Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1450: Zombie Code (26)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Being so excited by Mingshu, the rest of them were also angry.

Yuxuan Zhenren had no choice but to make peace, and the room clamored.

Before Mingshu came, she drew a lot of symbols deliberately. At this time, she came in handy. She shot them one by one. Even if the other party's ability was able to break free, it also delayed the time and fell out of favor.

Mingshu slammed the whole Xuanmen-representative.



"Xunyi you..."

The people outside Xuanmen heard the movement and ran in to see this scene, and they were all angry.

Mingshu let go, and the man snapped to the ground.

"They started first." Mingshu's innocent face: "You can't blame me."

The representatives of Xuanmen lying on the ground flushed with anger.

If it weren't for you to provoke first, they would start?

"Grab her!" a representative ordered sharply.

"It's not me who blows, you are really not my opponent, look at your master." Mingshu shamelessly said: "You really want to fight me, only beaten."

Everyone: "..."

How can she be so shameless!


"Ehhhhhhhh..." Mingshu grabbed Duqin and ran outside.

How much physical energy would she have to waste with so many people?

"Chasing me!" Mingshu ran away without forgetting to provoke them, "Catch me, I will hit you!"

Ten thousand heads of Cao Nima rushed past in everyone's heart.

So arrogant...

So shameless...

They are mad!

Mingshu ran a distance, looking back, no one chased down.

She took a breath of Duqin's arm and knew she was bullying me a little!

"No need to run." He can.

"Why not run?" Don't run waiting for them to consume their snacks?

"I can fight."

"Last time..."

Duqin grasped the doll tightly and dragged Mingshu down the mountain.


On the way back, Duchin was very silent.

Not the normal kind of silence, but the suppressed silence.

Mingshu was a little scared.

She seemed...nowhere to provoke him?

Back at Wuliang Mountain, the little ghosts greeted with fear, "Sister, come back, we..."

Dochin dragged Mingshu to walk inside.

"What are you doing little zombies..."

Ming Shu was pushed into the room by Duqin, and the door closed with a clatter.

The man's slender body covered it, enveloping Mingshu in his arms, and the cold kiss fell like a violent storm.

Mingshu was kissed.

What is he doing?

"Um... little zombie..."

Duqin pressed her wrist, Xu Shi and Mingshu stole the teacher, the kiss technique was no longer unruly, Mingshu was a little confused by the kiss.

"Little zombie..." What are you doing!

Mingshu struggled, but Duqin pressed harder.

"You fucking... um..."

I X!

What is crazy!

Duqin's coldness continued to invade, and Mingshu was kissed a little hypoxic, really hypoxic, let me take a breath!

You don't have to breathe when you step on a horse!

I still want to breathe! !

Duqin finally released her.

Mingshu pushed him away, breathing heavily, "Hoohoo..."

"What's wrong with you?"

Duqin's hands were still on both sides of her, and he lowered his eyes slightly, saying one by one: "I can protect you."

Mingshu: "???

Who needs your protection?

It took a long time for Mingshu to react. Did he get angry all the way from before?

Then kiss her if you are angry?

What is wrong with this?

Duqin bowed his head, and his cold thin lips met Mingshu.

Mingshu moved back slightly, and Duqin's movements stopped, his eyes falling on her blushing lips, and he leaned in again, holding Mingshu's head in his palm, leaving her nowhere to hide.

The kiss this time is much softer.

His eyes were slightly closed, his long eyelashes brushed a small shadow under the eyelid, and his skin was better than the girl's.

Men look so good, and they want girls to do something.

Duqin kissed the corner of her lips, slowly moved down, and landed on her neck.

The beating blood, like some kind of deadly weapon that attracted him.

Can't bite.


Duqin's teeth were rubbed on Mingshu's neck several times without biting.

The cold palm stretched out from under the hem of the dress, holding her slender waist, and Mingshu shuddered. Even the aura body protector could not completely avoid the coldness on his body.

"What do you want to do?"

Mingshu held his hand.

The latter looked up slightly and looked at her blankly.

He opened his lips, "I don't know."

Just wanted to... do it.

Mingshu: "..."

I don't know how to be so straightforward, who will give you the courage!

There is probably only a vague concept in Duqin's consciousness, and he does not know what he wants to do.

When Mingshu threw him on the bed, when he pressed him, he was still confused.

Ming Shu reached out to unbutton his clothes, and Duqin stared at her in a daze.


Mingshu supported his chest, "Aren't you good enough?" No matter what I do! !


What doesn't work?

why not?

The blankness in Duqin's eyes raised Mingshu's desire to bully him a little.

Some hot fingers suddenly slipped onto his lower abdomen, held somewhere by her.

Duqin: "..."

Mingshu: "..."


Facts have proved that Duqin is not impossible.

"Little zombie, I..."

Mingshu's words were blocked before he finished speaking.

Mingshu really can't stand it, so hungry.

"I'm hungry..." Mingshu didn't have much energy, "I'm really hungry, let me go."

How long has it been since you stepped on the horse?

It was dark outside.

Duqin silently handed his arm to Mingshu.

"..." What?

I don't eat zombie meat!

You get out of my way! !

Get off my dragon couch! !

Mingshu finally got angry and Duqincai reluctantly let her go. Mingshu basked in the moon for the night and dared not go back.

I'm afraid I can't get out if I go back.


And since that day, Duqin has been like opening up amazing skills.

Mingshu regretted that she should be fortunate to have snacks and should not think of bullying her own goblin.

The most important thing is that Duqin is not soft and cute, and he can't bully at all.

If you bully him, he will get revenge.

She doesn't want to be retaliated...

The goblin always wants to compete with snacks!

How could I...


"Ah! Little zombie, what a coincidence." Mingshu turned and ran.

Ming Shu collar was pulled.

Embracing her from behind with a chilled arm, the man resting his chin on her hair, "Xiaoyi, hug."

Mingshu: "..." I can't bear it.

"You hide me." Not a question, but affirmation.

Mingshu laughed, forcibly calming down, "I hide what you do."

"At night, don't come back." When he saw him, he ran away. What did he do to hide him?

"..." Go back to death at night?

"I like doing that kind of thing with you, it's very warm." Duqin suddenly said: "You don't like it, I won't do it in the future, don't hide from me."

A long list of sentences made his voice sound a bit wrong.

Like accusing Mingshu of treating him like this.

Mingshu's face was firm, thought he wanted to deceive me like this? impossible!

I won't give in!

"Please eat."

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