Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1479: Mermaid Legend (25)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Sure enough, as Mingshu said, Chao Chu was still being bullied.

【Host. 】

Mingshu: "?"

What are you doing suddenly? I don't want to watch the goblin fights, thank you!

[... The virus of the research institute was directed towards Chu Chu. ] Harmony answered sincerely and sincerely to please her, please her!

Do you have evidence?

Mingshu's wristband vibrated, and Mingshu looked down, and an unknown source sent her a video.

In the video, Zhao Chu didn't know how to get into the institute.

From when she went in to breaking up the petri dish...

After she went out, Mingshu saw that a guard opened the door for her, and the two sneaked, and it was not normal at first glance.

Is there any internal response?

Chao Chu is amazing!

Mingshu pulled Chaojin out of the blacklist and sent him the video.

Additional message: Your daughter is awesome!

After sending out Mingshu, he pulled it back and asked Harmony to get several high-level numbers from Yu Jingya, which were packaged and sent anonymously.

Real name?

Be flexible, be anonymous when you are anonymous!

The senior officials on the other side of the institute also received news.

The monitoring system was destroyed, which is the main reason why they did not catch the killer who broke the Petri dish.

The virus is spreading too fast and they have no time to resume surveillance.

Now even if he doubts whether the video sent by Mingshu is true or false, he will check it carefully.

It didn't take long for Zhao Chu to be taken out of the previous car and head towards the car behind.


Yu Jingya didn't know the news until she left the city after the team set off.

He couldn't tell whether he was shocked or disappointed, and then he calmed down.

Chao Chu was only guarded, and had not been convicted. He had to wait until they resumed monitoring and watched before drawing conclusions.

The convoy left city S and went to another city.

When getting off the train, Zhao Chu was taken to a separate place and detained, passing Mingshu, who gave her a heart.

Silent expression-I did it!

Little cute is worth having.

At first, Chu Chu thought she was gloating, but instead she was wrong.

A thought flashed in Zhao Chu's mind, first he was shocked.

how can that be possible?

But she looks like...

Chao Chu suddenly rushed towards her side, but before two steps, he was stopped by the guard.

"be honest!"

"Chaoshuang, it's you!"

Although I don't know how she exposed herself, it must be her!

"good luck."

Chao Chu's face was not reconciled, but he couldn't help but was forced to leave.


The virus is not spread, but outbreak.

It broke out from each city and spread through the air, that is, someone intentionally spread the mermaid virus.

The speed of virus attack is far more than everyone expected.

No one can do anything about the virus that broke out this time, and even an inhibitor that suppresses the virus cannot be developed temporarily.

The number of deaths is increasing day by day.

In the back, the network has begun to be affected.

Yu Jingya didn't make a breakthrough here, and she was under a lot of pressure. She was in charge of researching the virus, but this time the mermaid virus was completely different from the previous one.

To make matters worse, the Mermaid started a new wave of counterattacks.

The front line also suffered heavy losses, and the virus has begun to spread in the military.

"Is this a mermaid conspiracy? If so, how long has the mermaid planned? We are now..."

The host's voice was heated.

I don't know when the outbreak of the mermaid virus was topped by the mermaid conspiracy.

"Now the official has not come up with any useful inhibitors, let alone antidote, and ask the people's lives, who should save them?"

News was pressed to mute.

The man sitting on the azure sofa stared coldly at the silent picture.

"Mr. Yaze."

At the desk, a man in military uniform put his hands on the table, crossed his hands, and supported his chin.

"Do you have anything to say about the virus?"

"It has nothing to do with me." Yaze said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Yaze denied it so fast?"

Yaze looked at him, "Major Han loved it or not."

For the attitude like Yaze, Major General Han seemed used to it, and he let go. "Mr. Nayaza, who did this thing do?"

"do not know."

Major General Han narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Mr. Yaze should at least know some?"

Yaze: "I said I don't know."

In fact, mermaids have not studied much about the viruses they carry.

Because those viruses are just like small bacteria to them, there is no threat.

There is no threat, why should they pay attention?

Yaze stood up and his golden fish tail was replaced by straight legs. "The next battle, I hope Major General Han will listen to me."

"Mr. Yaze!" Major General Han stood up. "Do you know what is happening in the army now? The virus is spreading and morale is low."


"Mr. Yaze might as well tell me, is this your conspiracy?"

This virus is now outbreaking in all cities, on such a large scale, and at similar times.


Major General Han looked at him dumbly, and said for a long time: "Then I believe in Mr. Yaze once, and of course I hope Mr. Yaze will have any clues to inform me as soon as possible."

Yaze snorted coldly and flung his sleeves away.

After someone left, Major General Han dialed a number.

"Stare at Yaze for me."


The war on the front is getting more and more serious. The mermaid does not know why. The play is always unexpected, which makes people unpredictable.

Even if Azer occasionally can give them some information in advance, the battles won in the end are few and far between.

In a few days, they have quit a long distance.

Yaze actually suffocated. If he knew that human beings were so unreliable, they would not cooperate with them if they were killed.

One virus was wiped out.

Who is behind to do things?

With the virus becoming more and more serious, the human army cannot collapse.

The mermaids are ignorant.

What is this for?

Confuse them?

An Zhen just wanted to defeat this group of people quickly, so as to find Mingshu, so the mermaid sang along the way and quickly avoided the low morale of humans to the coastline.

After trying to turn the tide, Yaze found himself unable to do so and left Major General Han to run directly.

Faced with the mermaid who came to the door, what can Major General Han do?

The world is almost over, of course it is running!

The mermaids occupy the coastline, and from above, they are all colorful mermaids.

A song sounded.

Pleasing to the ears, as if washing human soul.

"Sir Anton, the virus in the human world seems serious." Some fish came to report.

They had received news in this regard before, but they did not expect it to be so serious that they would simply give up their resistance.

Looking at the direction of the coastline, the teenager said quietly: "Take me over to see."

The mermaid immediately gave way, "Master Anzhu, please."

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