Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 808: Dawn Hunt (24)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Ancheng's former official office building.

It was occupied by poisonous spiders and others, the building had electricity, and the wilderness took the elevator.

"Captain Xingliang, bring back such important news. I will pass on the news to the brothers..."

The elevator door opened, and the poisonous spider was sending Liang Xuan and others to the elevator. The attitude seemed polite, but there was not much sincerity.

The elevator door opened, and the poisonous spider glanced inside. He squinted and said hello, "Brother Wilderness is back."

He turned his head to Liang Xuan and said: "I will not give it away, Captain Liang please."

Liang Xuan looked around the wilderness, one person entered the elevator, and the other exited the elevator.

The wild eyebrows are always haunting, looking slightly fierce.

Liang Xuan couldn't help but look twice, this man...she hadn't seen it before.

The elevator doors closed slowly, and when the elevator was about to close completely, she suddenly saw the man look back at her.

Can't tell what it feels like.

I felt a little uncomfortable... and a little familiar.

Then the elevator shuts down and starts to descend.


The whole building trembled.

The poisonous spider looked in the direction of the elevator, frowning slightly.

The elevator suddenly fell out of control, and the people in the elevator were slightly injured and there was no danger to their lives.

The wilderness sat on the leather sofa, swaying his legs, and the poisonous spider finished the phone call, and then sat across from him.

"Brother Wilderness, how are you?"

The wilderness raised his eyebrows, "What do I want?"

The poisonous spider's speech is slightly slower, as if saying one word at a time, "Relax the wild brothers, it's a rule to hand over the money and hand over the delivery."

The wilderness glanced at him impatiently, "Show me something first."

The look of the poisonous spider narrowed slightly, "The Wild Brothers are not kind, and I don't know your ability? I dare not take this risk."

The little boy in front of the poisoned spider was afraid.

When the poisonous spider saw the expression of the wilderness gradually sink, his heart sank.

At this time, he didn't want to fall with him.

"Brothers, how about we exchange at the same time?"

The wilderness groaned and took a file out of thin air, "What you want."

The poisonous spider has a deep gaze, he has seen it before, and he can take things out of thin air.

They call this space.

It is an extremely rare and very useful ability.

The poisonous spider thought too much in his heart, and he didn't dare to reveal it at this time, and asked someone to move a box.

"It's almost that." The poison spider said: "The computer is basically destroyed. These are paper files. I am not sure if there is what you are looking for."

The wilderness put the file on the coffee table in the middle, and the two pushed the things to each other at the same time.

The box is also a document, and the secret word on it has been removed.

"Brother, don't get me wrong, we just looked at the contents and absolutely nothing." The poisonous spider said: "There is not a single file in the paper."

The field closed the box.

The poisonous spider also opened the file. He didn't seem to understand it and gave it to the people behind.

The man left with documents.

After waiting a few minutes, the man came back and whispered to the poisonous spider.

"Brother Fields, things are fine, but..."

He dragged a long tone, "Why is the information incomplete?"

"What happened in the city, that one named Liang Xuan did not report to you?" The wilderness was impatient, "I can get it back alive, it's already good, I'm not obliged to sell you life."

Poisonous spiders thought about what Liang Xuan told him, and the whole city exploded, and they exploded at the same time.

"They got it?"

"I don't know."

The wilderness stood up and picked up the box on the table. He looked down at the poisonous spider, "Let your people walk around me downstairs, otherwise it will be inexplicably missing and trouble."

Poisonous spider: "..."


The poisonous spider watched the wilderness leave, and the little bird of prey occupied the pupil little by little.

The original wildness is cold, and there is no way to do things... This person is not easy to attract, even if it is, it is not easy to control.

Let him go, maybe something will happen.

It seems that he has to find an opportunity to kill him.


The wilderness went to the cafeteria to poison the spider’s cafeteria and went back to eat. He did not leave for long, and he and the mouse entered the door in tandem.

The mouse also carried a lot of things in his hand.

"I didn't expect the food in Ancheng to be so good." The mouse opened the box, and the flavour of the meat immediately flew out. "It's still very cheap, and you can get a little supplies."

"Where did you change it?" The wilderness stopped him.

The mouse is a little unknown, so "just...just over there, you can see it when you stand here."

If it were not close, he would not dare to run out.

Ming Shu was originally sitting on the side. At this time, her eyes fluttered to those meals, and she felt appetite.

She would never have such an appetite for human food.

The wilderness brought him back to Mingshu, "You better not eat those things."

"Why... why?" The mouse looked at his delicious food, how could he not eat it?

Su Tai took a closer look and concluded, "This is human flesh."

The air suddenly fell silent.

For a while, the mouse cried like a cry, "Sutai, you, you... are you kidding me?"

"You think you can still find such fresh meat now." Su Taidao said: "Next time I will have a snack."

The mouse rushed directly into the bathroom to vomit.

Ye Xiangsi's face was also white, and he hugged a few children and shrank towards the sofa.

Others are not much better and feel sick.

Huang Zheng quickly put away those things and put them aside like a virus.

The little zombie and Li Jianren, one big and one small, squatted at the door of the study with their eyes narrowed.

"I'm sick of nausea..." The mouse exploded.

"Let you not mess up, now you know how powerful it is." Huang Zheng taught him.

"Where do I know this..." The mouse replied weakly, "So terrible, cannibalism..."

"You're lack of attention!"

"You didn't stop me at that time!!"

Xizi and Huang Zheng went up and down.

Most of the vegetables brought back from the field were marinated.

The mouse saw that he could not eat at all, which was more disgusting than letting them eat at the zombie.

"Everyone should pay attention to it in the future. I will cook tomorrow. There are still some things I bring in."

The wilderness glanced at Sutai.

Who wants to cook!

Whoever will cook with this snake disease will run with whoever is, how will you live this day!

Sutai was stared inexplicably, not knowing what he said was wrong.

"What's the matter?" asked without understanding.

Wilderness: "..." Do you want to say no cooking? Snake disease will kill him

The wilderness hung his head and said nothing.

At the bottom of the heart, the villain cursed Su Tai's cooking skills tomorrow.

"Eh, don't you think the little **** in the wilderness is good for the little ancestor?" The mouse quarreled and suddenly murmured in front of Huang Zheng.

Huang Zheng looked over to Mingshu, and lowered his voice. "Did you find out? They thought they were weird before."

Mianzi and Huang Zheng looked at each other and saw the gossip in their respective eyes.

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