Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 805: Dawn Hunt (21)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Ye Xiangsi's skills are passive and can only be used when attacked.

And it is not effective for humans.

The skills of the heroine are always unique and unique.

Mingshu patted her shoulder sympathetically.

Poor hostess.

Mingshu tucked Ye Xiangsi into the car, and the wilderness suddenly opened the back door and sat up.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Xiangsi also turned to look at this strange man.

Wilderness sat back, and impatiently returned, "What's wrong with you grabbing me and taking you off?"

"Is my car so easy to sit in?" I am ashamed!

The wilderness pulled open his backpack, took out two packs of biscuits from the inside, and threw them into the front with great force.

Biscuits are not compressed biscuits, and they have not passed their shelf life.

When the materials were turned in, Mingshu assumed that the wilderness could ride the car.

Ye Xiangsi frequently looked back. The boys kept looking at the outside of the car.

The face was very handsome, but his expression was a bit fierce, so it wasn't easy to mess with.

The spread of monsters is not fast. After Mingshu turned around the main streets of the city, he drove to meet Sutai and others.

Sutai They have met two monsters on their side. Suddenly this kind of thing appeared. They haven't reacted yet. The zombies reacted faster. They swarmed and solved the two monsters.

When Mingshu returned, he saw that the monster's body was torn apart, and the zombies were watching the new species.

"Xia Wei, you finally came back, and suddenly two disgusting things appeared, which were more disgusting than zombies." The mouse flew over, "there is really a weirdness in this city."

"You can call them Kendricks." Mingshu smiled.

"KFC? Who took the name and bullied KFC not in..."

When Yu Guang swept to the back seat, he was startled, and his voice changed, "The wilderness!"

The wilderness glanced at him, "Oh."

"Sutai, Sutai." The mouse jumped back and roared with a voice, "Come on Sutai, the little **** in the wilderness is not dead yet!!"

The mouse shouted badly, but there was some excitement in his tone.

"The enemy?" Ming Shu turned his head to look at the wilderness.

"Just him?"

The two words have completely expressed his contempt.

Su Tai and Huang Zheng came out from inside, and Huang Zheng was also slightly surprised.

Sutai seemed very calm and said in a stated tone: "I think you may be fine."

The wilderness and Sutai knew each other, which was quite unexpected.

However, they are not a school in Yuanye and Sutai, they met in a competition.

As long as the wilderness participates in the game, Sutai must be the second best in the world.

At first they were very angry, and later they contacted a few more times, and were counted as friends.

The wilderness sat like a mountain and asked Mingshu, "How are you with them? Are you not a zombie? Are they also zombie?"

"Shut up for me in the wilderness, you are the zombie!!!" The mouse jumped.

"Human funeral collusion? Not only your IQ, it's better to be a zombie." The wilderness can be described as very malicious.

"..." Can you speak well, you **** don't sit in the zombie car now.

Mingshu whistled towards the little zombies, who immediately directed the zombies into the car.

The wilderness seemed a bit strange looking at the armed zombies, and they changed to the cart.

Ye Xiangsi took a few small ones and drove one by himself.

Sutai and Xizi still sit with Mingshu.

Huang Zheng drove the last car.

The wilderness was about to get on the bus, and the door in front of him slammed shut.

The wilderness looked impatiently at the person who closed the door. "I gave you supplies."

Mingshu nodded, "I agree that you get in the car, but I don't agree that you get in this car, that car is still there, you can drive it yourself."

Wilderness: "..."

There are too many slots and I don't know where to vomit.

In the end, Su Tai helped the wilderness to pay for supplies, so he could get on the train.

"Why are you here?" Sutai asked the wilderness.

The wilderness dragged the opening of 25,800,000, "find something."

Sutai seems to be accustomed to the attitude of the wilderness, but the mouse is whispering next to him, "Is it easy to meet, do you not feel a little bit excited? Thanks to us, we even went to your school to find you, but you can be good and run by yourself."

"Pig teammates die fast." Wilderness said: "What about Li Jianren?"

The lost mouse was not sent out in one breath, and he was suffocated by the three words of Li Jianren.

Sutai's expression was also dim, "behind."

There is only Huang Zheng behind, and the rest are zombies.

Needless to say, the wilderness also understands.

He is just a polite sentence to prevent collapsing.

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

Su Tai broke his silence, "What's the situation in the city?"

"You ask her." The wilderness said angrily: "She did something good."

To grab his stuff, dare to let so many monsters come out.

The people on the co-pilot didn't say anything when they didn't hear it.

The wilderness was half dead, if not so far away, he really wanted to strangle her.

The wilderness entered the pharmaceutical company, and they went higher than Liang Xuan. The more they went up, the more bodies were piled up, and they were not ordinary bodies, but strange bodies.

A word to describe the four different.

The corpses seemed to have chopped off different species and were forcibly placed on one body.

It is far from the monsters that come out later.

"Before the end of the world or after the end of the world?" Su Tai suddenly grasped the point.

"After the last days, the experimental record began six months ago." Yuan Ye said: "If she didn't appear suddenly, I can get more information."

Everyone was surprised to hear that the experiments were most likely done by a zombie.



The ground vibrated, the car skidded and rammed towards the front guardrail. The mouse braked urgently, and it was able to stop before hitting.

"Fuck, what's the matter?" The mouse looked back with fear.

At this point, the whole person was ignorant.

The whole city blew up later.

The entire city's buildings were razed to the ground, leaving only fire and mushroom clouds caused by the explosion.

A group of people got out of the car and looked at the smoke-filled city.

"Isn't the timing 48 hours?" the wilderness asked.

"Yeah." Mingshu nodded.

"Why did it blow up now?"

How many hours have passed?

If MMP didn't go fast, wouldn't it be buried with him now?

"I didn't say there was only one way to detonate." Mingshu was slightly innocent.


The police will cry when they meet a gangster like you.

Listening to the rest of the people for a long time, it is also understood.

This explosion is also related to her.


This is not a problem.

Sutai and others got on the bus like everyone else.

Wilderness: "..." No, don't you condemn her? ! !

[Exceeded the overtime task, the host is great. 】The Harmony is complimenting Mingshu.

The time-limited tasks are pretty good.

Mingshu accepted the praise of Harmony very frankly.

There can be more tasks like this.

[...] The host thought so much.

There are also rules for time-limited tasks, and wherever you can tell.

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