Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1414: Elf Attendant (27)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The elf sat on a leaf and turned a blind eye to the person in front of him.

"Why don't you touch your wings and get angry with me for so long?"

"I told you not to touch it!!"

Thinking of the matter just now, his face was burning hot, from blush to ears.

Too... ashamed.

Ming Shu looked at him: "Aren't you comfortable?"

"You're talking nonsense!" the teenager stood up, pointing angrily at Mingshu, "you you..."

After a long time, you end up infuriating yourself.

Mingshu took him off the leaves.

"You let me go, don't touch me!" The teenager struggled.

"Okay, I'm wrong, I don't want to touch it in the future." Who knew their elf wings would be so sensitive, she didn't touch them a few times...

Soft and slippery, the feel is particularly good.

Find a chance to coax him and touch yourself again.

Lian Sui seems to be a bit grudged about this matter. Mingshu used to coax a few words before. This time he didn't see him relax his attitude for a long time.

Mingshu was a little worried.

In the end, he didn't care about him, and he took him to eat.

Lian Sui: "??"

"Do you eat?" Mingshu broke a small piece and handed it to his mouth.

"Do not eat!"

Mingshu took it back and fed himself.

A minute later, another small piece was delivered to him, "Did you eat?"

"Do not eat!"

But this time Mingshu didn't take it back, but forcibly fed him, "It's delicious, you try it."

The food spread out in the mouth and the fragrance was fragrant.


The elf snorted, "Not tasty."

"Oh, that's not for you." I can eat alone and be happy.


Ming Shu said that he would not give him anything to eat, but in the end he coaxed him to feed him some more, and Lian Sui slowly became angry.

Mingshu handed it to his mouth, he bit his mouth open, and licked Mingshu's finger with the tip of his tongue.

Lian Sui is probably just habitually licked, nothing special.

Mingshu paused for a few seconds.

"Lian Sui." Mingshu suddenly called him, "Change back."

The elf was startled, "Wings won't touch you!"

"Grow up."

Lian Sui blinked his eyes, and his golden pupil was full of doubts. He thought about it a little and changed to look like a teenager.

Mingshu pulled him into his arms.


Why did she kiss herself again!

The sweetness of Lian Sui's body, mixed with the aroma of food, Mingshu wished to eat this person.

"How can you be so sweet." Mingshu sighed for a long time.

The teenager raised his hand blankly and licked the back of his hand, "Not sweet."

Mingshu is funny, "I say you are sweet, you are sweet."

"Oh." The teenager responded obediently.

That's why she kisses herself whenever she can?

"Are we still going to stay inside?" He didn't like the breath inside, but he didn't say it, for fear that she might be in trouble.

"Well, want to go out?"

"Huh." Lian Sui hugged her waist, "When will you go out?"

"You want to go out... It's bright that day." Go out and wait for the little naughty to come out, I believe he will not hang up so quickly.

"Have you finished your business?"

"I have nothing to do."

"Then why are you here?" Lian Sui looked up, his face blank.

"Just take a look." What else can we do to see the excitement, but eat too little in it, let's go out.


Lian Sui didn't know how to describe his mood. He thought she had something to do when she came in.

She just came in and looked at it casually?

What to see?

Isn't he the best looking elf of this elf family?

Lian Sui suddenly hummed, and Mingshu squeezed his palm, "What is that? Is it uncomfortable to lie down?"

"You hate it."



At dawn, Mingshu took Lian Sui to go outside. With the generous explanation of the dark magician, Mingshu already knew how to avoid those magic fans.

Not far away, Mingshu saw Qu Qingge.

Qu Qingge lay pale in the grass, showing only half of his body, all covered with blood, his chest did not undulate, and he did not know whether he died.

Mingshu stood far away and glanced at him, "Are you dead?"

Lian Sui shook his head, "No."

Mingshu stepped forward and dragged the people out.

"Do you want treatment?" Lian Sui asked Mingshu.

"Well, just cure it."


Lian Sui threw a few light treatments on Qu Qingge.

The treatment technique yielded immediate results, Qu Qingge's complexion improved, and his breath became more solid.

However, after nearly half an hour after waking up, he was in a trance when he saw the girl in black robe sitting in the grass.

Where is he?


Qu Qingge sat up suddenly. He looked around him anxiously, but he couldn't find Chiba.

"Chiba...Chiba is gone."

"Where did you leave someone?"

"I don't have it!" Qu Qingge stood up, "I can feel her, I'm going to find her."

"You... eh, I said you went this way, you haven't found someone yet, you can't do it first."

"I'm going to find her."

Qu Qingge walked swaying forward, not yet two meters away, and fell down.

He struggled to get up.

"Don't waste my family Lian Sui to save you." Mingshu dragged him back and threw it in the grass, "You still have to see your own injury first."

Qu Qingge fainted.

"Chiba is to save me..." He murmured, "I have to go find her."

Mingshu: "..."

What happened in such a short time?

"If you want to find her, you have to get better first, otherwise you will hang up before you find her." Mingshu said angrily: "I have no time to save you once or twice."

Qu Qingge calmed down.

The main reason is that he has no strength to climb.

"what happened?"

Qu Qingge's eyes without focal length gradually settled on Ming Shu.

There was a hate in his eyes.


Mingshu: "..." What Fangxi are you shouting at me!

Qu Qingge took a deep breath before speaking slowly.

That night, Fang Xi used the plan to draw out the ones who attacked them at night.

The strategy is effective.

It turned out that the dark magician had been attacking them all the time, and everyone was a little unbelievable.

But knowing that it is a person is not a strange thing, but let everyone relax.

It was time to fight, Fangxi was very close to him.

The temple was surrounded by people, and he didn't pay attention to it at first, but Fang Xi suddenly started to him.

At first, he really thought that Fang Xi wanted to deal with him. Who knows what he wants to deal with is not him, but Chiba.

Chiba's combat power is very weak, where is Fangxi's opponent.

Even more unexpectedly, the number of dark magicians suddenly increased, and they seemed struggling on this side.

At that time, the dark magician, Fangxi and the temple people were in chaos.

He doesn't remember who was hurt by him.

Someone dragged him to run, he wanted to find Chiba, but all kinds of magic flying around, he could not see Chiba at all.

He told her that there was no response.

Wake up again...

He is here.


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