Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1533: God of Heaven (36)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

It was not smooth for the Demon King to ask Xing Lian Hua God, and Ming Shu heard that he was fighting again.

Where does Nine Chongtian dare to give people to the devil casually, after all, this is a person who offends the ancient **** of Nine Spirits.

But they can't contact the ancient gods.

The devil splattered outside the Nantian Gate all day long, making everyone in Jiuzhongtian uncomfortable.


When the devil saw someone calling, he ran away.

How to fight this horseman?

Demon clan shameless, who can compete with it.

Finally, I don't know who came forward to mediate, but it really made the devil bring the Xinglian Flower God back.

"Lock her up." The demon threw her to the demon.

"Devil... Demon King?" Doubts clutching Xing Lian's face of the Devil Race, didn't the Devil King like this flower **** before?

Why should we shut it up?

Is there anything to do... well... that...

The devil glanced coldly.

The Mozu narrowed his neck and responded slyly, "Yes."

Xing Lian was taken to prison.

The demon went to Flower Valley, stood outside and looked inside.

Mingshu was sitting in the bushes and seemed to be teaching the dead child, but the child was so violently playing... where is the bear child!

The demon was watching outside for a while, and left depressively.

From Flowering Valley, the devil went to the place where Xingli was imprisoned.

"You...what do you want to do..." Xingli was a little messy and looked embarrassed, but she still lost her pitiful capital.

The devil's eyes stared at her coldly.

Xing Lian grasped the clothes tightly, what his eyes were, he used to look at himself like this before.

Now Jiu Zhongtian doesn't care about her life.

Ling Wu has never appeared.

Xing Lian glanced at the devil, and his thoughts flew over.

She bit her lip and made herself look weaker, and asked carefully: "Don't you want to marry me?"

The devil sneered.

Xing Lian groaned.

She gritted her teeth, stepped a few steps forward, reached out, grabbed the devil's shoulders, and pressed her soft body.


Xingli fell to the wall, slid to the ground, and screamed while covering her shoulders.

How could this be!

Doesn't he like himself?

Hasn't he always wanted to get himself?

"Come here!"

The demon waiting outside came in, "Demon?"

"Destroy her face to this monarch." Demon dictated coldly.

Xing Lian stared.

"For... why? Don't, don't you come, don't you like me? I'm willing to be with you, don't treat me like this... Let me go!"

Xing Lian was pressed by the Mozu, and she screamed.

The demon stepped a few steps forward, pinched her chin, and leaned slightly, letting her pupils reflect his figure.

Leng Yan's voice fell in Xing Lian's ears, "Why should you do this to you? Who allows you to use similar looks to her?"

she was……

A figure immediately appeared in Xing Lian's mind.

She was just an ordinary apricot flower, and that person took her back to plant it, so she gradually became wise.

She taught her to cultivate immortals.

But she just wanted someone to serve her.

She served her as hard as she could, but she said to herself that she has average qualifications and it is difficult to go further.

Obviously she could change her qualifications by just thinking, but she refused.


"You too?"

Xing Lian was stunned, but she saw the Demon King's indifferent face.

The devil shook her off in disgust, turned around and left, "hand in hand."

"Do not!"


Xing Lian's screaming sounded behind the demon king. He walked in a hurry, stepping on the torrent of time and returned to his past.

The first time he saw the man was on the battlefield between the gods and demons.

At that time he was just a teenager, because of the fierceness of that war, these demons who were not supposed to go up were also sent to the battlefield.

Standing in the protoss camp, she is elegant and elegant, a customary gesture of the protoss.

Obviously, it is a gesture that makes the Demon hate, but he can't bear a little hate.

That battle ended with the Demon Formation covering the entire Demon Race.

The Protoss should start the Demon Formation to completely destroy the Demon Clan.

But after the Demon Array started, she suddenly appeared, suppressing the Demon Array with the absolute pure heaven and earth aura of Buddha.

The demon can not be destroyed.

When the Demon Race is destroyed, the seal's wild and fierce beast will come out, and it is not a Demon Race that will be destroyed at that time.


Later she fell.

She is the last ancient **** to fall.

He has been crawling around the Demon Race for many years, and finally took the position of Demon King.

But what he thought about day and night was still that beautiful and noble goddess.

He knew that her body was a nine-star spirit flower, living with heaven and earth, and coexisting with Buddha.

So he always looks for the flower demon and wants to find the person he used to be.

However, after so many years, no flower demon has her shadow.

Until Xing Lian appeared.

With a face similar to hers.

Even the occasional look is similar.

He knew in his heart that the man would not appear again, and Xingli was not her.


The demon stepped slightly, the torrent of time dissipated instantly, and the screams behind could no longer be heard.

Hearing what Xing Lian had done on the Protoss side, he could hardly help but kill her.

How can she do that to her.

If this is not the case, he might still be able to let her go.

"Demon, what should she do?"

"Don't let me see her again."



Mingshu teaches bear children to practice in Huagu every day, the devil always dangles outside, and sees Mingshu and runs.

Mingshu was quite annoying at first.

I don't care about him later.

Every day "teaching" bear children to cultivate immortals.

"Squat!" Mingshu took the rattan and educated the bear child.

The bear child's face turned red, and his face was angry, "You are not teaching me to cultivate immortals at all, you are bullying me!"

"Who said this?"

"Xiaohong said, Xiu Xian is not so cultivated! You just bullied me on purpose!" The title held her small chest and stood upright.

Mingshu rattan struck over, dropped the title and squatted back.

"I'm doing it for your own good. You are so weak that you get sick every time you move, just because you don't exercise." Mingshu flickered for a while.

Obviously, it was unbelief. The red face was full of grievances.

She is bullying herself!


I want to go home!

He doesn't want to cultivate immortals!

The lower arm was sore and sore, and he couldn't sleep at night, turning over and over in bed.

"What about your pancakes?" Mingshu chewed the fruit and came in from the outside.

"It hurts..." The child's face was wronged, "I blame you!"

"It hurts if it hurts, it's dead if it doesn't hurt."

"You let me die!" The child broke.

Mingshu leaned over, the sweet smell of the fruit invaded in the past, the child looked at her with a stunned face, clutching the small quilt in both hands, she she she...want to do?

"Want to die? Underworld is so crowded, you have to line up to cast a baby. You may not be able to vote for a person, do you still want to die?"

"……"Wow! Bullying!

Mingshu bit the fruit and reached out to squeeze his arms and legs. The soreness gradually disappeared. The drowsiness hit, and he was confused, he seemed to see her gentle and tired smile.

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