Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1446: Zombie Code (22)

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The light of the train passage was dim, and the passage was occasionally passed by. After a slight noise, it fell into silence again.

Mingshu pushed open the door and came in.

The man lay quietly on the lower bunk, his body slightly on his side, his slender body curled up on the cramped bed, seeming to be aggrieved.

He faced inside and stood at the door, only to see loose hair and delicate eyebrows.

Ming Shu closed the door and took a light motion to sit beside him.

Duchin rolled over and opened his eyes slowly.

His face is not very good, it may be the reason for those runes.

He looked at Mingshu quietly.

Mingshu held his wrist, "Is it better?"

"You heard it."

Duqin answered all the questions.

"What did you hear?" Mingshu pinched his hand to play.


Mingshu leaned down and lay on his chest, "Well, then you are very powerful, and I will earn more money for snacks in the future."

Duqin: "..."

His warm body covered him, and his uncomfortable body seemed to be ironed, and he felt comfortable.

His knot rolled twice, "You are not afraid..."

"I'm afraid of anything, come fight one by one, come fight a group, I can fight very well." The girls are full of arrogant words.

Duqin: "..."

Duqin didn't know whether she deliberately or unintentionally started the topic.

What he wanted to say was himself.

He is this person.

He should not have existed in this world.

For a long time, Duqin reached out and hugged her.

Never mind.

She didn't want to mention it, so she wouldn't say it.

Mingshu kicked off his shoes, climbed onto the bed and lay with him, the bed was already small, and there was almost no room for the two to lie, and the two bodies were tightly fit together.

In the quiet carriage, only Mingshu breathed alone.

Mingshu fell asleep unconsciously.

Nephrite Wenxiang is in her arms, and Duqin has no sleepiness at all.

If she returned to that place, she was willing to be with her.


She certainly doesn't want to.

Duqin was a little bit distressed, what to do...



Mingshu was awakened, and she fumbled at the phone to look at the time, early in the morning...

At this time, which idiot came knocking on the door?

Duqin didn't respond with his eyes closed. I didn't know if he was asleep or didn't want to open his eyes.

Knock knock...

The knocking on the door became more and more urgent.

Mingshu sat up, leaned on Duchin's lips, and then went down to open the door.

Duqin opened his eyes slightly, watching the girl's rickety figure.

The door pushed open, and noise from outside rushed in.

Outside is a flight attendant, her face anxious: "Hello, do you have a doctor or medical staff here?"

Ming Shu shook his head.

The flight attendant was disappointed, she said anxiously, and then went down to the next room, "Excuse me."

Mingshu's eyes fell outside the window.

In the darkness, Yingying was more than enough to reveal something.


"A ghost!!"

A scream sounded from the other end. Apparently someone found something outside. Mingshu saw a ghost lying outside the window, and showed a greasy smile at her.

"There are ghosts, ghosts, ah, ghosts!!"

The sister of the flight attendant just screamed in the next room.

The train stopped sometime, and there were more and more ghosts outside, crowded by the window.

Is this treadmill driving the whole train to hell?

And there seems to be something wrong here...

These ghosts look fierce.

Mingshu glanced at the phone.

July fifteen.

The ghost door opened...

But under normal circumstances, such a situation does not occur. The living people of this train are not a few people.

Mingshu looked back at Duqin. Duqin had opened his eyes and was looking at her.

Mingshu put the phone back in his pocket, closed the door and went back inside.

"I'll go out and see, you stay here obediently." Mingshu touched the little beast to him.

Duqin pulled her.

"Your anger is too heavy on you. If you follow me, you may not be able to get out."

Duqin's fingers slightly loosened.

"I'll return soon."

Duqin hugged the doll tightly and issued a single syllable, "Uh."

Mingshu rubbed his head, kissed it again, got up and left.

There is chaos outside. Mingshu is here. Although this car is surrounded by ghosts, it is obviously a small number. There is also an independent box, so the two ends of the car are crowded here.

Mingshu passed the corridor, and she reached out and knocked on the glass.

The ghosts outside seemed to be shocked, hiding in darkness.

There are still some symbols on Mingshu, and she stuck to both ends of the carriage.

The screaming people saw that there were no horrible things in this carriage, and they all poured in, even the aisles were occupied.

Someone just saw Mingshu stickers, Xu thought the rune paper was useful, and some even stepped forward to tear the rune, ready to take it for themselves.

Ming Shu lifted the man away.

"What are you doing!" the man yelled.

"This carriage is safe. If the rune is torn off, then it is not necessary."


The girls looked young and did not rush to speak, which was the harmless appearance of human beings and animals, but the partiality made people not dare to disobey her.

Mingshu shocked them and lifted their feet towards the other carriages.

She pasted the runes smoothly, and met the kind of people who just wanted to tear up the runes.

She will only say one sentence and will not stop them. If you do not listen, it is their own business.

The characters posted by Mingshu had an effect. She hadn't arrived at the next car yet, and someone already knew.

"Help save lives..."

"Master saves life!"

The crowd rushed towards her, completely blocking her way.

"Give up to Lao Tzu!"

Those people were squeezed away by a few fierce people.

Several people encircled Mingshu, and the individual was sturdy and wicked.

Outside the carriage are fierce ghosts, and inside the carriage are fierce men.

"What's the name, aren't those things yet to come in?" A big man yelled at those who screamed. Seeing that they didn't listen, the big man felt a machete out of nowhere and cut it into the seat, "all Shut up!"

The carriage suddenly fell silent.

The passengers shivered and shook to the side, fear not only from outside, but also inside the car.

After solving the noisy passengers, one of the big men looked up and down, "Little girl film, can you catch the ghost? Hurry and solve these things for Lao Tzu!"

Dahan did not give Mingshu any chance to speak, and gave her orders directly.

Ming Shu looked at the ghost behind the big man crowded with the crowd.

Bustling, almost half are ghosts.

But others seemed invisible.

"Talk to you, what a stun, go!"

"Today you don't solve these things for me, I want you to look good."

The big man roared and reached out to pull Mingshu, "Damn, the living man and I are not afraid, but you are also dead!"

Mingshu flexibly opened.

The big man grabbed the empty space and raised his eyebrows, staring at Mingshu more fiercely.

"Since you are not afraid, then deal with it yourself." Mingshu cheered him with a smile: "To believe in yourself, you can."


In such a tense scene, how could she smile and cheer her up?

The big man pointed at Mingshu: "You..."


"Grab this little girl for Lao Tzu!"

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