Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1462: Mermaid Legend (8)

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Mingshu cleaned his wounds.

I don't know if human medicine is useful for mermaids, will there be infections...

Mingshu looked at the medicine in his hand and dared not apply it to his wound.

"What do you mermaids use to treat injuries?" Mingshu asked him.

The teenager looked at her, and after a moment he hung his head, and his fine silver hair blocked his eyes. "A kind of seaweed."

Mingshu dropped the medicine and asked him what he looked like.

After that, Mingshu put the water back and let him in.

Then she left.

The bathroom door was translucent, and he could see her blurry back.

The teenager opened his lips, and eventually said nothing.

Humans are not good people.

Buy and sell them as goods.

The teenager looked around and had to find a way to leave here.

But looking at his fish tail on the land, almost useless, he raised his tail in depression.


The teenager lay asleep in the bathtub. Suddenly, he seemed to sense something. He sat up from the bathtub and looked in a certain direction.

Outside the transparent glass, someone came in.

Not the person before.

"found it."

The heavily armed man stood outside the bathroom, facing the humane behind.

The teenager sat down in the corner, staring at them fiercely and sullenly.

"take away."

The person outside held down the handle of the glass door, but the moment he touched the handle, the whole person was twitching like an electric shock.

However, within two seconds, he could not afford to fall.

The colorful **** rolled over under his feet and jumped up and hit the people behind.

The man was staggered but didn't see anything. He drew the gun in the back and faced the void.

"what happened?"

"Something hit me."

"Nothing, no other living creatures..."

"there must be!"

Everyone in the room was watching the room alertly, but there were no creatures around.


His back was numb, he fell to the ground, a colorful ball rolled off his shoulder, the man's eyes widened, what is it?

The colored **** jumped towards another person.

Everyone in the room fell to the ground, and the people outside who heard the movement came in and lay lying on the ground when they were hit by the beast.

The little animal shook its hair.

Roll to the bathroom, squeeze yourself in through the gap in the ground.

The teenager saw a soft, rainbow-like thing lying on the ground, slowly taking shape.

The black gem's eyes met his gaze.

Boy: "..." What is this?

The little beast glanced at him to make sure there was no problem, and squeezed through the gap again.

The teenager vaguely saw it roll around in the room, then jumped to the table and sat, a small ball, looking slightly cute.

But those lying on the ground showed that it was not cute at all.

The people on the ground were motionless, and he couldn't see what happened to them.

When Mingshu returned, he saw the people fainted.

The little beast had already told her before, and Mingshu was not surprised, calmly striding over them.

At this time the sky was bright outside and the bathroom was well lit.

Mingshu pushed the bathroom door in, and the bathroom was in a mess. Many things fell to the ground.

The teenager was lying on the edge of the bathtub, and when he heard the sound, he immediately woke up.

The silver halo fainted slightly, "You..."

"Is it this one?"

Mingshu showed him the seaweed in his hand.

The teenager looked at the seaweed in her hand, and there was only shock in her heart. How did she find it... such a short time?

"Is it this one?"

The teenager nodded.

Mingshu hugged him out, "Wipe directly?"

The teenager continued to nod.

Mingshu smashed the seaweed and applied it to the wound.

After taking the medicine, Mingshu squatted on the ground and looked up at him, "Who are the people outside to come to you?"

The teenager nodded.

"What would you do except nod your head?" Don't you talk!

The teenager shook his head.


You cow!

You have a tail, you are so good!

"What are they doing with you? Want to eat you?"

"Do you not know what humans do to catch us?"

"I didn't catch you. Counting it, I should have saved you. Do you think it would be treated like this if someone bought it?"

"..." The teenager was silent.

The mermaid locked up by human beings is either for human enjoyment or killed.

Like her...

But it is not excluded that she has other purposes.

Can't believe her.

Humans can't believe it!

You who earned Mingshu's face earned, "You will be content."

"When did you let me go?"

Ming Shu raised his eyebrows, "You bought it from me, why should I let you go? Don't think about it, it's impossible in this life."

I exchanged blood for it.

Where can I let it go?


It is impossible in this life.

"..." Saying so much, it is not the same as other human beings.

The teenager looked outside, and his eyes were stained with gloom. "You see, there are many people who want to catch me. Those people are not something you can deal with."

Mingshu wiped his hands and stood up, staring at him condescendingly.

"Unless I don't want you anymore, no one can take you away from me."

The young man's heart twitched inexplicably.

She doesn't want him anymore...

I don't know why it's uncomfortable to hear here.


Why should he think about this?

"Did you want to run before?" Mingshu looked at the messy ground, and his tone didn't fluctuate.

"You don't have a good thing." Why didn't he run? But he didn't run away!

"Well, I am human." How could I be something!


Do not understand what she is talking about, but it does not prevent the teenager from hating her.

The teenager's expression was fierce, but he still did not affect his beauty.

Being good is willful.

It's so pretty to be fierce.

Mingshu knew that he would not say or ask, and went directly to tie up the few people.

There was still a gun left on the ground, Mingshu picked it up and glanced at it, ready to put it down, and suddenly he seemed to think of something, and picked it up and took a closer look.

Is this an army gun?

Chaojin is an army. The original owner had seen Chaojin bring a gun back, and there was such a dark mark on the gun.

Mingshu glanced in the direction of the bathroom.

The goblin's silver fish tail is delicious...not unusual.

But is it necessary for the army to catch people?

Shouldn’t she be issued an arrest warrant directly saying she violated the rules?

It must not be a good bird!

Mingshu woke up one of them, she woke up for a long time, and Mingshu looked at the little beast a little speechless.

What did you do to them?

The little animal hummed and said: "If you quarrel to death, let them shut up."


Mingshu grabbed those who woke up, "Don't sleep, get up."

The other party was a little dizzy, and his vision was blurred, only hearing the girl's sweet voice.

It took a while for his eyes to become clear, and the strange and pretty little girl was standing in front of herself with a gun in his hand.


what happened?

Who is he?

Where is he?

What is he doing?

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