Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1389: Elf Acolyte (2)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!


Everyone heard this voice.

Suddenly quiet in the valley.

The breeze blew across the ground, and the ripples like lake water swayed from their feet to the distance.

Rustle ——

Bright red blood dripped, and the blades of grass were stained red.

Everyone thought it was Jun Yinyin who stabbed in the Mingshu, but Jun Yinyin was free to know, no.

She did not stabb her.

It's herself...

The dark magician hung his head slightly, and the large black robe wrapped her petite body, and the hem was shaken by the breeze.

Her fingers moved slightly and her arms were raised.

In the eyes of everyone, this action seems to be pressed the slow release button.

An invisible oppression came from the dark magician.

Everyone involuntarily took a step back.

They looked at each other.

Seeing confusion and confusion in their respective eyes.

Even a magician, stabbed in the heart... will die.

But she could still act.

Mingshu slowly pulled out the vine, and with her movements, many people changed their faces.

Has the Dark Magician's magic been so powerful?

Doesn't the heart stab?


How could there be such magic!

They would rather believe that Jun Yinyin was deviated.

The end of the vine is still in Jun Yinyin's hand, and Mingshu forcefully pulls it, and Jun Yinyin is thrown out directly, falling on a big tree.

Jun Yinyin's screaming was like pulling the horn of this feast.

The dark magician had only a fearful dark breath on his body.

She is a demon crawling out of hell.


Under the activities of Mingshu, there were people lying and moaning all over the floor.

She stretched.

Much more comfortable.

Mingshu touched the little beast and rubbed two. The little beep jumped out of her hand and rolled into the grass.

Mingshu: "..."

Even the dog ignored me!

"Jun Shang..." Jun Yinyin was lying on the ground, trying to raise his head at this time: "What the **** are you?"

The man just now...

How could it be Jun Shang?

Before they dealt with her in the heyday, they did not see her so... terrible.

Not great.

Is terrible.

It seems that only this word can describe her just now.

But at this moment... there was no such terrible power in her.

Mingshu thought about it, and the lines were constantly crossed out from his mind, and finally he uttered a sentence: "I am the existence you look up to."

The person next to Jun Yinyin roared: "Jun Chang you a devil!"

Mingshu made an elegant courteous posture: "Thank you for the compliment."

"You must not die."

Ming Shu was surprised: "Do you still want to experience the package just now?"

I die for a while, the consequences are very serious.


The scene just now, they are afraid of it now.

Even Jun Yinyin's face turned white several times.

Mingshu walked out of the corpses of this group of people, took out snacks from Harmony, and looked for something to eat nearby.

She went around in a circle.

When I went back, I found that the person who was lying on the ground just now was less than half, and all of them were in different places...

The scene is very bloody.

Obviously retreating silently.

Whoever is so unscrupulous does not bury the dead.

It is environmentally friendly without killing people.

"Jun Shang!"

An angry voice sounded from behind.

Ming Shu looked back and saw a few people rushing out of the forest. Seeing this scene, all of them looked angry.


Ming Shu took a bite and was surprised by the fruit in his hand.

"That... I said it wasn't me, did you believe it?"

"Jun Shang, you are so mad and killing so many magicians, you are almost inhuman!"


"The dark magician really didn't have a good thing!"

The other party scolded strongly.

Mingshu clicked and gnawed the fruit: "Well, you should be the one I killed."

Such things as black pot, really get used to it.

Anyway, they can’t see me, but they can’t do it!

Everyone: "..."

What did she just say?

They looked at each other and got answers from their own eyes.

They are not auditory.

"I will kill you!"

The magician's singing began, followed by a continuous flame, pressing down towards her like a net.

Mingshu raised his hand, and the black magic seemed to emerge from her hand and hit the flame.

The crackling sound, the airflow collided and surged, and spread out.

The trees around were cut off by the waist and fell to the ground.

Mingshu blocked the flame and immediately backed away.

Exit the attack area, turn around and run: "You chase me!"

Everyone: "?????"

Several magicians didn't expect this operation of Mingshu, and they froze for a few seconds.

One of them shouted loudly and chased out: "Stop!"

"I won't stop, you chase me!"

The voice in front came back, echoing in the valley.

Mingshu ran a distance, and the people behind her were no longer visible.

She took a breath and was hunted down as soon as she arrived. This treatment is really good.

Mingshu found a place to sit down.

She didn't see that when she sat down, there was mist extending towards her.

In a blink of an eye, the scenery in the distance is no longer visible.

Mingshu noticed that the fog and the line of sight had been shortened to ten meters.

The distance was indistinct, as if covered with a veil, everything became hazy.

Mingshu looked up and looked around.

What is this stuff?

Where is this?

Who am I, where am I, what am I doing!

After Mingshu three questions, Lisuo stood up.

The speed of the fog did not seem fast, but at this moment, Mingshu couldn't even see the hazy outline.

Mingshu found that the elements in the mist were rich.

Even the dark elements are particularly active.

But this is exactly what makes people feel weird.

Dark elements and other elements do not get along peacefully. Generally, where there are dark elements, other elements are very weak, or even not.

And where the other elements are rich, no dark elements will appear.

But the dark elements in these mists coexist with other elements.

Does it seem to get along well?

There was dense fog all around, and Mingshu couldn't tell the direction. His fingers shook randomly and chose to go in one direction.

No change underfoot.

There were no monsters in the fog, or something to deal with.

These mists are endless.

Mingshu didn't remember how long he had walked, and finally he was too lazy to leave, so he sat there.


The sound of metal impact came from the mist.

Then the man's rude voice came.

"What the **** is this, how long have we been away, why haven't we gone out yet?"

A vigilant reminder: "This mist is so weird, everyone be careful!"

The rude voice was a little annoyed: "Isn't that the ghost of Jun Shang?"

Suddenly named, Ming Shu politely replied: "It's really not me who disappointed you."

"Jun Shang!"

The fog was too thick, and the people over there couldn't see them. They could only rely on the voice to be alert to Mingshu.

Mingshu greeted with a smile: "Meet again."

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