Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1410: Elf Attendant (23)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Yes Yes Yes."

Mingshu perverted him and pushed him inside.

"What are you pushing me to do, I know I'm leaving, do you hear me?"

"Hear, hear."


Lian Sui sat depressed inside, she knew to bully herself, and she would not bully her unless she had a good temper.

When Lian Sui was upset, Mingshu returned, with a tray in his hand.

He looked up slightly at Mingshu, who lowered the tray and lowered his eyebrows to fiddle with the tableware.

She tried the temperature and then handed it to Lian Sui's mouth.

Lian Sui stared at her in a daze.

"Don't eat it?" Mingshu raised his eyebrows. "I won't eat it."

Lian Sui had a spoon in her mouth, and her wet eyes glared at her, so she wouldn't give it to you!

There is no deterrent at all.

It's just selling cuteness.

Ming Shu: "..." This little goblin is fouling old!

Take a deep breath!


Ming Shu calmly fed Lian Sui.

What she feeds, Lian will eat what she eats, but he will frown when he doesn’t like it, and then swallow it hard. Don’t be aggrieved.

After swallowing, there was a little chuckle on his face, like a child who got candy.

Ming Shu sighed.

It's all life.

Who let this be her goblin.


The news of the dark magician in the city spread like wildfire.

The place where Mingshu lived was focused on by the magician, and some people went to trouble, under the slogan of eradicating the dark magician.

The result was naturally beaten by Ming Shu.

After beating much, no one would dare to go up to death.

Naturally, after Jun Yinyin's efforts, Mingshu's name also spread.

Two years ago, her wanted order was turned over. The tags of murderous devil and cruelty returned to her again.

It is also a raccoon dog with the Nine Nether of the Dark Temple.

The thing about the valley was obviously not clarified after the group of people from the Jun family came out.

Those who died, eventually became the murder of her collusion with Jiu You.

But apart from verbally condemning her, they dare not do anything else, because they can't beat it.

A few days passed quickly, and at the agreed meeting time, Ming Shu passed Lian Sui.

The meeting point is outside the city.

When Mingshu arrived, many people were already there.

"How did she come?"

"What is she doing here..."

"Jun Shang..."

Mingshu passed, the crowd took the initiative to stay away from her, all eyes were alert, pointing at her.

Mingshu didn't care, he found a place to stand.

After a few minutes, the temple team came slowly.

Jun Yinyin took the people and followed the temple team.

The carriage of the temple stopped and Fangxi came out from inside. Fangxi's appearance was a bit bleak compared with the elves Yuanfei beside Jun Yinyin.

"God makes Lord."

Fang Xi bowed his head and stood in front. He did not speak, but waited for a carriage in the back.

Qu Qingge took Qianye down from the carriage. He glanced at Fangxi, and he was a few meters away from him quickly. His eyes were searching for Mingshu in the crowd.

There is no need to look for it. Mingshu is empty and you can see it at a glance.

Fang Xi's eyes were obscure and his voice was low, and asked the people next to him: "Are you all here?"

"Almost." The man answered.

"Master God." Jun Yinyin took Yuan Fei forward and pointed to Mingshu. "She is a dark magician and doesn't know what she wants to do here."

Fangxi naturally saw Mingshu.

As soon as I saw her, I thought about what happened two years ago.

In the past two days, the town was full of her news. Fang Xi heard that she had called out all the troublemakers.

And the magic scepter in her hand...

"Let's kill the dark magician, won't she come as a spy?"

"Master God, please take her sanctions!"

"God makes Lord..."

Fang Xi raised his hand and gradually quieted down.

He looked to Mingshu, and Shen Sheng asked, "Jun Shang, what do you want to do?"

"I want to be with you." Ming Shu answered with a smile.

Fang Xi: "???

Fang Xi's eyes narrowed, "You are a dark magician, don't you think you are here at this time, is it inappropriate?"

"Oh..." Mingshu paused for a few seconds and smiled, "Do you want to beat me collectively?"

Fang Xi: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Is she provoking?

Lift the table!

She is provoking them!

In two years, who knows where she has grown up. Fang Xi remembered his main purpose of coming here, and he should not lose his strength at this time.

But letting a dark magician linger in the ranks will damage the majesty of the temple.

"Master God?" Jun Yinyin called out.

Fang Xi looked back, he looked at the crowd and said, "Our purpose this time is to destroy the dark magician in the labyrinth forest, which should not be consumed at this time."

This is a euphemistic expression, not to fight Mingshu.

"Master God, do you want Jun Shang to follow us?" someone asked.

"She is a dark magician, and she must be with those people!"

"That is, she must be resolved first!"

Fang Xi's expression remained unchanged, "Who would you like to eradicate her for everyone?"

The shouting crowd suddenly calmed down.

"Isn't this the responsibility of the temple?" someone murmured.

Fang Xi seemed to anticipate such a scene, beckoning to let everyone gather in the past.

Mingshu stood outside, not knowing what they murmured.

Qu Qingge didn't blend in, glancing across the crowd and Mingshu, he said innocently-I didn't participate in anything, I didn't know anything.

In the end, the group of people calmed down, and even Jun Yinyin didn't continue to be a demon, just sneered at her, then took Yuan Fei back to his team.

"Everyone is ready to enter the confused forest."

After Fang Xi said this, he returned to the carriage.

The team of the temple opened in the front, and the rest consciously followed.

Qu Qingge quietly retreated to the end and walked with Mingshu.

"Are you really here?" Her movements have been a bit big recently.

"Why not come."

Qu Qingge's mouth twitched, "Are you not afraid that this group of people really besieged you here?"

"I'm not afraid of them."

Qu Qingge: "..."

Come on, you are a big brother, you are amazing.

"Be careful, Fangxi will definitely find a way to deal with you." Qu Qingge reminded her.

"That couldn't be better."


He really doesn't understand the big brother's thinking.

Is it better to be dealt with by someone?

"That X... Fangxi hasn't given up on you yet?" Mingshu suddenly gossip.

"..." Without mentioning this, we are still friends.

Qu Qingge took a deep breath, "I don't know what he thinks, but fortunately my identity is here, he dare not treat me."



Fang Xi: Why should I be single!

Little fairy: People you like don't like you.

Fang Xi: Have you ever heard of Qianghaohaoduo? Please arrange one for me!

Little fairy: I like the name Qu Qingge.

Fang Xi: So?

Little Fairy: So I decided to help Qu Qingge.

Fang Xi: Isn't my name your name? ? ? ?

Little fairy: I took it, but I don't necessarily like it.

Fang Xi: Why don't you get me a nice one?

Little Fairy: It's nice if you have a name.

Fangxi Su.

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