Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1369: Killer first (13)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu came back from school the next day, Xuan Ge counted the time she came back, took things in and made up for the lesson.

Mingshu's eyes fell to his waist.

Doesn't this little goblin hurt?

It’s like a person...

There was an extra chair in the room, and Xuange sat on that chair.

"Make up physics today." Xuan Ge put down the book.


Mingshu aimed at him while listening to him.

Two hours of make-up time each day, Mingshu wanders for a while, looking at the beauty of the goblin, the time has passed.

After Xuan Ge finished, he packed up and left.

"Are you going to change medicine?"

Xuan Ge glanced at her, not knowing what she thought: "That's trouble, Miss Shu Ran."

Mingshu: "..."

Your tone does not mean a little trouble.

The medicine was in Xuange's room, and Mingshu followed him to the room.

The broken glass yesterday has been replaced with a new one.

Xuan Ge was sitting on the bed with his hands behind his back, and the other hand flicked the dress to reveal the bandaged waist.

Mingshu removed the bandage and reapplied the medicine.

She suddenly reached for the edge of the wound.

The fingers were caught, the clothes slipped off, and they rested on the hands that the two were shaking.

Mingshu looked up at him: "I thought you didn't hurt."

Xuan Ge's fingers are slightly loose: "Why don't you hurt your body and body?"

"I didn't see it."

Xuan Ge lifted his clothes again, and his tone was faint: "I am used to it."

Mingshu blinked: "Do you often get hurt?"


Mingshu looked up at him.

Xuan Ge's loose eyes met her, and he opened his lips slightly: "I am very powerful."

Mingshu said with a loud voice: "I really didn't see it."

Xuan Ge: "..."

This injury was an accident!

Of course he didn't say anything, just kept silent.

Mingshu changed his medicine and put on a bandage again.

She crossed her arms around his waist as if to hug him.

Xuan Ge is a little bit uncomfortable going back.

"Don't move, are you bothered!"

Xuan Ge: "..."

After tying the bandage, Mingshu throws things away: "You can pack it yourself."

Xuan Ge watched Mingshu leave, and his thoughts were somewhat empty.

Sometimes she seems to be very passionate about herself, sometimes she is cold, just like now...

She can leave without any attachment.

Xuan Ge got rid of the inexplicable idea in his head.

She has no nostalgia, what does it have to do with herself.

He just promised Uncle Yi to protect her.

Xuan Ge cleaned the room and checked the gun again to make sure there was no problem.

He thought about it and contacted Wei Yi.

Xuan Ge leaned on the bed: "What happened to Su Qi's wound?"

"Good recovery, boss, where are you?"

"Be a task."

"Is it dangerous?" Wei Yi said: "Do you need us?"

"No need." Xuan Ge refused altogether. He paused and said, "Bai Hao came to see me yesterday. You pay attention to his recent movements. What news tells me."


Wei Yi scolded over there.

Then the voice became Su Qi: "Boss, Bai Hao, bastard, traitor! I'm going to kill him!"

"You lie back to me!" Wei Yi snatched the phone back: "Boss, the organization will definitely not let us go, we might as well start with the strong first."

"No, you just need to pay attention to Bai Hao."

Xuan Ge said firmly.

He confessed two sentences and hung up the phone.

Just as he was about to sleep, the maid knocked on the door and came in.

"Mr. Xuan, Miss made us make supper just now. The girl said that you can't finish the waste and let you bring it up."

Xuan Ge was stunned.

After a moment nodded: "Let's put it down."

The maid put the things on the table, and Xuan Ge waited for the maid to leave before getting up and walking over.

He glanced at the contents of the bowl, it was stewed soup, which was able to stew to this least for several hours.

It can't be done.

Of course, it may be that she had already ordered what to eat for supper.

But drinking soup in the evening...She has a special hobby.

Xuan Ge didn't want to eat, he didn't have the habit of eating supper.

But finally drank the soup.

In the next few days, Mingshu will change his medicine every day.

The servant always sent him something with different excuses.

One time it may really be that she can't finish it, two times it may be that she can't finish it, but three times four times...


This morning at school, Mingshu and Shu Xue met at the school gate.

Shu Xue snorted and stepped on small leather shoes, like the proud little peacock, and entered the school.

Mingshu calmly took a bite to grab the cake and followed into the school.

In the classroom, Mingshu did not see Shu Xue.

She sat down on the seat and someone came over to collect her homework. Her voice was weak, as if she was afraid that Mingshu would hit her: "That... handed in... handed in."

"Has homework?" Mingshu asked the student blankly.

All the snacks in her schoolbag are there for homework.

Classmate: "..."

"Lend me to copy."

Ming Shu smiled brightly and his eyes were clear, as if he were in the warm breeze of the spring breeze.

That classmate's heartbeat slightly accelerated, how could she smile so beautifully...

She took out an assignment and put it down: "Hurry up...the class will start soon."

Turn around immediately after you finish talking to collect other students.

Mingshu finished his homework and just happened to be in class, Shu Xue stepped on the bell.

She glanced at Mingshu and sat back to her position with a cold face.

Mingshu received a letter when get out of class was over.

The classmates brought in from outside.

Her name is written on it.

It looks like a love letter.

Mingshu: "?"

Can I still receive love letters?


To be honest, classmates like her with mental illness are excluded from this group of classmates.

Even if there is any activity in the class, she will not be called, let alone the hearsay of the other class, which has spread rumors.

It is estimated that in the eyes of other classes, she is a snake sperm disease that will go crazy anytime, anywhere.

Receiving the love letter, it was like the sun hit the west side.

Ming Shu opened the letter.

It is indeed a love letter, which is still very poetic.

Finally I asked her to meet at the rockery behind the school on Friday.

Behind the name of a boy.

The corners of Mingshu's mouth rose slightly.


There are people who dare to write love letters to me.


After school in the afternoon, Ming Shu slowly walked out of the school.

Shu Xue and several girls walked in front of her.

The discussion of the girls floated to Mingshu's ears.

"Xueer, have you changed your car recently? What about your previous car?"

"Uh... there is a problem, it's sent for repair."

The girls asked casually, not entangled with this issue.

From the teaching building to the school entrance, I don't know how many topics have been changed.

When approaching the school gate, Shu Xue pretended to answer the phone: "Late? Okay, okay, I'll just go home by taxi."

"What's wrong, Cher?"

"The driver is stuck in traffic." Shu Xue smiled.

"Shall I take my car?" a girl suggested.

"No need." Shu Xue quickly refused, where she lives now, where dare to let them send.

"It's okay, I used to rub your car before." The girl dragged Shu Xue to the side: "Xue'er, you don't dislike my car, don't you have yours?"

"No... no."

Just when Shu Xue was making excuses, a black car drove slowly and stopped in front of Shu Xue.

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