Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1341: Backlighting(17)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mumu hasn't graduated yet. She got this opportunity because of a school sister.

The school sister was about to come to the audition and asked for a quota, but the school sister was ready to go abroad for further study, so she gave this opportunity to her.

Mumu came before Mingshu, right in front of her.


"Then...I'm going in first?" Mumu whispered to Mingshu.

Ming Shu nodded.

Mumu trot in, and when she reached the door, the staff suddenly stopped her.

A minute later, Mumu walked back again.

Ming Shu looked at her.

Mu Mudao: "They made me wait for a while."

Mumu didn't know what happened, but others quickly discussed it.

It seems that there are big players jumping in line.

To be honest, after the movie like Zhou Feifei, they are all waiting here obediently.

Suddenly someone jumps in line, how big is that big man?


The staff called again.

Mumu lost his past, but this time he went in.

Just after she entered, Gu Xi was surrounded by people, followed by Cui Jingyang.


X total!

Very good!

This is the mood to love.

"Cui Jingyang..."

"Oh my God!!"

"The president of Hengfeng Group, he would be here."

"so hot!"

Basically, the discussion is really new, a little senior, at this time they are very careful about their makeup, sitting dignified and elegant.

Mingshu didn't feel any good about these guys. After all, all she saw was an X.

The kind that still shines, almost blocked his face.

Gu Xitian's soft voice sounded lightly: "Mr. Cui, you don't need to follow me. I can queue up for the audition, and you don't have to do this."

Cui Jingyang frowned: "Waiting for trouble."

"You can go back first."

Cui Jingyang did not speak, but did not leave.

Everyone looked at each other, she was the one who just jumped in line.

But she did not jump in line, but chose to wait here?

Everyone looked at each other, and they all heard the news of the previous president's pretending failure.

This person is just a pity.

Gu Xi bowed her head and walked all the way to the vacant seat, just face to face with Ming Shu.

"Sister..." Gu Xi screamed in surprise: "Are you coming for an audition?"

Ming Shu smiled: "Miss Gu, don't yell, I don't have any sister."

Cui Jingyang's eyes fell on Ming Shu, his eyes cold for an inch, and it was her again!

Why is she here! !

Last time, he hadn't asked her to settle the account, she dared to appear in front of herself.

Mingshu raised his head and slowly raised the corners of his lips, with light ripples in his eyes.

Cui Jingyang's back was inexplicably cold.

He smiled harmlessly, but it made people feel scared.

He had been in the mall for so many years, and he didn't feel that way when facing the old foxes.

Gu Xi found Ming Shu's sight, Liu Mei frowned, but recovered quickly.

"Sister." Gu Xi looked sad: "I know..."

"Stop!" Mingshu raised his hand and yelled: "You and Cui Jingyang block me, what do you pretend to be with me now? Are you tired? Can't we just open the bright spot?"

Gu Xi groaned.

She did not unite with Cui Jingyang, she just hinted intentionally or unintentionally that her existence would block her way.

But how could she know?

"Sister, what are you talking about..." Gu Xi weakly defended.

"What do I say, you don't have a B number or a G number in your heart, don't say it's incomprehensible."

Gu Xi: "..."

If she says she doesn't understand, then she is not human.

But she said that she understood, that is not to admit...

The people around should look over when she called that sister.

The eyes of curiosity and inquiry continued to sweep past them.

Is the president of Hengfeng Group blocking Wendi? Isn't Wendi an artist under Hengfeng Group?

Why did Gu Xi call her sister?

Is it what kind of giants resentment?

Gu Xi wanted to reveal her identity as Gu's stepdaughter...

This status will not bring her any benefits, but will only make her black spots one more place.

Gu Xi's fingers clenched slightly.

"Don't listen to the flute, don't overdo it." Cui Jingyang voiced his support for Gu Xi.

"Compared to you blocking me, little meaning."

Cui Jingyang sneered: "Since you know, dare to fight against me? Miss Wen has good guts!"

Mingshu has no obstacles to respond: "Thank you for the compliment, I also think I have good guts, X always knows the goods."

Cui Jingyang: "..." What is X always doing? ! !

Ahhhhhh! !

He is going to kill this abominable woman!

"No. 26."

The staff shouted there, breaking the strange atmosphere here.

Mingshu got up: "Welcome X to continue to block me, let me see your ability to cover the sky with one hand."

President X... Cui Jingyang Tieqing looked at her and watched Mingshu leave with the staff.

Cui Jingyang reached out his phone and called.

"Why is Wendi in the crew?"

"Mr. Cui......He Dao said hello to us over this matter, and we couldn't, after the audition, we brushed her down to ensure that she would not appear in the crew."

Cui Jingyang was satisfied.

Gu Xi was close, and after hearing their conversation, her lips could not help but bend down.

Mingshu came out after the audition, and Mumu was waiting.

"how about it?"

"Not very good." Mingshu pulled down Liu Hai: "Why haven't you left yet?"

"I... I'm waiting for you." Mumu whispered, "I have to return the clothes to you."

"I've given you, and it's perfect for you."


The posters are so good.


Mingshu left from the other direction and didn't hit Gu Xi and X again.

Three days later, the crew informed her when to enter the group.

Before leaving, Mumu exchanged WeChat with her, and after a few minutes, she received news from Mumu.

She was also selected.

Although it is only an unimportant role.

But she was already very happy to be able to perform in such a show.

[Mumu: What are you playing Sister Wendi? ]

[Wen Di: Why don’t you think I will lose? ]

[Mumu: How come! Your acting skills are obvious to all. I believe that no matter what drama, as long as you are willing to act, there is nothing you can't choose. ]

Wendi looked at the sentence and gave a chew, slowly typing back.

[Wen Di: I play the national teacher. ]

[Mumu: ...national teacher? So... isn't... male second? ]

[Wen Di: Um. ]

[Mumu: Do you play male second? ]

[Wen Di: I didn’t say I couldn’t let a girl play. ]

[Mumu: Amount. ]

It seems to make sense.

[Wen Di: People just want to challenge themselves, otherwise they don’t know how good they are! ]

[Mumu: Amount...]

Mumu's fantasy is not good, although there are many scenes where women feel that they are playing male roles.


After all, it is a minority!

But she was still looking forward to it.

I believe that her acting skills will certainly be competent! !

She believes her!

All selected candidates were notified, Zhou Feifei waited for the left and right, there was no news.

After inquiries, I realized that the heroine gave a new man named Gu Xi.

Zhou Feifei almost fainted.

She was in danger of hearing the flute, who had wanted to be cut off halfway by a stranger.


Mumu: My idol seems to be a bit wrong... Boom Boom! !

Little fairy: No problem! This is your idol!

Mumu: ...Boom.

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