Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1365: Killer first (9)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

It was only after Yi Qiao arrived at the villa that lawyer Jiang knew what was going on, and the villa was in disarray, waiting to be cleaned up.

When Shu Hang did this to Mingshu, Yi Qiao was angry and distressed.

Anyway, Shu Hang is also her uncle, how can she do such a heartbroken thing?

"Why not call the police?"

Lawyer Jiang shook his head: "There is not enough evidence, Miss Shu Ran takes the medicine, and the attending doctor has not found it for the time being. Based on our subjective guess, the alarm is useless."

"Then forget it?" Yi Qiao said angrily: "Shu Hang, is he human?"

Lawyer Jiang is accustomed to seeing his relatives fight for their property, and their relatives and friends are somewhat numb.

"Miss Shu Ran should have her own ideas."

Yi Qiao thought that the little girl he had seen, the snow-white little ball, had grown so big.

Mr. Yi Qiao and Mr. Jiang said for a while, Mr. Jiang got up and said goodbye.

Yiqiao began to deal with the villainous mess.

Although I haven't done it for two years, I have done it for so many years, but I still get started quickly.

When Mingshu returned, the villa had been completely renovated, and there were a few strange servants.

"Miss." Yi Qiao put down his hand and came alive.

Mingshu nodded and walked inside: "Is dinner ready?"

"Well, it's all ready."

But it's just asking a chef to come back, there are things and materials, no trouble.

While eating, Yi Qiao turned around and asked her about her illness.

Mingshu may be in a good mood and respond well.

Knowing that Mingshu was fine, Yi Qiao was silent for a while, and then he smiled and said, "If it's okay, it's okay."

"Since Miss is all right, then this Miss School will still need to pick it up."

Yi Qiao said, somehow he turned to school.

Mingshu: "???

I am just a quiet heir.

What school to go to!

I go to school more than you eat!

"I checked before. Changming High School is close to us. The teaching quality is not bad. The young lady can go there."

Then I was asking a tutor for the young lady. With her intelligence, she would quickly catch up! "

"Uncle Yi." Mingshu said with a long heart: "I just want to be a dude."

"Miss, if you want to inherit the Shu family's property in the future, how can you study more, otherwise how to manage?"


Isn't that just managing the company?

I have managed in one country, what's so difficult! Anyone who doesn’t obey will be reasonable!


Yi Qiao didn't know that Mingshu had been through the vicissitudes of life, so he resolutely went through the admission procedures for Mingshu.

Yiqiao's mobility is really nothing to say.


Lawyer Jiang has done the same.

Shu Hang will return everything that can be returned. Anything that has not been found will be converted into cash.

Shu Hang has also made a lot of money by relying on the company over the years.

But after calculating these things, Shu Hang's money fell sharply.

The family lives in Shu Xue's more than two hundred flat house.

For ordinary people, a house of more than 200 square meters may be large enough.

But for a person who lives in a villa and has such a large room, it should not be too small.

Those servants are naturally useless.

Even if they still have money to ask, there is no place for them to live.

So Shu Hang sent away his servants.

Only the butler is left.

Shu Xue pierced Mingshu many times in his heart, and it was all the lunatics.

"Xue'er, are you okay? You haven't come to school for several days, we are all worried about you."

Just after getting off the bus, Shu Xue was surrounded by several girls.

Shu Xue smiled barely: "It's okay."

"How do you take a taxi to school?" Someone asked curiously, "What about your driver?"

Shu Xue's face was stiff and a little embarrassed: "I... the driver is sick today and can't send me."

The cars that I drove at home were all owned by Shu Ran.

Later I bought it from Shu Ran's account.

Shu Hang had a car, he wanted to use it, there was no way to send her.

"That's it..." The girls didn't doubt it: "Have you solved your previous problems?"

"Um... solved... come to class, go in."

Shu Xue perfunctoryly went to the school quickly.

Thinking of being in the classroom, facing so many classmates, with a skeptical look, Shu Xue was in a terrible mood.

Several girls looked at each other, followed her in, and the topic jumped to the other.

As soon as Shu Xue entered the classroom, she saw Ming Shu sitting in the classroom.

Her back sweated out with cold sweat.

Why is she here?

Mingshu also felt that Yiqiao was intentional.

How could there be such a coincidence, just in Shu Xue's class?

Shu Xue turned and wanted to go, but was pushed in half by the people behind.

Those girls obviously also saw Mingshu.

"Huh... isn't this Xueer's cousin?"

"Why is she here? She isn't..." Is her brain sick?

"new student?"

Someone nearby gave them science.

Shu Xue grabbed the schoolbag and hanged his head toward his seat.

The curious eyes of the classmates around him kept turning between the two.

Since the incident that happened in the villa, Shu Xue has not been to school for so many days, of course they are curious.

Was the villa of Shu Xue's house or the cousin's?

Jingle Bell--

The teacher stepped on the bell and asked Mingshu to introduce himself, and then started the class.

Many people's eyes were drifting towards Mingshu, but the latter was lying on the table and sleeping, and had no intention of ignoring people.

At the end of the get out of class, some people came to Mingshu to brush their sense of presence.

Mingshu treats others politely, but if you say a few words to her, you will not continue.

She can always talk to death.

Shu Xue has been sitting in her own position, facing the concerns of her classmates, she either shook her head or said nothing.

It was hard to come to school after all.

Shu Xue packed her school bag and hurriedly left the classroom.

"Eh, Xueer, you wait for us!"


The girls with Shu Xue quickly caught up.

The other students in the classroom exchanged glances.

Mingshu threw the book casually under the table, carrying the pink and tender bag bought by Yi Qiao and leaving with a schoolbag full of snacks.

"You said that Shu Xue's villa, who is it?"

"Today I saw her coming to school and coming by taxi. It was our new classmate who was sent by the driver."

"Isn't it really Shu Xue who describes others' villas as himself, pretending to be rich?"

"No, you see Shu Xue usually wears famous brands, and shopping is unambiguous."

"You didn't go, you don't know, we were all kicked out at the time, don't mention the shame."

"Don't you say they are not cousins?"

"That Shu Ran heard that he still has mental illness..."

Students who didn't go to the villa heard this and covered their mouths in surprise.

"No, there is mental illness, then follow us in a class, what if you get sick?"

"Yeah, I'm sick, be careful I beat you guys."

The few people who gathered together discussed stiffly at the same time, looking awkwardly at an unknown time, and walked to Mingshu next to them.

Mingshu passed with a smile.

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