Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1559: Meet Zhi Ye (21)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Why are you bringing me here today?" Ming Shu asked beside Zong Yu.

Zong Yu pushed the phone next to her.

"Completely solve these problems, lest you misunderstand."

Before, there was no one around him. After Jiang Xiaocai repeatedly refused, he persevered, and he was too lazy to say that she hoped that she would find someone else who liked her.

But not now.

"That, sister-in-law... come, I have a cup for you." A man next to him stood up: "I will give it to you after meeting my brother."

Mingshu just picked up his glass and was robbed by Zong Yu.

He drinks for her.

"You still don't drink alcohol in the future, I don't want to be responsible." Mingshu snatched the wine back.

Zong Yu: "..."

"Hahahaha, sister-in-law is wise, don't let Yuge drink in the future."

"Yu Ge drinking, it was a disaster, it was terrible."

Everyone's mouth was full of tongues, Zong Yu's face slightly condensed, and the air seemed to freeze.

"Hahaha, sister-in-law, I respect you." The wise man immediately changed the subject.

"Our brother is still very good, and the sister-in-law's vision is really good."

"What is very good? That's top-notch, will you speak!"

"Yes, yes, brother is best."

One person toast a cup, Zong Yu wrinkled, tried to help her drink several times, but was blocked by Ming Shu.

Liu Zhihan only came back halfway, and Jiang Xiaocai had already sent him back. If something happened to this child, the Jiang family had to find them desperately.

Liu Zhihan sat next to Zong Yu.

"A Yu."

Zong Yu looked blankly.

"Are you serious?" He looked over at Mingshu.

Zong Yu typing: "When did I make a joke?"

"...What do you like about her?" Liu Zhihan couldn't understand why he was so fancy with such a girl.

Although this girl always smiles, he always feels a little infiltrating.

"she was."

Zong Yu typed only one word.

Liu Zhihan waited for Zong Yu to continue, but the latter did not mean to continue.

The answer to that question-like her.

Liu Zhihan looked weird and patted Zong Yu's shoulder a moment later: "Although I think this girl is a little strange, if you can be happier, I will support you, brother."

Zong Yu glanced at him.

Liu Zhihan smiled and joined the chaotic battle.

Zong Yu sat next to him, looking at the lively environment, with a little lonely expression.

"Zong Yu." The warm body leaned over, and the girl's clear voice fell on his ear, rolling all the way into his heart.

The coldness and unconsciousness of Zong Yu's eyebrows melted, revealing a bit of soft color. He held Mingshu's wrist, and finally touched her palm, interlocking her fingers.

She will like him.


"What are you holding me doing? How do I eat..." Mingshu shook his hand.

Zong Yu took another hand and put vegetables in her bowl.

Mingshu: "..."

If he eats, he will not care about him.

Zong Yu carefully picked out the bones and fishbone,

"Eh, look..."

Liu Zhihan looked down, the two sat very close, the girl was eating elegantly, the man picked her fishbone, the warmth that the picture couldn't tell.

Liu Zhihan frowned, drinking a sip of wine: "I only hope she has no purpose."

Everyone looked at each other.


Today Zong Yu brought her over, in addition to solving Jiang Xiaocai, there is also to let her recognize people.

After leaving, Liu Zhihan walked at the end.

He called Mingshu aside.

"Ms. Ai, there may be something inappropriate for me, but A Yu has no relatives, so as his friend, I still have to say it."

Ming Shu nodded: "Say chant."

Liu Zhihan: "You and Ayu together, it is best to have no other purpose. If you have another purpose, I found it, then don’t blame me for being rude. Of course, if you and Ayu are really together, I will bless you and please take good care of Ayu."

Mingshu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Do you like him?"

"Cough cough..."

Liu Zhihan was choked by the saliva.

He talked to her seriously, she gave himself such a sentence?

Liu Zhihan said: "I grew up with A Yu since childhood, and brothers don't understand!"

"Understood, it's brotherhood now."

"..." Go to your uncle's brotherhood! He is a straight and straight man!

"A Yu." Liu Zhihan hurriedly called Zong Yu over: "Be careful on the road, don't send it slowly."

Liu Zhihan quickly slipped away.

Zong Yu came over and naturally took Ming Shu's hand.

On the way back, Zong Yu did not communicate with her.

Going downstairs in the community, Ming Shu asked: "Your voice..."

Zong Yu froze for a moment, and it was estimated that Mingshu would suddenly ask this.

The street lights in the community were dim, dragging their shadows.

Zong Yu took out his phone and typed.

"The vocal cord was damaged in an accident."

"Can't heal?"

Zong Yu glanced at Ming Shu, and the speed of typing was much slower: "Do you dislike it?"

"I don't like you anymore, why should I dislike it." Mingshu strode into the community: "I just asked casually, don't think about it."

Zong Yu: "..."


When Ming Shu went home, he got into the bathroom and bathed. Maybe he drank and got his stamina. Ming Shu came out a little dizzy after bathing.

She touched the room and didn't even bother to turn on the light, fluttering directly on the bed.

The result was a warm body.

Mingshu: "..."

She reached out and touched the lamp at the head of the bed. She hadn't touched it yet. Her hand was pulled back. Her head was dizzy. She rolled on the bed and was pressed underneath.

"Zong Yu?"

Zong Yu responded to her impetuous kisses.

This was the first time they had such an intimate contact after that day.

Before Zong Yu at most, she kissed her forehead and pulled a small hand.

Zong Yu didn't drink today!

Why are you crazy again?

When Mingshu touched his hot skin, the brain became more dizzy, the oxygen in the chest cavity was less and less, and the places he touched began to get hot...


The next day.

Zong Yu woke up first, and the delicate man in his arms made him raise his mouth slightly.

She didn't reject herself.

It's impossible to do this kind of thing with people you don't like. She must like herself.

Zong Yu first brainwashed himself, then looked down at the person in his arms.

No matter how they look, they feel happy.

Zong Yu hugged Mingshu and turned to look at the sunlight outside the window.

Waking up the first morning, he felt the world was beautiful.

Mingshu was awakened by her kisses. She pushed away the people irritably and fell asleep while touching her snack.

But the people around did not stop.

Mingshu is crazy: "Can Zong Yu stop?"

Zong Yu couldn't say anything, so naturally she couldn't answer her, she could only use her actions to say no.

"Zong Yu!"

Ming Shu's voice was like a catalyst, making Zong Yu even more excited.

Early in the morning, obviously suitable for breakfast, why did it become like this.

"Zong Yu you a bastard..."


Nine Young: You are my breakfast.

Ming Shu: Say it again?

Nine Shao: (Second counseling) Daughter-in-law, I bought you your favorite food.

[Draw lights at a critical moment for harmony and harmony. 】

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