Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1412: Elf Attendant (25)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!


A scream came from a distance, waking Mingshu.

Qu Qingge has stood up and looked in the direction of the sound.

The scream was terribly miserable, but after disappearing, it fell into silence again.

There was a fire on the ground, the fire swayed, the surrounding light was extinguished, and the shadows cast were like ghosts and claws.

Qu Qingge walked across from Mingshu and saw her awake, whispering: "The voice just seemed not far from us."

Mingshu's eyes fell on the darkness, "something is coming."

Qu Qingge was surprised and quickly asked, "What is it."

"I don't know." Mingshu got up, put away the snacks next to him, and pulled back after holding Lian Sui.

Qu Qingge didn't have much to pack up. Seeing Ming Shu retreat, she immediately followed her.

He looked back, there was silence in the darkness, and he felt nothing.

However, just a few meters away, a sudden burst of magical light erupted in the darkness.

A figure rushed out of the light.


Like a silent world, the sound was suddenly turned on by someone.

The crying and crying for help cleared away in the forest like a ghost crying and howling.

Qu Qingge was shocked, he didn't see exactly what was chasing them behind.

The magic maze seems to have lost its effect at this time. They passed all the way, and the surrounding scenes did not change.

"Jun Chang, what's behind!!" Qu Qingge shouted.

"You stop and wait, you know what it is."

The voice of the girl came from the front, without hurrying, even more abrupt in the world of howling and howling.

Where does Qu Qingge dare to wait, hate how long the two legs are to catch up with Mingshu.

I don't know how long I ran, and the howling sound gradually subsided.


There was a short cry from behind.

Then came the cry of surprise, "The temple is the man of the temple!"

Qu Qingge walked slightly.

Entering the maze forest, he was separated from the temple people. Mingshu was the first person he met.

He looked back, the magic ball of light hung in the air, and the iconic clothes of the temple were particularly conspicuous.

Fangxi was surrounded by people.

"what happened?"

"I don't know. I only ran when I saw them running," someone answered.

The people who ran one after another were panting, but the answers were almost the same, and they ran because they saw someone running.

What's behind is unclear.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while.

Of course, this does not blame them. After all, when they run away, they can always hear screams.

After entering the forest, the situation inside was completely different from what they knew.

The map is also useless. Some people have even experienced what Mingshu had experienced before, personally killing people they know well.

There are probably more than a dozen people gathered together, and the group of people in the temple is not small.

"Qingge Goddess." Someone had sharp eyes and saw Qu Qingge standing not far away.

"Some of us are injured, could you please treat me?"

Qu Qingge looked back, and the person who had just stood there had long disappeared.

Is there such a lack of team friendship?

He left behind and ran away.

Of course, Qu Qingge didn't complain about anything. Mingshu was a dark magician, and it should be avoided.

Qu Qingge passed by, waking up Chiba and treating them.

Fang Xi stared at Qu Qingge with an unclear look, and waited for Chiba to finish his treatment. He said slowly: "The inside of the forest is more complicated than we expected. I plan to go back and see what happened. Are you willing to be together?"


Everyone hesitated for a while, and finally agreed to go back and see.

It's not a problem for them to run like this.

Fangxi returned with a large force, and Mingshu had already returned before.

From the direction they just ran over, Mingshu saw a corpse with dark magic remaining on it, which was killed by the dark magician.

Rustle ——

The bushes were pushed away, and a person came out and could only see a silhouette, and the rest could not see anything.

The man found someone, the first reaction was to throw magic to attack her, two magic hit in the air.

"Stop!" The other party suddenly said, "Don't do it yourself."

Mingshu: "..."

Who is your own?

The man walked towards the corpse while saying, "Hurry up and dispose of the corpse. Those people find it wrong when they come back and see it."

Mingshu: "..."

Feelings are that you are pretending to be ghosts.

Mingshu thought about it and pulled his hood to cover himself.

This man is a dark magician, maybe he knows where the dark temple is.

She lifted her heels up.

The dark magician cleaned the body, and then took her to the forest, "It's dawning, come here today, go back first."

"Why are not you talking?"

"I'm afraid you will regret it when you hear it."

"Why should I..." The man turned back suddenly and asked sharply, "Who are you!"

"Do not change the name and sit or change the surname, Jiu You!"

"...You bullshit!"

"Oh..." Mingshu is meaningful, "Do you know Jiuyou?"

"Is the name of the main lord of the palace what you can call, who are you?" She used dark magic just now, so he thought she was her own.

"Me...maybe the Lord of Light."


You who use dark magic to say that you are the Lord of Light, is this person's brain ill?

Although she is ill or not, this person is definitely not with them.

The dark magician immediately opened his posture and prepared to fight with Mingshu.

However, he couldn't get out of magic yet. The man who had just left his distant place suddenly stood before him.

Something was knocking on the head, and suddenly Venus appeared in front of him.

Ming Shu lamented, "The physical quality of the magician is really not good."


When the dark magician woke up, the surroundings were already lit, and he was tied to a tree trunk.

what happened?

Why was he tied here?

It took a while for the dark magician to remember what happened last night.

He was knocked out! !

The dark magician looked around and saw a young girl in a black robe squatting on the ground, and a tiny person stood on the leaf next to it.


"Don't make a fuss, don't make a fuss, he woke up." The girl's smiling voice came, and the villain snorted and flew to sit on her.

The girl got up and walked towards him.

The light in front of him suddenly dimmed, and the girl stood in front of him with a light smile on her beautiful face.

If it were not for her to tie herself here, he might feel that the people in front of him were harmless.

The dark magician swallowed. "You... what do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to ask you if you know where the dark temple is."

The dark magician was wary, "What do you ask about this? What do you want to do? Since you know that I am a person in the dark temple, you know that you dare to move me, and the dark temple cannot spare you!"

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