Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1418: Elf Attendant (31)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The gloomy dark temple is full of magic light spheres, brighter every day.

Everyone in the Dark Temple knows that their new Highness is doing this for an elf.

However, to this day, they have never seen what the elf looks like.

As the environment of the dark temple changed, Lian Sui's mood gradually improved, and he became energetic.

He was lying on the huge bed, looking at the magic light sphere suspended above his head, and his eyes sparkled with a light smile.

The door opened and closed slightly.

The teenager turned up, jumped out of bed and ran out, "You are back."

He pounced directly and embraced Mingshu.

"What did you do?"

"Missing you." The snow-white exquisite teenager showed a lovely smile. "You don't even take me."

"I will do the right thing and take you to do something." Mingshu lowered his head to see him barefoot and hugged him directly to the bed. "Besides, I just left for a while."

"Then I miss you too."

"..." Mingshu rubbed his head helplessly, "Don't you say I hate it? Don't hate it now?"

"Not annoying." Lian Sui hugged her waist and rubbed it twice. "I like you very much."

Elves are so pure, they hate it when they hate it, and they like it when they like it.

He just followed his nature and expressed his liking for her.

But looking closely, Lian Sui's ear tips are slightly red.

Mingshu just caressed his head, and did not respond. Lian Sui raised his head slightly, and there was a hint of apprehension in his golden pupil, "Do you like me?"

Lian Sui waited a long while and didn't get an answer. He lowered his eyes in disappointment. "Don't you like it?"

After a few seconds, he looked up again and asked seriously: "How do you like me?"

Those eyes reflected the shattered light of the magic light ball, like who sprinkled a handful of gold under his eyes, shining brightly, looking at her ignorantly expecting.

Mingshu put his fingers on his shoulders and gently pushed back, and the teenager fell down.

Mingshu leaned over and covered him with a soft kiss.

Lips and teeth are intertwined, the sweet breath is flowing, the teenager opened his eyes, his eyes were a bit dazed, he didn't seem to understand why he was kissed again.

However, Lian Sui found that this time it seemed a little different...

"You..." Lian Sui grabbed his clothes, "What do you do?"

"Don't you ask me if I like you?"

"...Yeah." What does this have to do with taking off her like?

Mingshu bit his lips, took his hands away, and continued to take off his clothes. "This kind of thing can only be done by the closest person, understand?"


The following words were swallowed between lips and teeth by Ming Shu.

The warm palm of Mingshu touched his body, and at the moment of skin contact, Lian Sui shuddered slightly, overflowing with a soft whimper, and the golden pupils fainted a faint mist.

The magic light ball rotates slowly.

Ambiguous room.


Lian Sui embraced the quilt, half of his face was buried in the quilt, and his exposed face was flushed.

He bit his lip and his body moved slightly.

The people behind followed him, wrapped around him from behind, and a hot kiss fell on his neck.

Lian Sui froze.

He asked softly, "So do you like me?"

Mingshu turned him around, the teenager's eyes were reddish, the mist was filled, and the lips were not bitten by himself, or kissed, and some were red and swollen.

Facing the sight of Ming Shu, Lian Sui was about to cry.

He grabbed the quilt and tried to cover himself.

"Where haven't I seen it just now?" Mingshu laughed.


Lian Sui suddenly glared fiercely at her, then shrank herself even more.

Ming Shu sighed and hugged him tightly, his voice quiet, "I don't like you, I won't do such a thing with you."

Lian Sui buried her head in Mingshu's arms, thinking a little dazed, she liked herself.

"Like me, just like me... like that?"

Lian Sui's voice is soft and wronged.


Lian Sui didn't know what he was thinking, and there was no sound.

"Don't be bored." Mingshu raised his head.

Lian Sui took a breath of fresh air. He leaned on Mingshu's shoulder and suddenly asked, "Will you be like this?"

Ming Shu's mouth twitched, "Do you want me to be like this?"

"No..." Lian Sui thought of the picture that he couldn't stand it. "You can only do this with me, not with others!"

"I think of something all day." Mingshu touched his head.

"I will work hard." The teenager's red face was full of seriousness.

"What are you working on?" Mingshu was at a loss.

"Habit..." The teenager stumbled: "It's like that."

Mingshu: "..."

Mingshu coaxed Lian Sui well, put him on clothes after washing him, Lian Sui's fair skin, full of red marks, was a bit shocking.

This is not to blame her, just like Lian Sui's body, she just pinches it and it will turn red.

Lian Sui cleverly buttoned up her clothes.

Mingshu leaned aside and looked at him.

Watched by Ming Shu, Lian Sui was slightly embarrassed, "What's wrong, where did I wear it wrong?"

Mingshu beckoned, and Lian Sui walked past obediently, his wet eyes looking at her intently, the previous dependence, and I don't know when it became attachment.

Mingshu carefully organized his clothes to block the marks on his neck.

At the end, he leaned over and dropped a soft kiss on his face.

Lian Sui habitually blushed and chuckled her lips, "How come you like kissing me so much."

"Because you are sweet."

Lian Sui didn't know where he was sweet.

But she said that, right...

Suddenly he kissed on the lips of Mingshu's lips, then stepped back and lowered his head.

Warm fingers fell on his head.

Lian Sui whispered, "It doesn't take long to touch your head."


Lian Sui raised his head, his long eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings, and under the eyelid, brushed out a small shadow, "I like you."

"It doesn't seem like what you said just now."

Lian Sui silently counted the number of words in the previous sentence, saying one by one: "I like you so much."

Mingshu chuckled, "Go, take you out to see."

Lian Sui is not willing to go out, this room is bright and beautiful, but outside...

he does not like.

Dull and uncomfortable.

"It's beautiful, let's go." Mingshu led him to coax, "I won't let you down."

Lian Sui had no way to retreat, she could only be taken out of the room with a corridor outside.

He remembered that the walls were black, and the skulls were inlaid with things like skulls.

Lian Sui closed his eyes tightly, clinging to Mingshu, who simply hugged his waist.

"Open your eyes and see."


"Then I kissed you?"

"You kiss!" Lian Sui would rather be kissed than open his eyes.

"Someone here, do you want me to kiss you as someone else?"

"..." Lian Sui was of course reluctant. He carefully opened a slit and glanced around, seeing that there was enough light, and after being dull, he opened slightly.

The entire corridor is like a day, and the walls are covered with green vines, and among the vines, clusters of flowers bloom.

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