Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1525: God of Heaven (28)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Devil, no good!"

The devil is still thinking about how to solve Ling's love rival. A demon suddenly dives from the sky.

"what happened again!"

Mozu gasped.


As soon as the devil heard the name, he couldn't help jumping.

Mingshu also raised his head, looking at the Demon Race.

"What's up with him?"

"Lead him...he...he was in Jiu Chongtian, and he opened a teleport..."

The devil frowned, "What's the matter, he will tell me when he opens a teleportation array?"

Mozu said: "The teleportation array seems the place where the wild beasts are held."

Demon King: "..."

Mingshu: "..."

My little goblin is amazing.


Why didn't the little beast tell her?

Did you go for a small trip? !

She was thinking about the little beast, and suddenly saw the little beast emerged from the darkness and crawled up to her.

Let you monitor the goblin, how do you monitor?

Little Beast: "..."

The little beast guilty looked left and right and could not admit that he had made a small mistake.

It covered its mouth with a small paw, yawned, so sleepy, shit, I sleep for a while, don't call me.

Mingshu: "..."

I go!

"Impossible!" The demon roared with emotion and shouted Mingshu to a spirit. "That place has been sealed for a long time. That is the power of the ancient gods. How can he open it with his ability to lose his title?"

No matter how bad it is, you can't stand shoulder to shoulder with the ancient gods!

He doesn't believe it!

"I don't know, but... there are already fierce beasts coming out, and now it's in the Nine Heavens, devil, this is true."

I don't know if it's an illusion, they seem to hear the roar of the fierce beast from Jiuzhongtian.

"Our Demon Race also has a seal point, will the Demon King be opened too?"

The wild beasts, literally understand, this stuff is the product of the wild times.

Now there is a **** in God Realm, but there is no ancient god.

All the ancient gods have fallen, and now the ancient gods are only inherited blood.

At the beginning, several ancient gods united to seal all the wild and fierce beasts in a separate space.

The seal point uses the Three Realms as a medium.

Protoss, Demon, and the world.

The demon's face was extremely poor, and he roared madly: "Is it crazy to lose my rank!"

Mozu: "..."

He said before that you are crazy.

So who is crazy?


Just when the devil was crazy, the mist was starting to surge in Luding Mountain where they were.

The whole mountain seems to be sinking.


The demon shouted.

"Quick withdrawal!"

"Ludingshan is also a seal."

In order to guarantee humanity as a weak race, the seal point of the world was chosen at Luding Mountain, which is located in the middle of the Three Realms.

The devil chose this place entirely because it is closer to the demon clan. If something happens, he can quickly return to the demon clan, or he can immediately call for reinforcements.

Who knows how to do things in the back.

Ludingshan sinks very fast.

Mingshu barely had time to run, and the whole person had fallen.

Mingshu: "!!!!!!"

Do not bring this!

She vaguely heard someone screaming.

But the surroundings are too dark, the body keeps falling, almost can't see clearly, even spells are useless, this place...


Mingshu fell to the ground.

There was a mess of rocks falling around.

Mingshu clutched his head and rolled to the side.

After a good sound around, he gradually became quiet.

At this time she was buried in a pile of rubble, and there was only a tiny space around her.

Mingshu: "..."



I want to kill you!

I finally caught Lingwu!

Ming Shu greets the eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart.

Ming Shu took a deep breath.

Calm down quickly.


At the entrance of the cave, a pile of rubble was pushed away, and gray people came out of it.

"Cough cough..."

Mingshu took the dust off and crawled out of it.

The little beast grunted and rolled out.

Mingshu stood up, she was on a **** at this time, looking out...

I go!

Several behemoths roamed in the distance.


I don’t know if it’s delicious!

Mingshu rubbed his hands and prepared to go down to catch the beast.

Halfway through, she suddenly remembered that she seemed unable to use spells.

this place……

Disable spells?

"Eh, are you okay?" Mingshu poked the dumpling beside him.

The colorful dumplings bite on her clothes swing, hang in the air to make a circle, and fall to sit on Mingshu's feet.

With his dark eyes open, he accused Mingshu of his evil deeds, which looked so cute.

"Of course I do!" Huh! It's a beast, how can't it!

It's just such a weak chicken.

Mingshu bent down to pick it up.

"Then you are awesome."

"That's it." The little beast looked up with pride.

Mingshu raised his hand and threw the beast out.

"It's all on you!"

"Ah... **** shit, you bastard..."

The little animal roared away.

Mingshu went down the **** in the scolding of the little beast, and when she walked down, the little beast had stepped on a fierce beast.

"Shoveling shit, look, this is the world I lay for you!"

The little beast's small paws wave like a domineering king like a king.

Mingshu hushed, "I didn't see it."

She looked away, and now she could no longer see the wandering beasts.

Little Beast: "..." Huh!

The little animal jumped down and urged Mingshu to set fire to the barbecue.

Cooked is better than raw.

Mingshu and the little beast divided this fierce beast.

The beast meat is still good, and it is not poisonous.

Produced by Honghuang.

Must be fine.

After eating, Mingshu slowly walked to the periphery, how to get out of this place...


Mingshu stepped in and looked back, something rushing past her.

The grass around was lush, and somehow the wind came, and the grass was like a sea, rippled.

Mingshu folded a branch.


The shadow passed through the afterglow.

A sense of crisis came from behind, and the moment Mingshu turned around, the branches hit him.

His wrist was held, his body moved forward slightly, and he was pulled into his arms.

A familiar voice, with a hot temperature, fell to my ears, "Little Flower God, also said that you don't like me, all came here."

Mingshu: "..."

Mingshu stepped on the instep of the foot, and let her loose.

The tree branch greeted him with a shame.

"I have tolerated you for a long time."

"I'll let you do things."


"I won't kill you!"

Mingshu scolded while smoking.

There was no resistance in the rank, but he shouted with his head: "Little Flower God, you are too much! If you were not me, you were attacked. Is that how you treat you as a life-saving benefactor?"

"If it weren't for you, I could be here!" The branches continued to draw, and the leaves flew all over the sky.

Mingshu emptied all the leaves on the branch before stopping.

The long, white fingers that fell into the title, brushing through the white clothes, had a clear appearance, and were still beautiful and intriguing.

His eyes are like old vintage wine, with intoxicating ripples, "Little Flower God, playing is a curse and love, it seems that you like me very much."

Mingshu reluctantly gave him a smile that he understood.

Throw away the branches in your hand, and your eyes fall behind your rank.

There lay an earthy yellow, resembling a fox's body.

like a statue.

It should be dead.

"You killed?"

"Yes, do you want to praise me?"

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