Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1468: Mermaid Legend (14)

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Facts have proved that no matter how long the relatives are, it will not work.

"It's better to rely on yourself than you."

Sure enough, you can't count on the goblin.

I should have realized this long ago.

How can the plot of the male and female masters happen to the villain, and if you want to go for a dog blood plot, how can it be so difficult?

Mingshu touched for a long time, found a bead, and squeezed it in a gangster's posture.

An Leng looked at her.

Mingshu stared at the beads.

The beads did not react.

Reiki is not enough...

This stepping horse is really embarrassing!

Wouldn't it be possible for me to pretend well?

Mingshu calmly touched out the little beast, and the little beast's contempt, in the end, didn't depend on me. !

Ming Shu poked it, don't hum, hurry.


Please don't have any attitude.

The little animal snapped its little paw on the bead, and the bead lit up instantly.

An Zhuozi's eyes were shone brightly from the light of the beads, and he frowned slightly, "Is this?"

Mingshu smiled slightly, "avoid water drops."

An Zhen: "..." This kind of thing should be made up by humans?

How could it really exist?

Mingshu calmly pulled Anzhuo, "Go!"

The little beast fell into the water.


Cross the river to demolish the bridge! !

You **** shoveling shit!

The small animal's limbs and small claws paddled in the water, catching up with Mingshu and Anzhuo.


The first ray of sunlight pierced the earth, drove the darkness and brought a new day.


Somewhere along the riverbank.

Yaze stood on the shore to greet the first morning sun. He had a golden tail and dazzled like gold in the sun.

Among the mermaids.

The golden fish tail belongs to the noble race.

"Some fish popped out of the river."

Yaze looked over them, didn't see the person he wanted to see, and his voice froze, "Did you catch it?"

"No..." Several mermaids hung their heads.

Yaze looked down into the distance, the sun was getting stronger and the river was sparkling, as if someone had spilled a handful of gold in it.

Yaze's voice spread in the ears of everyone in Chaoyang, "He will definitely go back to the deep sea, and go back before him!"


"Sir, the human side." The mermaid standing behind Yaze reminded.

"Forget about it for now, if An Huan doesn't solve it, our plan will be blocked, let's go!"

Yaze leaped forward, the golden fish tail traversing the beautiful arc in the air, and fell into the water, only a small splash of water appeared.


deep sea.

The sea water seems to have no waves, but in fact it is surging hidden.

Underwater creatures swim in groups from time to time.

Two silhouettes pass through these sea creatures.

These two people are Mingshu and Anzhuo.

There is An Lian carrying, from the river to the deep sea, in fact, it does not take long.

If it is not Mingshu that needs to eat, it is estimated to be faster.

Eat a lot under the sea!

Mingshu has been worried about An Zhen's injury, otherwise it is estimated that he will have to eat every type before he leaves.

But since entering the deep sea, An Leng's wounds seem to start to heal automatically.

An Zhuo took Mingshu to swim deep, and finally stopped in a submarine canyon.

Mingshu looked into the canyon, with some unseen plants and some undersea creatures wandering through the canyon.

Seeing strange, unseen things, standing on the canyon, these creatures also seemed a little curious.

Mingshu grabbed a curious fish that came together curiously.

An Zhen: "..."

He has seen a lot of this situation along the way, and he is used to it, really used to it.

Isn't it just to catch a fish?

She wanted to catch a shark before.

"Going down?" Mingshu grabbed the sea fish, thinking about how to get familiar with it, and asked An Leng casually.

An Guan nodded, he seemed worried, and his lips twitched several times before slowly saying: "We are going to cross the canyon, the canyon is very dangerous."


Mingshu looked at the calm sea canyon.

The underwater creatures inside are content with themselves.

I didn't think it was dangerous.

However, some dangers are hidden. An Lu, a mermaid living here, says danger, and it must be dangerous.

Catch two more fish!

Surrounded by edible seafood, Mingshu suddenly remembered one thing, "Why didn't I see the mermaid along the way?"

Except on the coastline, she met the mermaids and humans who were fighting, and she didn't see any mermaids along the way.

"...I avoided them." She is human and cannot be seen by fish.

"Why avoid them? I don't eat them."

I can't talk.

I have principles!


If you eat it, you know it!

An Zhen regretted bringing her here everyday.

An Zhuo glanced in her pocket, where the light was glowing faintly, and the mood was complicated.

If she had no skills of her own, he might not have brought her.

Mingshu is observing that the seafood in the canyon is more delicious. The seafood suddenly panicked and quickly disappeared into the canyon.

Almost at the same time, the mermaids appeared in all directions and surrounded them.

Ming Shu: "..." A group of inedible food scared away what she could eat?

Why is it so beating? !

Ming Shu's sleeves are about to go up.

An Zhuo pulled Mingshu behind him, looking at these mermaids with vigilance.

In the direction of the canyon, a mermaid with a golden fish tail slowly appeared behind the mermaid.

Yaze floated over the canyon, "An Lian, waiting for you for a long time."

An Zhen had always wanted to speed up before, but he was worried that Yaze would rush him ahead.

"Oh, do you still bring humans?"

Anzhu subconsciously blocked Mingshu completely.

Yaze turned his eyes on Mingshu, very curious.

There is nothing to protect this woman.

Yaze's attention was completely attracted by Mingshu, "How can humans get here?"

Mingshu was very pleased with Mr. X's door-to-door behavior and opened his mouth to scare him.

"Why can't humans get here? Just allow you mermaids to breathe under the water and jump on the land? I tell you, it's just a matter of time to hit you with our current human technology."

An Zhen: "..."

Yaze: "..."

An Zhen knew how she got down, and naturally knew she was talking nonsense.

But Yaze did not know.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

It’s just a human being, he doesn’t think about it.

Even if what she said is true, the mermaid is not so easy to bully.

Yaze suppressed that doubt in his heart, and now the most important thing is not human.

He looked at An Leng, "give me the box, what use are you holding now? Who would listen to mermaid?"

There was a smile in his voice.

But no matter how anyone understands, there is no way to hear half of kindness from inside.

"Impossible." An Zhuo said in a firm voice, "You never want to get something from me."

"An Zhuo, you don't toast, don't eat, drink fine, hand over the box, it's good for everyone, I will lead the Mermaid to glory."

An Lian looked at Yaze and said one word after another: "You will not, you will only make the fish clan perish."

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