Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1535: God of Heaven (38)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Ling had no enchantment, wounded several people on the nineth heaven, and finally he ran away.

Heaven Emperor wants to give everyone a statement.

That is his son.

Why is it enchanted?

But Heavenly Emperor didn't know why. He was afraid that Ling could not think about it because of Xing Lian's business, so Ling Ling stayed in the palace.

He went to see him occasionally, and he did not notice anything abnormal.

But he was suddenly enchanted.

A protoss who has fallen into a demon tribe, the protoss will not let it go, and he must be caught.

Even if Heaven Emperor wanted to protect his son, he could not be favoritism at this time.

They received news that Lingwu appeared in a small town on earth.

But when they arrived, there was no one to live in the whole town, and the body was lying on the side of the road.

Everyone went into the town in fright.

The messy streets seemed to be able to see people scrambling to escape.


Someone exclaimed.

In front is the empty area of ​​the town, where a wooden stake stands, and the wooden stake is **** with the person they are looking for.


Everyone cried and ran over.

Ling Wu was contaminated with blood that had already coagulated, bowing his head, motionless, unaware of life or death.


"Who did it?"

"Are these people killed by the prince?"

Everyone talked in a low voice, it seemed that no one dared to come forward and put Lingwu down.

"Yo, everyone comes pretty quickly."

The sudden sound made everyone turn their eyes.

In a noodle shop next to her, a black skirt girl came out slowly, holding a bowl of noodles in her hand, and was eating in a whirlwind.

Behind her was a half-old child, fearful of fear and fear.

And all the immortals were also terrified.

The ancient **** that disappeared after returning to the place appeared here.

"Nine Spirit Ancient God..."

"Have seen the ancient spirit of Nine Spirits."

Mingshu waved his hand, "I thought you wouldn't catch him."

"Prince was caught by the ancient spirit of Jiuling?"

"It's a lot of work, you will have to pay me back."

"..." What is it? !

Ling's strength soared after he hadn't been enchanted. In the Jiuzhong Heaven, they didn't catch him, and then he was surrounded twice, and he let him run away.

did not expect……

Worthy of being the ancient god!

"This kid, please find a way to arrange it." Ming Shu pointed to the kid who just cooked for himself.


The cents discussed to take Lingling back first.

How to deal with this matter, you have to go back to discuss before you can make a decision.

There is no objection, and the next step is how to bring Ling Wuwei back.

Mingshu sat on a chair and ate noodles, and he stepped forward carefully.

"Nine Spirits on God..."

Mingshu raised his eyes a little and gestured to do what he did.

"Will this prince wake up?"

"I didn't die, why didn't I wake up?"

"Is it..." The man immediately echoed, "Xianxian means, when will His Royal Highness be awakened, Xiaoxian is worried that the prince will suddenly wake up on the way back..."

"Liu..." Mingshu eats noodles with chopsticks.

The corner of Xiaoxian's mouth can't help twitching. Is this an ancient god? Does this return to the highest level of simplicity?

"When do you wake up? It depends on him. Everyone has a different ability to fight, and different periods of natural lethargy..."

"Nine, the ancient spirit of Nine Spirits, take the liberty to ask... How do you make the prince dizzy?" Isn't it a spell? Do spells all have a time?

Mingshu took the chopsticks and made a gesture from top to bottom.

"That's it."


Worthy of being the ancient god!

Can't afford it!

"You are afraid that he will wake up, and it will be better if he plays a few more times." Mingshu suggested.


Even if it is enchanted, this is also the prince!

If he didn't do it, if they did, if the emperor remembered his hatred, what would he do if he wore them with small shoes?

Xiaoxian grinned reluctantly.

"Should I help you fight?" Mingshu smiled: "But you have to serve some snacks."

Little fairy: "..."

Although Xiaoxian thought that this request was a little weird, but before thinking that she also asked for a variety of fruit trees from Jiuzhongtian, she accepted it quite frankly.

With clear hands, they don't have to be wearing small shoes.

"Ancient God of Nine Spirits... Are you... going back with us?"

"Go back!" Ming Shu's face took for granted, "I also planted a lot of cucumbers in the Flower Temple."

All Immortals: "..."

Don't you go back without planting?


Ling Wu was arrested and returned. The emperor held the attitude of official affairs, and had nothing to do with Ling. He made sure that he could not run away.

Of course, the immortals thought that there was an ancient **** sitting next to him who was eating cucumber.

Otherwise it is estimated that Heavenly Emperor will not be so refreshing.

It can be seen that Emperor Tian has not exempted the Prince of Ling from now on, and he is partial to his son.

Of course, as a father, he did it right.

If it weren't for telling any affection, it would be a cold-hearted emperor's story again.

Emperor Tian made people investigate the fact that the mausoleum was not demon.

Mingshu returned to the Flower Temple and had a cucumber feast with Qingzhi.

"Jinse Flower God...No, Jiuling Ancient God, are you... are you still satisfied?" Qing Zhi trembles his legs in fright.

What's the matter!

Before, she was a flower fairy who had just been promoted, turning her head to be a flower god, now...

"What are you shaking?"

Qingzhi froze and dared not tremble.

"I won't eat you again."

"..." That's scary too!

"Jinse! Jinse!" Ying Luo rushed in from the outside.

Qingzhi heard the name and was kneeling for the little princess.

Dare to call his name directly, do not want to live.

"Why are you here?" However, Mingshu just looked up and continued to eat without any response.

The girl in the red dress blinked her eyes and said angrily: "Can't I come? You have become an ancient **** and you don't recognize me as a friend?"

"..." I don't know when we are friends anymore.

"Are you really an ancient god?" Ying Luo approached Mingshu and whispered.


"Yes, why is it probably?" Ying Luo murmured as she sat next to Mingshu, "I heard that Ling Wu was arrested, is it true?"


"Huh, I don't know what crazy..."

Yingluo talked like a tuberculosis, grunting for a while.

Qingzhi took the opportunity to slip away and scared her to death. Princess Yingluo could admire Mingshu like this.

She wants to plant flowers now.

But when Mingshu was leaving, she still gave her away, and the enlightenments of the flowers in the temple were envious.

Qingzhi: "..."

Mingshu's residence was where Jiuling used to live.

"In the future you will be responsible for what you need here, and tell me. A variety of trees! Plant less flowers, flowers can not be eaten.



She is a flower grower!

Qingzhi became the housekeeper in the Mingshu palace. At first, others didn't know, but soon Qingzhi discovered that the gods saw her and smiled friendly.

This terrified Qingzhi, and dared not go out for several days.

Yingluo has been running here for a few days, knowing that Mingshu likes to eat snacks, and brought all the delicious food of the Feng family.

"My brother's cooking is delicious. Does Jinse lack a warm bed?"

Qing Zhi's legs softened, and the things in her hands were not stable. She hurriedly picked them up, but she even fell herself.

Seeing that he was about to fall, a hand suddenly appeared in the waist to stabilize her body, and things were caught.

"Be careful."

Qing Zhi blushed with a blush, "Thank you ancient god."

"Don't waste food."

Qingzhi: "..."

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