Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1481: Mermaid Legend (27)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu had to leave Yu Jingya with some effort, or, Yu Jingya would not let her go at all.

Therefore, it takes a long time for this matter to be clear.

Leaving the resettlement site, Mingshu picked up a car by the road and went to the address given by Harmony.

Mingshu didn't want to care about this matter, but if he went on like this, he would be infected with all he could eat.

Although her body was well before, it does not mean that she will not get infected again.

It is okay to defile people, but not to defile food!

No one can meet someone on Mingshu Road, all of them are like refugees.

Mingshu thought this was a very zombie picture.

Unfortunately, this is not a zombie.

These people are dead.

Mingshu drove for two days and two nights, and arrived at the address given by Harmony. It was either a big city or a small town.

The town is close to the sea, there are troops retreating here, half of the streets are isolated, and soldiers in military uniforms are disinfecting the streets.

Although they also know that such disinfection has no effect on the mermaid virus at this time.

This can make them feel better, so even if it is useless.

They also have to carry out such disinfection.

"Are you sure he was here before?" Mingshu asked Harmony uneasy.

The town is full of people from the army, who is so brave?

She has just inquired that these people have been here for several days.

[Yes host. ] Harmony replied, [but it has been so long, he is still not here, I don’t know. 】

If you don’t even know who the person you are looking for, without any reference, the Harmony can only be blind no matter how powerful it is.

"Since he thinks the most dangerous place is the safest place..."

Maybe it's still here.

Mingshu walked into the town. The place guarded by the army could not go in and out, and the rest of the place could move around at will.

On a street in the town, there are people who are infected and have no cure.

They can only wait to die here.

Turning around a street, there are fewer people here, the door of the house is closed, and Mingshu occasionally can see the eyes behind the curtains in the surrounding houses.

The town is quite big, with several streets.

The soldiers should have occupied the more prosperous area before. The more Mingshu walked in, the more deserted, even the people hiding in the house peeping away.

"Where does the little girl run!"

The reproach sounded abruptly and the corner turned to a little girl about ten years old, followed by a strong man.

The little girl ran fast, rushed out of the street corner, and went straight to Mingshu.

The strong man threw a bottle with half a bottle of water in his hand and threw it at the little girl.

The bottle hit the little girl’s calf, and the little girl lost her balance and fell forward.

Just in front of Mingshu.

The little girl looked up, "Sister... save me."

The little girl's voice was full of despair, as if Ming Shu was her last life-saving straw.

Mingshu smiled slightly.

-Then walked away indifferently.

The little girl looked at Mingshu in shock.

It seems that I don't believe that such a beautiful young lady can actually die.

The strong man was so satisfied that Mingshu was so acquainted. He stepped forward and grabbed the little girl: "Little girl, dare to steal Laozi's medicine. Do you know how much Laozi's medicine is? You can't afford to sell it!"

The strong man searched the little girl and found a medicinal glass bottle from her trouser pocket.

The strong man grabbed the little girl by the collar and asked in a nasty voice: "Is there another bottle?"

"I... I only took a bottle." The little girl trembled in shock.

"You're blind as an old man! There is another bottle, quickly hand it over!"

"I really only took a bottle!" The little girl opened the street with a crying voice.

"What's crying!" The strong man stretched his hand to cover the little girl's mouth. "Don't cry. Hurry up and hand over the medicine. I will not care about you as a little girl."

The little girl whimpered, and finally it might be the threat of the strong man, pointing to the way she ran.

The strong man found a same medicine bottle from where the little girl pointed.

He threw the little girl away, "Go! Don't let Lao Tzu see you again!"

The little girl stumbled away.

When leaving, the little girl glared resentfully, "Bad guy!"

Mingshu: "???

This pot is also from me?

I just pass by!

Your grudges have something to do with me!

The strong man put the two bottles of medicine away, swayed his eyes on Mingshu, rubbed his hands and walked over, carrying the temperament unique to profiteers: "Do you buy medicine, little girl?"

"Not sick, don't buy."

The strong man laughed twice, "My medicine can inhibit the mermaid virus, you really don't buy it? Now in this environment, do you want to buy a bottle of emergency?"

Mingshu heard the four characters of the mermaid virus, looking sideways: "Are you an inhibitor of the mermaid virus?"

"Hey, can you buy it?" The strong man reached out and gestured. "This price, I tell you, this is only for me. I tell you because you look pretty, otherwise I won't say anything."

Ming Shu: "..." You are sincere.

Such an honest man, Mingshu has to be a little thin.

"Let me see."

The strong man seemed to feel that the business was going to be completed, and took out the potion just collected to Mingshu.

Very poor quality medical medicine bottles, with transparent liquid inside, can't see anything special.

"This can really inhibit the mermaid virus?"

There is a big difference between inhibitors and antidote.

Inhibitors can only delay the onset of the virus, but cannot cure it.

"Of course, this is my secret recipe. If I lie to you, I will die the whole family!"

The brawny braced his chest and packed the ticket.

"Since you have an inhibitor, why not tell the official? The official should give you a lot of money, why should you sell so hard?"

Now there are no official inhibitors. In this town, some people even have inhibitors.

It's so strange.

The strong man's expression stiffened, and he stuck his neck, "Little girl, can't you buy it? Don't buy it, don't delay my time."

Mingshu shrugged, "I'm not infected." So no need.

The strong man snatched the medicine back, "Wasting my time, if you look good, who will take care of you."

The strong man whispered that the medicine had been carefully collected, and then looked at Mingshu: "I warn you, don't let this thing go wrong, otherwise you will be pretty!"

"I already look good."

"..." The strong man was as uncomfortable as he was when he ate a fly. He choked hard: "It looks great!"

The strong man clasped his arms tightly, looked around, and left quickly.

Ming Shu: "..." If it were not for you to praise me, I would have beaten you.

Mingshu was a little curious about the inhibitor.

But she came here to find the culprit behind the tainted food, not to find inhibitors, and had no time to investigate this matter.

But she didn't expect to meet the big man again.

That was her second night in the town.

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