Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1360: Killer first (4)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Shu Xue wondered if he was so angry that he could not speak.

The beautiful eyes stared at Ming Shu, and her beautiful and delicate face was somewhat distorted.

Ming Shu's tone was gentle: "Since it is my home, now, please leave here."

"No? Is she driving us away?"


"What is Shu Xue doing!"

The students had a lot of discussions, and Shu Xue's eyes were even more weird.

Mingshu did not give Shu Xue a chance to speak.

Turned his head to Lawyer Jiang: "Lawyer Jiang, if you don't cooperate, please throw them out."

Lawyer Jiang: "..."

No wonder she had to bring someone over before.

Lawyer Jiang looked at the housekeeper and others and asked Mingshu: "Everyone?"

The **** Shaofa smiled sweetly: "Everyone, one will not stay."

"Shu Ran, how dare you!"

"Why don't I dare, this is my home." Mingshu smiled: "At first, you were brought in, it was for your relatives' sake. Now that you are all anti-guests, I can't drive you out?"


Shu Xue's face stiffened.

This is an irrefutable fact.

If Lawyer Jiang is not here, she can still forcefully say that she is ill and let the housekeeper catch people up.


She looked at the person brought by Lawyer Jiang and felt a bit of hatred in her heart.

How did she contact Lawyer Shangjiang?

"Lawyer Jiang, don't do it yet, waiting for me to come in person?"

Lawyer Jiang reacted and looked at the students who were the easiest to solve.

"Dear students, would you please leave first?"

After all, the students had little experience. In the face of this situation, Lawyer Jiang stood in front of them and many people took the initiative to leave.

But before leaving, Shu Xue's lips were almost broken.

When the group of people left, the villa was quite empty.

"Maid..." Lawyer Jiang was hesitant.

So many servants, all have to be driven away?

"Get out." Ming Shu said: "No one stays."

These servants were all invited by Shu Xue's family. The previous ones had already been replaced.

The servants immediately refused.


"We have done a good job, why should we drive away? Miss Shu Xue, the housekeeper..."

Mingshu smiled and said: "Don't worry, they will walk with you, you can still continue to work for them."

"Give you half an hour to pack things up, if you don't pack them well, don't blame Lawyer Jiang for throwing you out."

Lawyer Jiang: "..." Xin Xi brought a lot of people over for fear of an accident.

The servants looked at the housekeeper for help.

Working here is not only easy, but the salary is also high.

They certainly don't want to leave.

The housekeeper had just reported to Shu Xue's parents that they should be back soon.

He tried to delay the time: "Miss Shu Ran, we are also for you..."

Ming Shu made a decisive voice: "Let him shut up."

Lawyer Jiang: "..."

He is a lawyer, not a thug! !


A group of stewards and Shu Xue stood outside the villa and practiced the night breeze, blowing them into the back with cold.

"What about the housekeeper?"

"You say something, butler, what should we do now?"

The housekeeper scowled with a calm face: "Shut up!"

He looked at Shu Xue: "Miss, I have notified Mr. and Mrs."

Shu Xue's face was extremely poor, and she gritted her teeth: "Isn't she crazy? Why did she contact lawyer Shangjiang!!!"

In Shu Xue's impression, even when the madman was sober, he had not been as strategic as he was tonight, and he had the world's momentum.

She dared to kick herself out!

"Miss Shu Ran... will it be pretended?" The housekeeper whispered his guess.

"Pretend?" Shu Xue looked at the housekeeper, seemingly figured out something: "She must be pretending, otherwise how could it suddenly become like this!"

Seeing Shu Xue excited, the housekeeper quickly pulled her: "Miss, let's wait until Mr. and Mrs. come back."

"Yes! Wait for my father and mother to come back." Shu Xue suppressed his anger: "Even if she is not crazy, she will make her crazy!"

"Miss, please whisper."

There are many servants behind.

Shu Xue nodded to show that she knew.

Standing outside the villa is not the same thing.

So Shu Xue decided to go to his parents to buy their own property.

Shu Xue felt that she would definitely go back, so the servants took them.

Shu Xue's house is not large, so many servants stand a little crowded.

She returned to the room upset and asked the butler to arrange them.


The villa was a mess.

The villa that was full of sensation before appeared extremely deserted at this time.

Lawyer Jiang stood in this mess and looked at the girl eating on the sofa.

"Miss Shu Ran, your illness..."

"I'm not sick." Mingshu took the time to answer, "They are also forced."

Lawyer Jiang's heart sank.

As a lawyer, all kinds of bizarre lawsuits have been taken over.

So listening to Mingshu said this, he already guessed a rough idea.

The Shu family has a great cause, leaving an orphan girl.

Lawyer Jiang asked: "You mean, they drive you crazy? No, you were pretending to be crazy?"

Mingshu smiled at him: "I still have some medicines upstairs, you can collect them and test them."

Lawyer Jiang's heart jumped.

He went up and collected the medicine himself.

Lawyer Jiang came down again and sat across from Mingshu: "If so, you are doing something reckless today."

"Then according to your plan, shouldn't I just collect the evidence that they harm me?"

"Uh..." Isn't it?

Ming Shu smiled with his lips: "Lawyer Jiang, this is my home. I want to chase them out, so I can chase them out."

"But if they get into trouble, you won't be able to produce evidence at that time, you will be in the dominance of public opinion."

"So I called you in."


But you are now driving people out! !

Shu Xue's parents must have known it!

It's all stunned!

"It's all been a person who saw me in the past few years. You go to catch that person."

"Catch..." Lawyer Jiang choked: "Miss Shu Ran, I am a lawyer!"

"Well, you can ask people to do it." Mingshu doesn't matter: "Do big things without being overly strict, don't let them take the lead."

Lawyer Jiang: "..."

Irrespective of me, I am a lawyer, Irrespective of me, I am a lawyer...

Lawyer Jiang repeatedly read it several times.

Shu Ran’s parents were kind to him... he had also suspected it at first, but the doctor he brought did give a mental illness.

At that time, Shu Ran trusted her uncle very much.

So he could hardly communicate with her too much.

He was originally an outsider, too much control, others will think that he conspiracy.



Little fairy: Do you know how the villains died?

Little angel: died of talking too much?

Little Fairy: Wrong!

little angel:? ? ?

Little fairy: They were starved to death, thinking they met Mingshu!

Little angel: ...Although it makes no sense, it cannot be refuted.

Little Fairy: Vote!

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