Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1460: Mermaid Legend (6)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

In the lonely green bamboo forest, the man was stepped on the ground by Mingshu.

She sat on the flower bed next to her eating snacks and asked casually: "You said, someone spends money and hires you to deal with me?"

"Yes..." Where does he know that the people they will deal with will be here!


"I... I don't know." The man said with a trembling voice: "We are also introduced by the middleman."

Mingshu bent down and smiled slowly under the man's frightened eyes. "You must have a way to find out?"


Although Mingshu vaguely guessed who it is, there is a certain chance that it is not, so it is better to ask clearly.

Mingshu let him go, and the man made several phone calls in a row.

Hang up the last call and the man looks at the girl next to him.

She was eating snacks leisurely and couldn't see it at all. This was the girl who had started before and he had no resistance at all.

"Inquire... I heard." The man said.

Mingshu put the snack in his mouth, licked the lower lip with his tongue, clapped his hands and asked, "Who."

"Chao Chu..."

Sure enough, it was her.

"She asked you how to deal with me?"

The man swallowed. "This..."

The girl's light gaze swept over, the man's pressure multiplied, and the body couldn't help shaking.

He didn't dare to hide it, he said it all in one go.

After listening, Mingshu uttered his tongue, "Is it so malicious?"

"..." Will he agree now?

"She asked you to deal with me, and you just gave her back."

"...This, this is against our principles."

Ming Shu: "I will pay you."

"...It's not a matter of money. Even if we are doing something that is hard to see, there are also things that matter."

"Do you want to be beaten? I'll tell Dongge by the way?"

"...Okay, no problem, for your satisfaction."

They are just doing this business, naturally they will not sympathize with anyone, but this kind of anti-water thing... this is the first time, it is a little exciting.

"Hard work." Mingshu flipped out his ID card and looked at it. "If you dare to lie to me, I will find you. I don't know you, but Dongge knows, I believe it's not difficult to find you."

The man shook his head again and again, saying that he did not dare.

Dongge can't afford it.

Mingshu Fox finished his pretense and left slowly, holding an empty plate.

The man swallowed drastically after she left.

This little girl is too scary.

Thinking of the right thing, the man quickly contacted the person over there to change the mission goal.

The people over there are obviously a bit strange, but when the men speak, they can only do so.


Mingshu returned to the crowded place and found that the people were no longer there. The lawn that was still lively just now was deserted.


Just leave?

It's still too early!

Shouldn't this party be in the early morning?

Are they all so Buddhist?

"Chaoshuang, why are you still here." A familiar friend didn't know where to jump out.

"What about people?"

The little friend said casually: "They all went to the pool. They didn't know what to do. The gods were mysterious. Let's walk around. We hurried over."

The swimming pool is behind the villa.

At this time, the swimming pool was full of people, and the level of excitement was still the same. The lights illuminated the entire swimming pool. The strange thing was that the pool was covered with black cloth.

Mingshu was invited to a slightly higher place by Dongge's people, and he could have a panoramic view of the swimming pool.

Mingshu sat down opposite Dong Ge politely, with a serious expression: "I will add one more item to the previous conditions."

Dongge: "?"

Having talked about it, why should we add conditions?

Mingshu held out his hand and said, "Add another two million." Then the money would be paid to the man.


I'm ready to bargain with you, would you add this to me?

Dong Ge's heart is complicated.

He didn't want to discuss this with Mingshu, and nodded casually, "OK."

Mingshu finished the price increase and looked around. "What are you doing? Are you going to commit suicide in the pool?"

Dong Ge looked at the direction of the swimming pool faintly, "You should have seen the real mermaid in the actual combat class."

Mingshu also followed, blinking, don't tell me, you smuggled a mermaid? "

The transport of mermaids to the mainland belongs to smuggling, which is not allowed by this world law.

However, some rich people like to play with this.

There is no killing without trading.

So taking private fish and making huge profits is actually not rare.

Dong Ge took a sip of red wine and said softly, "Not me."

Mingshu supported his chin and thought, "I don't know if the mermaid is delicious."


The image of Brother Dong's brother was almost unsteady.

Dong Ge envisaged several directions she would say, but she never thought that she would jump out of this sentence.

How does this answer him?

Brother Dong punched his lips with a fist and coughed softly, instructing the person next to him: "Open it."

"It's Brother Dong."

All the lights gathered above the pool, and the people on the ground seemed to know to start, stretched their necks and looked at the pool.

The black cloth pulled slowly to both sides.

The water light was reflected by the lights, and the entire pool was quiet, and everyone looked at the pool.

The black cloth was pulled away completely.


"What is this for us to see? The swimming pool? Even if the swimming pool looks luxurious, wouldn't it be so showy?"

"Nonsense, Brother Dong is not the kind of person who shows off wealth."

"Look, look!" Suddenly someone screamed.

Everyone looked down, and saw a slightly darker place in the swimming pool light source, a vaguely standing figure.

The lights swarmed there.


The light blue fish tail traversed the water surface, sinking to the bottom of the water in just one second, and the water surface was rippling.

"It's a mermaid!"

"Mermaid! Live Mermaid!!"

Although the world is full of mermaids, in the interior land, everyone's knowledge of mermaids is still on TV.

Even in some sea areas and cities, there are only a few people who have seen mermaids.

"Why don't you come up?"

"Let him come up, I didn't see clearly just now."

"Even if I saw a living mermaid today, Dongge is so powerful..."

"Hurry up and let the fish come up, let everyone see clearly!"

People around the pool rushed to the place where the mermaid disappeared. Although the edge of the pool was spacious, there were many people. Some people were suddenly pushed out of the edge.

"Be careful!"

The man threw himself towards the swimming pool.

The people next to him did not pull him.

A sharp cry came from the pool, and the mermaid emerged from the water, exposing its sharp teeth and leaping.



The man fell on a transparent glass cover.

The mermaid hit the glass and fell into the water. The water shook and seemed to sink to the bottom.

The man who saw the mermaid at close range was pale on the glass cover, and his limbs seemed to be stiff.




Little fairy: Eat fish today.

Little angel: Yuyu is so cute, why eat fish.

Little fairy: Then eat rabbit?

Little angel: Rabbits are so cute, why eat them?

Little Fairy: Can I drink dew?

Little angel: Yes.

Little fairy: are you biological?

Little angel: Yeah.

Little Fairy: Not much to say, vote for it!

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