Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1561: Meet Zhi Ye (23)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu did not want to agree, this is a pit.

But Mr. Cade kept begging her.

She's a bad person, but it's not bad enough, she started to deal with an old man.

There is no scolding, Mr. Cade just depends on it here, what can she do?

Mingshu finally agreed to consider.

"Why not agree?"

Looking at the words on the screen, Mingshu took the initiative to hug Zong Yu's neck and nestled in his arms: "Trouble, at that time, how much delicious I can eat."

Zong Yu's heart was funny.

Reach out and touch her head.

"But if he invited me to eat, I could barely agree."


Mingshu talked to Mr. Cade on this condition, and the other party of course agreed without thinking.

In order to protect the original, Mr. Kaide only gave a copy of Mingshu.

If he is satisfied, he will give her the manuscript completely.

But since Mingshu took over this job, he hasn't lived in a day.

Either enter the thief in the middle of the night, or go out unlucky.

How many people are staring at this?

Isn’t it just a manuscript?

Does it work like this?

In a breath, he found Mr. Cade and had a close conversation with Mr. Cade for two hours. The next day, Mr. Cade published a manuscript on the Internet and asked for a manuscript for the entire network.

Everyone: "..."

And this operation! !

Now everyone knows that those who stared at Mingshu can only go away.

The incident was in full swing, Mingshu spent several days thinking about it, and finally returned the manuscript to Mr. Cade.

Mr. Cade looked at the manuscript a little bit lost.

I don't know what strange memories I fell into.

Mingshu can only leave by himself.

Walking out of the street, she stretched out.

When she lowered her hand, she suddenly stopped a chartered car in front of her, opened the door, and the trained person came down, dragged her and threw it into the car.

Mingshu: "..."

I go to the trafficker!

As a kidnapped person, Mingshu was not very struggling.

This group of people hasn't moved for so long, and now it finally appears.

After seeing the person who tied her up in a moment, she had to fight her father and mother without knowing!

"Brother, I don't run, can you let go of me?"

The next brother glanced at her, and looked away indifferently.

"Brother, you are also ordered to act, and I also cooperate, you can't take care of my little girl?"

"As a man, you treat a weak girl like this, won't your conscience hurt?"


"Shut up!" the brother finally screamed.

Even if the woman is not afraid at all, so much!

"Did the brother eat?"


In the end, Mingshu still got a bowl of instant noodles and marinated eggs.

The hostages don’t tell you not to run, they just want to make instant noodles.

The car galloped all the way.

"Not yet?" Mingshu waited a little impatiently: "Can I still have a bowl of instant noodles?"

At this point, I have no energy to hit people.


This woman is not only life-threatening but also courageous!


"Here, get off!"

The car door opened and people outside scolded with sticks.

"What are you doing so fiercely." Mingshu got out of the car with instant noodles: "I tell you, be a man, you have to..."

"To shut up!"

Mingshu shrugged and continued to eat his instant noodles, making a beautiful hostage.


If you don’t eat instant noodles, you are quite qualified.

I don’t know if it’s a guest they invited!

Mingshu was taken inside and it was a courtyard house. Mingshu walked through the courtyard and walked through a room to the backyard.

There is a man doing yoga in the backyard.

Mingshu, who eats instant noodles, and the man doing yoga meet his eyes.


Ming Shu took a breath.

The man keeps his hands folded over his head and stands on one leg.

"It's you who messed up with me three or five times?" Ming Shu said first: "Which small cookie do you count!"

the man:"??"

Never seen such an arrogant hostage.

"How did she come here like this?" The man lowered his hand and asked the person behind Mingshu.

"She... that..." The Brotherhood stuttered a little: "She doesn't resist."

They all thought of a plan before, towed into the car first, and stunned if they resisted.

Men's fingers pointed between them, I don't know what to describe them.

The man took the veil handed over by the person next to him and wiped the sweat: "Ai Ye, graduated from G, and her parents are healthy..."

The man shook Ming Shu's family.

He took a seat on the chair where the younger brother moved, posing as a big brother.

Ming Shu sucked his face in a chubby way: "So?"

the man:"……"

At this time, you should be afraid of panic, not calm noodles!

Who gave her face!

"Are you okay to do what I do? I robbed your rice, or robbed your dried meat?"


What is this and what.

are you crazy!

The man stabilized his urge to spit: "Ai Ye, we can investigate your background clearly and don't want any accidents from your family. You'd better cooperate."

Mingshu suddenly showed a dark smile: "Do you know how many people I killed when I was a kid?"

The man was horrified.

Afterwards, I must have been teased.

"Ai Ye, your courage is not small."

"I am dead."


It's really impossible to chat this day!

The man decided not to talk nonsense with Mingshu: "Yes, I will just say it."

Mingshu handed the finished instant noodles to his brother standing behind.


"Hand over what you have."

"What?" I don't even know you, when did I take your stuff! Do you want to wrong me again? !

The man drew a picture from the side.

"This one."

He tapped something on the photo: "Ai Ye, you don't install garlic. I don't believe you haven't seen it. Presumably you saw it?"

The photo shows a USB flash drive.

Why is this thing again!

Can't I change a prop?

"I haven't seen it." Ming Shu said: "What's in it?"

The man frowned, not quite convinced by Ming Shu's words: "But we have investigated clearly, the things are with you, you are pretended to be me!"

"I haven't seen..."

Mingshu paused, seeming to think of something.

In the previous car accident, there seemed to be such a USB flash drive in the bag that the police handed her.

After she took it back, she never used it again.

"Remembered?" The man said: "Hand over something and spare your life."

Mingshu laughed with a lip curl: "Can you make me move smoothly?"

the man:"……"

What's your life now, and you're still on the move?

"Ai Ye you know we killed you, we can find something." The man threatened Mingshu: "And no one will know that you were murdered, they will only think you were in an accident."

"So powerful, why didn't you kill me a few times before?"

Slaps came too fast, and the man was a little bit out of touch.

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