Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1495: Mermaid Legend (41)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingzhu hid Anzhu for several days.

An Zhen did not know what was wrong with her. She did not want to let herself go out to see her family.

Until a few days later, Ming Shu took him to buy a suit, and then took himself back.

An Zhen didn't think much, but when he went in, he found that Yu Jingya was there.

And it's quite formal.

As soon as he entered, Yu Jingya greeted him with a smile on his face.

"This is An Zhen, right? Hey, he looks so beautiful. Please sit down."

An Zhen: "..."

An Luan sat down.

Yu Jingya was so enthusiastic that An An was at a loss.

But he can't let Mingshu read jokes, he can only forcefully cope with Yu Jingya's passion.

Mingshu didn't know what he said to Yu Jingya in advance, even though he was sitting in a wheelchair, she didn't ask one more question.

This time seeing parents is extremely harmonious.

Yu Jingya is obviously very satisfied with An Zhuo.

Then An Zhen lived so bright and upright.

"Why didn't you tell me..." Back to the room, An Zhuo's tight body relaxed.

He was not prepared at all.

"Don't you really want to see you before?" Mingshu laughed, "I'm not happy now when I see you."

An Zhuo said: "It's not unhappy, too suddenly, I'm not prepared at all."

Mingshu nibbled the fruit coming from the living room and replied casually: "What preparations are necessary, it is enough to have your face."

Beauty is a weapon.

An Zhuo turned around and stared at Mingshu, and asked a very vulgar question: "You just fell in love with my face?"

"if not?"

An Zhuo got up from the wheelchair and stepped forward to Ming Shu step by step, Ming Shu backing away from the fruit, what are you doing!

An Leng stared at her with a low tone, "I think you like me."

Mingshu sincerely said, "But what if I just want to like your face?"


His face is his.

Like his face, just like him!

An Zhuo bowed her head to kiss her cheek, her voice was very sweet, "Then I like you too."

Mingshu: "?"

Black question mark face.

What logic is this?

Why did he confess suddenly?

Mingshu never understood the theory of the goblin's confession.

Mingshu was awakened by Hao Yan early in the morning and said that she would be invited to dinner, and Dongge invited him. If it were not the last words, Mingshu estimated that he would strangle Hao Yan.

Early in the morning to disturb people and clear dreams.

Ming Shu asked Hao Yan to send the address.

She touched the people around her for a while, crossed Anzhuo, touched her snacks, and continued to sleep happily.

An Zhen looked at her hand in silence...

Mingshu paid a tragic price for this.

"Did you get estrus early in the morning?!" Mingshu almost rolled off the bed, wrapped in sheets, and pointed to An Tong.

An Zhen innocent, "That's how it is for you."

Mingshu: "..."

Mingshu took a deep breath and wrapped the sheets to wash.

After washing, Mingshu found that he did not take clothes.

She lay prone behind the bathroom door and leaned out of her head. "An Zhuo, take the clothes for me, the blue skirt on the left side of the wardrobe."

"……it is good."

Ming Shu retracted his bathroom and waited.

Mingshu heard An Zhen's footsteps, but then there was no movement.

"Let you take the clothes, how long do you buy them?"

An Leng responded vaguely.

Mingshu waited for a while, the bathroom door was pushed open, and a piece of clothing was handed in.

"Why are you... so slow?"

Mingshu took over his clothes.

"You have so many clothes..."

Mingshu looked at the dress in his hand, which was a white skirt.

There is a blue skirt in her closet. This white is similar to that skirt, but the color difference is so big...

Mingshu quietly changed clothes.

When he went out, Mingshu chose a pair of shoes that Yu Jingya had bought for her but had not worn.

"Is this color beautiful?" She deliberately reached Anzhuo.

An Zhen looked at it carefully for a while, but he couldn't take it seriously. "It looks good, you look good in everything you wear."

"But I think red has bright eyes."

"will not."

"Really." Mingshu nodded to the ground, black high-heeled shoes, exposing her small toes, white.

Mingshu grinned at Anan and pushed him out.

Before An Zhuo resisted taking a wheelchair, after all, he could walk.

But being picked up by Mingshu several times, he was honest and obediently let Mingshu push away.

Dongge invites guests to dinner, and Mingshu is orderless.

"Who is this……"

Hao Yan's eyes were glued to An Lian.


Where does her family frost go to kidnap such a pretty little beauty.

"Boyfriend, An Lian."

Dong Ge's expression is a little strange.

If he remembered correctly, this should be a mermaid.

Dong Ge retrieved his voice after a while: "You guys?"

Mingshu smiled, "Yes."

Because of the presence of Hao Yan, Dong Ge is not easy to ask, how did he turn his tail into a leg.

During the meal, only Hao Yan and Ming Shu talked. Dong Ge sat next to him and didn't eat much, but Hao Yan caught many dishes.

Although he was eventually rejected by Hao Yan, he also changed places.

Dongge: "..."


An Zhen was much quieter, and occasionally looked up at Ming Shu, revealing a shallow smile, which was too clever.

"Then make an appointment next time!"

When they separated, Hao Yan was still reluctant.

"Are we going home?" An Zhuo turned his head and asked Ming Shu.

"I think..." Mingshu thought for a moment, "We should go to the supermarket."


Do you want to compete with snacks again?

Can't you go?


After trying several times behind Mingshu, she found that he really couldn't distinguish the colors. She purposely found a mermaid and asked if Anzhu had been like this before.

However, Mermaid's answer is no.

An Leng used to be able to distinguish colors.


Mingshu put a cup in front of An Lian, "An Lian, what color is this?"

An Leng groaned, staring at the cup in Ming Shu's hand.

All he saw was black and white, and he didn't know what color it was.

"Are you indistinguishable?" Before An Zhuo came up with a solution, Mingshu approached him. "This is the price? You lied to me."

An Zhuo dangled his head, grasped his clothes with his fingers, and his fingertips began to blush.

Mingshu put the cup down and the cup base collided with the tabletop, making a slight sound.

An Lianxin also jumped.

Is she angry?

Just when An Zhuan was anxious about admitting mistakes, Mingshu suddenly squatted in front of him.

She took An Zhuan's hand and broke his squeezed fingers apart.

"You sacrifice so much, is it worth it?"

"worth it."

"Even if I don't like you?"

"...I like you."

Antonian took Mingshu's hand and he looked up. "I don't know how I should be with you. I don't want to lose you. This is the only way I can think of."

"This is not something you should consider."

An Leng froze, he pursed his lower lip, "I just want to be with you, is there something wrong?"

"You lost so much..."

"But I have you."

No matter how much he lost, he couldn't get her.

Mingshu clenched his hand slightly, "You can't tell the difference between red, yellow and green now, and you can't see the colorful world."

An Lian reached out and held Ming Shu's face, reflecting her figure in her eyes, as if the whole world was her only.

He whispered: "It doesn't matter."

The black and white world is not terrible.

The scary thing is that there is no you there.

"You are always shining in my eyes."

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