Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1499: God of Heaven (2)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu remembered one thing.

"How did I get here?"

"Just... suddenly appeared." Peony is still crying.

"sudden appearance?"

The peony flowers take for granted, a tone of unsophisticated and unsophisticated tone: "All the flowers here appear suddenly, what's so strange."

Ming Shu: "..." Bothered.

Mingshu found out that the flowers here are indeed not very cultivated, and basked in the sun all day.

They are not ascending, Mingshu cannot be ascending.

She wants to restore her human form!

Decades passed.

For the cultivator, it is no more than a snap.

Mingshu's height is already half the height, and the black petals are like tulle, layered, elegant and expensive.

It was heavy rain that night.

Mingshu bears the love from the rain, and the flower branches sway in the wind and rain.

Peony is babbling beside, and there are subtle sounds from all around.

"Someone came in... ah!"

"Someone came in..."

"Ah, he stepped on me, it hurts."

Layered sounds came from the rainy night.

Mingshu vaguely saw a tall figure, swiftly came from afar.

When he passed Mingshu, his clothes were thrown on the leaves of Mingshu, shaking Mingshu aside.

Someone seemed to be chasing behind, and the roar broke through the rain curtain.

The man had already passed Mingshu, but he fell back and uprooted Mingshu.

Mingshu: "..."

Mingshu was hugged by him, galloping all the way, and the people chasing him behind him gradually disappeared, and the surroundings were dark, only raindrops kept falling from the sky.

As soon as Mingshu came out, I felt quite wrong.

There is no aura here, only aura...

Wouldn't this be a demon world?

Mingshu was taken to a cave.

The man placed her on a stone in the cave.

The man crouched in front of her and looked at her carefully.

The man was handsome and dressed in a white dress. After spending so long in the rain, he was not wet.

A piece of green silk was bundled up in half at random, and the other half was draped behind the head, in stark contrast to the snow-white clothes.

The peach blossom eyes are slightly curved, and the eyes are gleaming, like a spring breeze, which makes people addicted.

He smiled a little evilly in the corners of his lips, and his tone was light, "Little Flower God, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Mingshu: "..."

Does he know the original owner?

There is no way for Mingshu to talk to him, so he can only be as steady as Taishan and ‘eyes’ with the man.

"Hey, forget how you are now." The man smiled lightly, his beautiful eyebrows, now more like spring blossoms.

The man got up and left, so she threw her in the corner.

Mingshu: "???

I go!

Ming Shu watched as the man left the cave, the rain stopped outside, the light at the entrance of the cave gradually lighted up, and the sunlight came in.

Without Reiki, Mingshu felt very hungry...

Even if you can’t eat snacks, the aura is gone now. Is this to starve me to inherit my snacks?

Too suffocating!

Don't let me practice as an adult!

The man came back at noon, still in the snow-white clothes, at first glance like the God of Jiuzhong heaven. However, if you look closely, it will be issued, and he is surrounded by magic energy.

This is a demon.

The man hugged a pot, black and autumn, and could not see any material, which matched her black and autumn flower.

He put the pot in front of Mingshu and planted her.

"Little Flower God, you have to work hard."

Mingshu leaves slammed past.

The man was surprised, reached out to hold her leaf, and a drunken smile on the corner of his mouth, "Are you awake?"

Mingshu took the leaves back and fanned them again, proving that she knew everything.

It may be a little painful for Mingshu to play other flowers, but for men, it is just a gentle tap.

"Then you have to practice well." The man's peach blossom eyes looked forward.

Mingshu: "..."

I don't know if it is her illusion.

His eyes are a bit wrong...

It's a bit like her staring red eyes.

Mingshu was speechless and could only throw leaves to protest. The man was like coaxing a child, while filling her with soil, while thinking of making her work hard and grow up soon.

Mingshu: "..."

Practice a ball!

This place is full of magic energy, how to practice? Does she need Reiki?

The men watered Mingshu every day, but Mingshu's leaves were getting worse every day.



The man groaned with his chin, "So arrogant? It's hard to raise..."

"But if you don't raise it, it won't work."

Mingshu's spirit was shocked.

What effect?

What does this goblin want to do to her?

The man sat down cross-legged, and his eyes fell upon her, "Little Flower God, don't be stubborn, be a little bit, hurry up and practice."

His voice was clear, with a little smile, and it was unusually hooked.

The leaves of Mingshu rolled up the soil in the basin and smashed it directly.

The dirt smashed on the man's face, slipping from his handsome face to the ground.

The smile on the corner of the man's mouth seemed stiff.

He raised his hand and brushed his cheek, pinching Mingshu leaves, "naughty."

Full of murderous mischief.

Mingshu also feels that the goblin is naughty, and one person and one flower just look at each other, and finally the man releases her first.

He moved Mingshu to the corner, and then ignored her.

Mingshu: "..."

The man didn’t return for several days, and Mingshu was hungry for so many days, probably as a plant. Apart from being absent, she did not show any other symptoms.


Early morning on the third day.

The man came in under the morning mist, his white clothes were like snow, his face was like a crown jade, and he walked with the wind.

He took a lot of things in his hand and put them all on the table.

He sat for a while, seemed to remember something, and left the cave again.

Mingshu felt a little aura, shaking his leaves and looking over there.

She used her energy to **** up, pulled herself out of the soil, jumped out of the flower pot, and the cultivation time was still too short. For a plant like her, it was the distance between the mountain and the sea from the corner to the table. .

To eat...

I can!

Imagine a flower jumping around.

The key is that Ming-Shu is still unstable.

Mingshu finally jumped to the table. The leaves just reached the plants on the table, and the man came in from outside.

The air seemed to freeze for a moment.

Then Mingshu immediately began to absorb Aura.

The man hurried over, and the things on the table had lost their aura and became a waste product.


He looked at the flowers grilled on the edge of the table.

The fingers squeaked and clicked.

A smile appeared on Junmei's face, "Little Flower God, who made you come out?"

The leaves of Mingshu slammed against a plant on the edge, and the aura entered her body.

The man reached out to grab.

One person and one flower, each pressing a plant.

Mingshu's leaves seemed to be lightly pressed, but the man didn't pull.

The man exerted secretly, and Mingshu suddenly released his strength. When the man stepped back, the leaves of Mingshu stretched out, tripping his foot, and the man nearly fell.

He stabilized his body, and his eyes fell upon Mingshu, with a look and exploration.

Mingshu leaves on both sides, making a akimbo pose.

Just watch!

I'm afraid of you!

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