Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1470: Mermaid Legend (16)

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Mingshu took Anzhu, avoiding the hordes of small fish, and found a place to stay.

Observe the surrounding environment while waiting for him to wake up.

The light in the coral forest shines brightly all around.

Where the undercurrent of the canyon took them, Mingshu was not clear.

However, there was no other mermaid besides her and An Leng.

An Zhuan grunted, slowly waking up.

"You're awake." Mingshu's face broke into An Tong's pupil. "Where is this? Which one can eat?"

An Zhen: "..."

"Stupid?" The finger flicked in front of him.

An Zhuo's eyes followed her fingers, her delicate eyebrows slightly curled, her pale lips were even paler now.

He sat with his body propped up, glanced around, coughed and asked, "Where is this?"

"I should ask you what I said." This is not my home field. How can I know!

In this broken place, there is no other live seafood except the kind of silver fish.

"I do not know."

"Don't you know? Is this not your territory?"

An Zhuo sat up with his body leaned on his shoulders, and Mingshu could not leave. He could only lean on her.

He explained softly: "No one knows where he is going to be caught in the undercurrent of the canyon."

This is why the Mermaid is afraid of the canyon.

Thinking of mermaids, you must pass through the canyon.

The undercurrents of the canyon are regular, and the mermaids know that as long as they are not near the canyon, they will not be taken away by the undercurrent.

But accidentally taken away by undercurrent...

According to Anzhu, no mermaid has ever returned alive.

An Zhen and Ming Shu finished speaking, feeling very heavy.

"That means we want to survive on the seabed now?" What do I eat? There's no seafood except for the little fish in the teeth! !

An Leng looked towards the coral forest, and the pale lips slightly opened: "The undercurrent doesn't know where to take us, but since we can come in, we can definitely go out."

He turned his head and his eyes fell on the glowing beads in Mingshu's pocket. "How long can you... persist?"

I don't know where it is here or whether I can reach the sea.

If her strange bead won't work...

An Zhuo's heart tightened slightly.

Mingshu touched the bead, the little beast held the bead, the light of the pillar seemed to pass through it, and it was transparent.

"You can stick with it for a while."

"Then let's find out the way to go first." An Zhuo looked up. "I'll see if I can get out from above."

He said that An Zhen would go up.

Mingshu pulled him back. "I've seen it. It's a reef. It's a big piece. I can't get out. There are piranhas over there in the coral forest..."

From their point of view, the above is the sea water, of course, because of the light and water flow, they can't see it completely.

Over the coral forest...

An Zhuo went to see the fish that Ming Shu said and told her that it was a piranha.

But in the deep sea, it is hard to see.

As long as no blood is seen, they are not aggressive.

The Coral Forest doesn’t know how far away, and you can’t see the end from here.

An Zhuo looked in the other direction and gave his own opinion, "Then let's go there."

An Zhen walked away from Mingshu's arms, his tail moved, and his face suddenly looked ugly.

Mingshu raised his lips, "Your injury seems to have deteriorated."

An Zhen: "..."

Not like!

The fish tail hurts as soon as it moves.

"I hug you." Ming Shu smiled.

"No need."

An Zhen tried to swim forward, as if he could feel the wound being torn open.

Anzhuo Yuguang swept to Mingshu, do you want her to hug herself?

"Please, I will hug you."


An Zhuo was very sturdy. He swam out for several meters in one breath, and the wound was bloody.

I didn't think it was just a random movement at this time, the pain was very clear.

As An Leng deflated, his waist was wrapped around him, and then he was picked up.

An Zhuo leaned against Mingshu's chest as if she could hear her heartbeat.

Gentle and powerful.

"Why do you see me? You are familiar with this place. If you hang up, how can I get out?"

An Zhuan's confusion was directly beaten by Ming Shu.

"I will take you out."

"You should take me out and talk about it."


An Lian knew much better than Mingshu at the bottom of the sea. Although he was surrounded by a strange environment, he also recognized some things that Mingshu didn't know at all and directed the route.

Ming Shu was thankful that he was carrying a harmony number, otherwise he would definitely be starved to death.

One person, one fish, I don't know how long I have been away.

An Zhen's wounds have deteriorated so badly that they are completely immobile now.

He sat on the reef, staring at his silver-white fishtail.

"Is this still useful?"

Suddenly there was a touch of green in front of him. That was the seaweed he first asked Mingshu to find...

An Zhuo's eyes moved upwards and fell on the girl crouching beside him.

He opened his lips slightly, "I... lied to you."

Mingshu raised his head: "What?"

"I lied to you at that time." An Zhuo lowered his eyelashes. "This is useless to me."

What he thought at the time was that if she really helped herself to find it, it would just lie to her to leave and find a way to escape.

She has gone and it is impossible to return.

But he didn't expect that she really brought things back.

Lied to her?

The mood is a bit complicated.

She looked at the boy's pale appearance and endured the anger. "Isn't it healed before?"

"Mermaid's self-healing ability is very strong, that's just superficial healing, my injury..."

An Zhuo stopped talking.

Mingshu's voice was gentle, and he couldn't hear the anger, "At this time, you still don't tell me? Do you really want to die here?"

An Zhen told Mingshu that he had lied to her, and was already guilty.

He grasped the edge of the reef slightly, his eyes hanging silent.

"Okay, you are going to die, and I will throw you back to the coral forest to feed the fish." Mingshu threatened and was very happy.


An Zhuo loosened his hand holding the reef and slowly moved to the wound.

He pressed his fingers hard and inserted his nails directly into the wound.

Ming Shu was startled and took his wrist to stop his behavior, "What are you doing!"

are you crazy!

I haven't settled the accounts with you yet, do you hurt yourself first

Do you think I will forgive you?

impossible! !

"Don't you want to know?" An Lian pushed away Mingshu and tore the wound open at a very fast speed. The blood rumbled in the seawater and flowed along the current.

He endured the pain and fumbled for something in the wound.

The pale lips opened slightly.

"My injury, mermaid treasure box."

An Zhuo brought the **** treasure box to Mingshu, "This is what you want to know."

"Are you satisfied?"

When he left with the treasure box, in order to prevent them from discovering it, he hid it in his fish tail.

Yaze will never think of it.

Here is what he wants.

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