Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1421: Elf Attendant (35)

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This magic circle is very complicated, and it is necessary to cut off the connection between Fangxi and the tree of life, and then connect the lotus year to the tree of life at the same time.

Mingshu is a dark magician with limited operations.

Finally, Qu Qingge stepped forward to help complete.

The last point of life in Fang Xi's body disappeared, and Lian Sui's body gradually showed green light, and finally no one could see him.

The green light flew slowly towards the tree of life.

Mingshu kept watching calmly.

But if you look closely, you can see that her hands on her side are clenched slightly, as if restraining something.

The withered tree of life slowly regained its vitality, but compared to the greenery that overshadowed the sky before, the tree of life at this time was like spring just sprouting.

There is no figure of Lian Sui on the ground.

Mingshu looked up at the tree of life, and at the top was a green fruit hanging from the whole body.

Chiba also turned into fruit and hung back on the tree.

The tree of life withered and all elves were affected. They need to return to the tree of life to recover.

"Let's go, too." The elf elder ordered the rest of the elves.

The elves flew to the tree of life.

For a time, the tree of life was covered with fruits of different colors.


The elf elder can stand for a while without returning to the tree of life.

"When I left, the enchantment was strengthened outside the tree of life and the elven clan. You have to explain, why did this happen?"

Ming Shu looked silently at the elf elders.

The tree of life belongs to the elven race, and she can't close it completely.

But on the side of the tree of life, only elves can enter and exit, and humans want to enter, unless elf elder elders bring them in.

The elf elder slightly stunned, "Your Excellency..."

Elf elders took people to leave the elven clan at the time and went to the Temple of Light. There were two things.

The first thing is that Mingshu ran away with Lotus, that is their lord, and Mingshu is a dark magician, he was a little worried.

The second thing is that the dark magician enters the elven race.

I thought the Temple of Light could help them.

It was Fangxi who received them.

The elven clan has always been blessed by the temple of light, so when Fang Xi proposed to look at the elven clan to prevent it from being invaded by the dark magician, the elder clan elders did not doubt it.

Who knows that Fangxi is not well-meaning.

After entering the elven clan, Fangxi exposed his nature.

The fighting power of the elven race was not strong, and Fangxi quickly controlled them.

The next thing, Mingshu will know.

"How could Fangxi know the source of life?" Mingshu asked, "You told him?"

Not many people know about the source of life.

"No..." The elder elder shook his head. "How could we talk about such things?"

This will bring disaster to the elves.

They will never talk nonsense.

Mingshu looked at Fangxi, who was lying on the ground, pressed with dark magic on his body, unable to move.

"Who told you that?"

Fang Xi didn't want to say it, but the dark magic on his body suddenly increased, and he blushed.


Yuan Fei? Jun Yinyin's elf?

"Yuan Fei?" The elder elder looks ugly. "How could it be him."

"You know him?"

"He..." Elf elders seemed a little difficult to tell. "He was expelled from the elven clan. I thought he was dead."

"Expelled from the elven clan?" Qu Qingge was surprised, "Why?"

Isn't the elves of the elves all simple and kind?

What did he need to be expelled from the elven clan?

This is the case, and the elf elders probably also feel that there is nothing to hide.

"Yuan Fei left the elf clan privately and brought back mischievous human beings. If it wasn't for the gods of the Light Temple at that time, it almost made a big mistake."

"Yuan Fei didn't know how to repent, and finally the elven clan collectively decided to expel him from the elven clan."

"This happened before His Highness was born... so long ago, I didn't expect him to do such a thing."

Every elf knows the source of life, because they were born from the tree of life.

But every elf will consciously keep this secret.

But Yuan Fei...

Repeatedly betrayed the elves.

"The elf is at Jun Yinyin." Ming Shu pointed to the trapped Jun Yinyin, "How to deal with it is your business, Fangxi will deal with it myself."

Fang Xi was the culprit in this matter, and the elf elder asked carefully: "Lord Lord, want to deal with him like this?"

This matter should be decided by the Temple of Light...

Mingshu dragged Fang Xi away, "This is my business."

Elf Elf: "..."

Before Mingshu left, he also beat Jun Yinyin.


Mingshu brought Fangxi out of the elven clan.

Fang Xi's wounds were covered with embarrassment, as if they were pulled out of the garbage dump, and they were thrown to the ground by Mingshu.

The dark magicians stood around, all staring sympathetically at each other.

"Jun Shang! What kind of hatred do I have with you? You have to do bad things to me again and again!"

Fang Xi was lying on the ground, his voice hoarse and unpleasant, and his eyes were full of bitter hatred.

In Ming Shu's hand, there is a black sword with magical condensation.

"No hatred." Ming Shu said: "But you shouldn't be here, but unfortunately, you can't go back."

Fang Xi's pupils are shrinking, what should he not show up here?

Where to go back

Mingshu carried Fangxi with his magic sword.

Whatever they do, as long as they don't engage in her goblin, it's easy to say that she can still take them back after finishing the demon.

But moving the goblin is to find death.

Fang Xi roared, "What do you mean, who the **** are you?"

Mingshu raised his hand and the magical sword cut through the air.

The thunder started from the horizon.

It seemed as if thousands of horses and horses were coming, deafening.

Everyone looked up weirdly. How did the thunder strike?

Mingshu narrowed his eyes slightly, and the magic sword fell without hesitation.



The Temple of Light received a gift from the Temple of Darkness—the dead Fangxi Envoy.

This is the dark temple's challenge to the light temple!

Dare to kill the angel directly.

Just as the Temple of Light was about to conquer the Temple of Darkness, news came from the elves.

It was Fangxi's intention to be against the elf race, which was stopped by Mingshu.

Everyone in the Temple of Light: "???

The people in the dark temple have stopped the temple envoy to commit evil against the elves?

do you mean this?

Was the elven clan held hostage by the dark temple?

The Temple of Light sent people to the elven clan. After seeing the elf elders, they learned the truth and came back to report that it was indeed what the elf clan said.

Fang Xi's intention was wrong, and he was intercepted by the lord of the Dark Temple, who led the people to save the elves.

Jun Yinyin is also involved in this matter.

The Temple of Light brought Jun Yinyin back to sanctions.

For a time, the matter was launched on the mainland, and Fangxi and Jun Yinyin were condemned and blamed by many righteous people.

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