Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1367: Killer first (11)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

As for tutoring or something, Mingshu spoke casually, not wanting to learn at all.

But she never expected it.

Easy housekeeper is also a man of God.

As if expecting that she would not bring books back, from elementary school to high school, all kinds of teaching materials have been prepared for a room for you to choose.

Xuan Ge took some papers in.

"You do it first, let me see your level."

Mingshu clicked and ate the potato chips. After ten seconds, he moved the potato chips to the table.

There was only one chair, Xuange let her sit, he walked to the window and stood.

Mingshu bit the pen, ruled out the correct answer first, and then filled in a mess.

"All right."

Xuan Ge returned to God and used to take a scroll to watch.

The room is a bit quiet.

After Xuan Ge finished reading all the papers, he put the paper in front of her in silence.

"You are mostly wrong."

"Hmm..." She had tried very hard to eliminate the mistakes that seemed less mentally retarded.

"This is the first grade test."

Mingshu: "..."

She said how simple it is, thinking that the teaching level of this world is like this...

and many more……

Isn’t this a printed junior three simulation?

"I didn't read it on the second day of the junior year, and I won't do anything wrong."

If I did everything right, what would your tutor do?

Is it easy for me to make the wrong question!

Xuan Ge gave her a glance, supported the table with one hand, and began to give her a lecture.

He lowered his head slightly, his fingers pointed at the test paper, and his voice didn't hurry.

Like him, with a little careless laziness.

Even if they were so close, Mingshu could not smell anything on him.

It seems that he is an object, not a person.

The killer...

The tutoring ends at 8pm.

Yi Qiao arranged a room for Xuan Ge and will stay here in the future.

Yi Qiao and Xuan Ge obviously have an'unjust' relationship.

But Mingshu observed for two days, and didn't see anything.

There is very little communication between Yi Qiao and Xuan Ge, it is not necessary, neither of them can speak.

Although Xuan Ge lives in the villa, he will never show up until the tuition time.

This little goblin looks like a person... Actually, there is no humanity in his bones.


Xuan Ge did not expect that in the middle of the night, someone would sit on the dark stairs.

When he came up, he was in front of someone.

Xuan Ge subconsciously tightened his body, his hand quickly touched the gun behind his waist.

They couldn't see each other's expressions. In the darkness, there was only the blurred outline of the two.

He hadn't spoken yet, and the people on the stairs uttered first: "Did you walk silently, is it a ghost?"

Do you want to scare me to inherit my snacks?

Xuan Ge: "..."

Sitting here in the middle of the night is even more suspicious!

Mingshu spoke, and the lights in the corridor lit up, dispelling the darkness.

Xuan Ge stood a few steps down, and Mingshu's eyes fell instantly on his waist immersed in the dull traces.

"Are you hurt?" Ming Shu stood up in one stroke and stepped in front of him in two steps.

Xuan Ge took a step back, and her height was exactly the same as hers.

He let go of the hand holding the gun and covered his waist with his hand, covering the blood.

He didn't show a half of the color, and even frowned.

"Small injury." He said: "I'll go back to the room first."

Xuan Ge staggered her and walked to her room.

"Don't die in my villa," Ming Shu said: "It's very troublesome to deal with the body."

Xuan Ge: "..."

"Will not."

Mingshu kept up with him: "How do you know it won't, in case it hangs? What if the police suspect that I killed you? Should you write a suicide note?"

Xuan Ge: "..." Is she eager to die?

Xuan Ge went to his room, and Ming Shu followed him.

"Miss Shu Ran, what are you doing with me?"

"I'm afraid you touch the porcelain."


"I'm fine."

Ming Shu aimed at his waist, and the dull color penetrated more than just now.

Xuan Ge remained silent for a few seconds and pushed the door open.

The room in the villa has been seen by Ming Shu. This room is the same as before. It seems that no one has lived there.

Xuan Ge took off his trench coat to reveal the black shirt inside.

He took a box from the drawer and handed it to Mingshu: "Miss Shuran, please."

Mingshu: "???

You are welcome! ?

Xuan Ge sat down and lifted off his clothes. The wound seemed to be stabbed by something, and the flesh turned outwards, and blood oozed out.

Mingshu opened the box, which contained disinfectant alcohol and simple medical tools.

"Why should I save you?"

"I died here, don't you want to cause you trouble?" Xuan Ge blocked Ming Shu's words.

Mingshu looked at his wound, crouched down, and treated him.

Alcohol wiped the wound, and Xuan Ge still didn't change color.

Mingshu looked at him several times. He looked at the void, and seemed to feel no pain.

"You all work so dangerous?"

Xuan Ge's eyes were low, falling on Mingshu's pale side.

"Fortunately, this is not the case today."

Mingshu said with a huh: "This is because you are not good at learning, and you are not capable."

Xuan Ge: "..."

He pursed some dry lips: "Aren't you afraid?"

His profession, what he does, until now he appears in front of her with injuries, is she not afraid?

Normal people should not be such a reaction.

"I'm afraid of death."

Xuan Ge didn't see any fear in her face.

What a strange person.

Mingshu threw away the blood-stained alcohol sponge, put on good medicine, and began to wrap gauze.

Gauze went around his waist, and Mingshu needed to be very close to get there.

Mingshu went around several times.

Finally tie a knot.

"I tell you……"

Mingshu's voice sighed and looked out the window.

Xuan Ge followed him, and the curtains pulled, and he could see nothing.

Almost at the same time, Mingshu threw Xuange down, the two fell on the carpet, the bullets passed through the glass and curtains, and shot over their heads.

Xuan Ge heard the girl say: "You and that Su Qi, is it a disaster star, my glass is very expensive!"

Xuan Ge was silent for a few seconds, pulling her arm and pulling her from the body to the side.

He drew the gun and told her: "Hide."

His voice had just fallen, and there was another sound of broken glass.

The bullet hit the sofa in front of Xuan Ge.

"Do people outside have perspective eyes?" Mingshu squatted behind.

"Almost." Xuan Ge pulled her back and said, "Your bodyguard should hear the sound, and you'll run out later."

Mingshu said nothing, Xuange only when she agreed.

He released his hand and quickly approached the window.

Xu Shi was useless to know how to hide, and simply opened the curtains.

Without the curtains, Mingshu could see the outside.

Mingshu looked at a big tree some distance away from here, and the bright X was as obvious as he wanted to be.

It's a guiding light in the night.

Mingshu felt the malice of Tianqi Tower again. How could she keep her serious and laughed every minute!

Mingshu glanced at Xuan Ge, slipped to the door, and left the room.

The bodyguard is running up the stairs.

"Miss, what happened?"

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