushing me now."

Director He sighed: "Do you know who offended you?"

"A bit more..."

Director He glared at her.

Ming Shu smiled: "It's not who Hengfeng is." There is an X president on his face.

Director He blows his beard and glares: "Do you know who offended you, so disrespected?"

Ming Shu said: "Hengfeng can't just cover the sky with his hand. He said to block me, just block me? Am I so bully?"

Hengfeng is powerful, but the entertainment sector is not the final decision of the Hengfeng family.

If it doesn't work, let Harmony make money. I will pay for the change myself... No, filming.

[...] The host doesn't work.

why not? I helped you to do evil before! Don't you help me now? With your skills, the white glove of the empty glove makes money to search for easy heat, right?

[...] What is wrong and where is it?

Harmony struggled for a while, and gave Mingshu a fight with a goblin, trying to calm Mingshu.

Mingshu blocked it with a black face.

I dare to fight the little goblin who I coded! !

"That's what it says, but if it is suppressed everywhere, it is always difficult to go far."

Many of those stars are not a flash in the pan?

When the glory just bloomed, it disappeared without a trace.

He didn't want to see the girl, so he stopped here.

She should go further and stand taller.

"But I think you have a good mentality." At that time, he did not miss the person. Director He patted her on the shoulder: "That's right, most people are unbalanced in their mentality, which leads to failure. As long as you maintain your mentality, everything will be fine. Get up."

"It's good to have chicken legs." I don't pick it.

Director He choked off.

"How the **** do you keep fit?"

Which of the female celebrities he met didn’t eat a little and didn’t eat?

Occasional indulgence, and desperate to lose weight.

"...Born naturally, jealousy will not come."

Director He choked again.

This dead girl!

He handed Ming Shu a business card: "You go to this person, he has a play over there, I say hello, you just go to the audition."

Ming Shu froze.

She wiped her hands and took the business card.

Director He again said: "But if you can try it, you have to look at yourself."


I thought that suddenly the goddess of luck came, and there was a back door to go.

"Thank you, Director."

Ming Shu gave Director He a toast, Director He laughed and cursed a few words.

Hu Xin sat on the other side, seeing Mingshu and Director He talking and laughing, and they didn't know that they were pinching their nails into the meat.

When the show was over, Hu Xin stopped Ming Shu: "Wendi, let's just wait and see!"

She threw this sentence away and walked away with great force.

Mingshu: "???

Don’t you listen to me if you say something?

Who wants to walk with you!

You can't do anything to me when you look at it!

Other artists have assistants to pick them up, while Ming Shu goes out alone.


Gu Xi came over from the other side and met her and immediately called.

Gu Xi is wearing a small and fresh skirt with slightly curly hair. At first glance, it is the kind of petite and delicious...No, it is petite and cute, and it is a lovely little one.

Gu Xi walked in front of Mingshu and said softly, "Sister, I saw your drama killing, congratulations."

"Is there a red envelope?"

Gu Xi: "..."

Gu Xi didn't know what to do.

How did she answer this?

"Sorry, why is it so long?"

Cui Jingyang stood not far away, with several bodyguards standing behind him.

However, Mingshu saw him as X.

That sour picture is really not to mention more plays.

Gu Xi turned around and explained softly: "Mr. Cui, I met my sister and said a few words."

Cui Jingyang knows that Gu Xi hates her sister, not to mention that he doesn't like her... although she looks better than Gu Xi.

But even with such a face, he couldn't like it.

As for who Gu Gu is, he doesn't care, he just likes Gu Xi's face.

Cui Jingyang's eyes were dull, and he said: "It turns out that Miss Wen is your sister, so let's go together."

"Sister, will you go together?" Gu Xi immediately asked Mingshu: "There will be a lot of people in the circle. I can introduce my sister."

Gu Xi thought she would agree.

After all, she can't get the play right now.

"Don't go."

Ming Shu refused simply, making Gu Xi very surprised.

She seemed perplexed to persuade: "Sister, such an opportunity is rare."

Mingshu said very generously: "Oh, let you."

Gu Xi: "..."

What makes!

This is obviously the opportunity I found for her.

Mingshu glanced at Cui Jingyang and then left in the opposite direction.

Wait for her to follow Cui Jingyang for a while to see if he can be resolved.

Cui Jingyang didn't know that he had been written into a small book.

Cui Jingyang stayed here until early in the morning before leaving.

Gu Xi went with the assistant, and Cui Jingyang returned to his villa with his bodyguard.

Before enduring no attacks, in his own site, there is no good scruples, and directly asked the secretary behind him: "You haven't done it right now to smell the flute?"

"President, before he heard the flute, he had been filming in the field before he came back."

"Isn't it a better solution in the field? You have no brains?" Cui Jingyang scolded: "Okay, hurry and do this."

The secretary should be.

Cui Jingyang went upstairs and pushed open the study door.

The darkness in the study made Cui Jingyang frown slightly.

He reached out to touch the switch next to it.

The cold and sticky touch made Cui Jingyang startled. Before he took it back, he was bitten by something on the back.


The switch is pressed.

The light of the study light up.

Cui Jingyang could see clearly what bit him, and turned out to be a snake, coiled on the switch, spitting out the snake letter, and the bells and whistles, and could not see the breed.

There are two bleeding spots on the back of the hand, which are not oozing blood.

The blood is bright red, it should be non-toxic...

Cui Jingyang seemed to perceive something, and suddenly looked into the room.

The girl was sitting on his boss chair, looking at him with a smile.

"Mr. Cui, good evening."

"Smell the flute!"

Cui Jingyang's accident was directly placed on his face.

How did she come in?

"Mr. Cui, don't move." Mingshu raised his hand to stop him: "Just bite your snake and told him to fall in seven steps, and you will hang it in seven steps."


Harmony: Heaven is a good reincarnation, who the sky has spared.

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