Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1493: Mermaid Legend (39)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The man swallowed and said, "But you didn't say anything like this?"

An Zhuo's eyes were calm, "I didn't say no."

the man:"……"

The man left angrily, went to notify the nearby town, and quickly evacuated.

Mingshu laughed and praised him with a smile, "Great."

An Zhen: "..."

He is already very powerful, otherwise how to talk to them?

Mingshu closed the door, "When will this rain stop?"

An Zhuo's conservative answer: "Half a month."

Mingshu turned around, Liu Mei raised his eyes slightly, so long?

This is why An Zhen is unwilling to open the treasure box.


The half-month An An said was just conservative time, because he was not sure how long it would be.

Therefore, this heavy rain continued for almost half a month.

The sea continued to rise, and none of the cities along the coast ran away, all flooded.

Fortunately, it was not the tsunami, but the seawater rose because they had enough time to evacuate.

Half a month later, the heavy rain stopped and the sky cleared.

Everyone seems to haven't seen sunlight in a century.

An Zhuo went to find the man.

The two sides held a less friendly meeting.

"Mr. An Zhuo, how much loss did this heavy rain cause us, do you know?"

An Lian sat opposite the man, folded his hands on the table, "What does this have to do with me?"

"This is caused by you..."

"If not, you will die more people." An Zhu interrupted him.

The man choked.

For the most part of the month, the virus has been under control. There have also been reports in recent days, and it seems that some people are beginning to recover.

An Zhuo looked directly at the man, "Or are you just looking for an excuse to break the contract?"

The man's back suddenly cooled.

Having seen such a magical power, where can a man dare to break a contract?

With this in mind, men dare not say more.

He coughed and gave a look to the people next to him. The two documents were placed in front of An Lian and him.

The sea area is under the jurisdiction of the mermaid, and human beings want to enter the sea area, need to pass the approval of the mermaid.

It is not allowed to kill mermaids.

If the vessel approved to enter the sea area is attacked by the mermaid for no reason, the mermaid also needs to give them a reasonable explanation.

The new treaty has also promulgated the law on human poaching.

It probably means that the two sides will achieve a win-win situation for cooperation.

I don't know how long such a situation can last, but at least for mermaids who have been going through wars now have the opportunity to recuperate.

After the virus eased, communication gradually recovered.

Mingshu gave a report to Ms. Yu Jingya, but she was badly trained.

"That..." Hang up the phone, Ming Shu looked at Anzhu, "I have to go back, you come with me."

"May I?"


"But..." An Leng looked at the sea. "I haven't dealt with the mermaid yet."

He bit his lower lip with some embarrassment: "When I'm done with it, I'll go find you, OK?"

Mingshu was a little surprised that he didn't go with himself.

"you sure?"

An Zhuan wanted to go, but couldn't go.

The last lost word: "I'll deal with you when I'm done."

Mingshu didn't force it.

"Right, did you see X... Yaze?"

An Zhen shook his head, and since he opened the treasure box, he had never seen him again.

Mermaid also said that since the beginning of rain, Yaze has disappeared.

Mr. X ran away, and Mingshu couldn’t find him, and he couldn’t help but go back temporarily.

I was trained on the phone, and when I went back, I was trained by Yu Jingya.

Fortunately, there are many things waiting for Yu Jingya, so Ming Shu escaped temporarily.

She had to take care of things here, and she might only be able to live in the sea or the seaside.

And about viruses.

There are many places outside.

Those who know the inside story will not come out and talk nonsense.

Most of the last is due to the heavy rain.

It's their destiny.

At the same time, the cessation of war between mermaids and humans has become a hot issue.

"Shuangshuang, Hao Yan is here."

When Yu Jingya went out, she suddenly shouted towards Mingshu.

Mingshu poked out his head from the kitchen, and Hao Yan waved at her with a broad smile.

"You talk, Auntie is going to work." Yu Jingya patted Hao Yan on the shoulder.

"Auntie walk slowly."

As soon as Yu Jingya left, Hao Yan rushed in and gave Ming Shu a bear hug.

"I won't come to you, you won't come to me!!" Hao Yan complained.

"I didn't call you?" Mingshu pushed her away and saved her breakfast.

"How can the phone express my love for you!"

"..." I have no love for you, thank you.

"I want to eat too." Hao Yan smelled the fragrance. "I'm so hungry. I came here early in the morning."

Mingshu: "..."

But Ms. Yu Jingya only prepared one breakfast.

I am not enough!

Hao Yan is not a lady when she eats, and she typically eats meat and drinks...

But what a special breakfast!

You eat so much, what am I eating!

Why did you deliberately grab my breakfast?

The two were almost rushing to finish breakfast, and finally ordered takeaway.

"Eh, Frost, did you hear about your dad?"

"What?" She had just returned, how could she inquire about it.

Hao Yan bit the spoon. "I heard that your dad violated the rules. Now he has suspended his duties and may be prosecuted."

Mingshu wondered, "Why?"

Hao Yan knocked on the bowl with a spoon, "Why can't it be the one who is harmed by the truth? Your dad is self-reliant. The daughter of someone else is like a baby."

This news was heard by Hao Yan from Dongge.

I heard that before the virus broke out, Zhao Jin was ordered to retreat a group of people.

These people are very important people, but the position was not enough at that time, Chao Chu was carried by Chao Jin privately, and Chao Chu should have been allowed to go down.

However, Chao Jin did not do that, but secretly resolved a person.

What is even more dramatic is that Chao Chu was infected with the virus, and the group of people who carried out the mission along with Chao Jin suffered.

Now that the virus is gone, the DPRK will definitely be held accountable.

We must know that those people at that time were all outstanding talents who made important contributions to the country.

Hao Yan and Ming Shu said a lot about the virus.

Any gossip.

The two stayed at home for a day, and Dongge came to pick Hao Yan in the evening.

Mingshu looked at Hao Yan with a smile.

Hao Yan was generous. He took Dongge and introduced it to Mingshu. "Shuangshuang, let me introduce you again, my boyfriend."


Brother Dong nodded: "There have been many things recently. I'll invite you to dinner if I have time."

Mingshu didn't think about it, "Okay."

After sending Dongge and Hao Yan away, Yu Jingya also returned.

"Shuangshuang, let me tell you something." Yu Jingya sat across from Mingshu, his face slightly stern.

"Well." Mingshu held snacks. "What's the matter?"

Yu Jingya opened her lips, "Your dad..."

What Yu Jingya said was similar to what Hao Yan said.

But Yu Jingya's side is obviously more detailed.

Even the last Chao Jin said this, he did it himself, and had nothing to do with Chao.

Therefore, it is only the responsibility of the advancement that should be pursued.

"Mom, can I ask..."

Yu Jingya motioned to Mingshu to ask.

"Am I his own?"


This question, Yu Jingya also wanted to know.

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