Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 820: Dawn Hunt (36)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

[Liang Xuan's hatred is full. 】

Three months after Liang Xuan lost the news, Mingshu received a prompt from Harmony.

In the current world, it is even more difficult to survive.

Heat, water and materials are scarce, various viruses spread, and human mortality is higher.

This is simply pushing the human race to death.

On the other hand, zombies are much more leisurely, not afraid of heat and water shortage, nor will they be infected by other viruses.

Although the zombie emperor of Mingshu took zombies for wrongdoing, which caused the survivors to complain, but some people found that as long as she was there, humans were the safest.

Zombies will not hunt humans in front of her.

And humans do not provoke her, she will generally tolerate human activities under her eyelids-as long as they contribute materials.

Many people began to move towards the edge of Ancheng.

The gate of Ancheng has always been open, but there are many zombies dangling around. At first, these people just watched.

Later, some people rushed in, and the zombies would chase them, but when they reached the city gate, they would stop, and after a while, they would continue to shake.

As long as the courage is big enough to rush over, he can pass through the zombie and enter the city.

Not everyone is lucky enough to pass, and many people died in the zombies outside, but some people are still willing to take risks.

The outside is much more dangerous than the inside of Anjo.

With more and more human beings entering Ancheng, Ancheng started to be lively, and it would not be chaotic, after all, zombies were shaking on the street every day.

Zombies in the city will not attack people, but anyone who dares to deal with zombies will be thrown out without saying, and will be used as rations by zombies outside.

But with more people, the load on a city is greater, let alone two species.

Mingshu and the inspirational team wanted to change the collusion of the world's zombies, and began to build a boundary line centered on Ancheng.

Humans can no longer enter Ancheng, and can be outside the boundary of Ancheng. Zombies will not attack them as long as they do not cross the border.

Those who first entered Ancheng were not expelled.

But they have to afford to clean up the city every day and build some simple fortifications.

Instead, the zombies squatted on the street all day long, watching them work in confusion.

Human: "..." It's mad!

As the living space of human beings shrinks, some people start to discuss with Mingshu, let them study her, maybe they can find a way.

Don't state that you don't agree, the wilderness blows hair first.

"What are you angry about? They want to study me, but not you."

"No one should touch you except me." The wilderness sullen his face.

He was reluctant to touch a strand of her hair, these people even wanted to study her, they just ate bear heart leopard gall.

"Yesterday Ye Xiangsi and the little zombie touched me. Do you want to kill them?"

Wilderness: "..." I have to fight against Lao Tzu! !

Just standing outside and listening to Ye Xiangsi dumbfounded by one ear, what did she do wrong? Why did you kill her?

"Acacia, what are you doing here?"

Ye Xiangsi turned around, and Su Tai came out of the next room. She barely smiled, "Xia...Miss Xia said, kill me."

"?????" Sutai heard confused.

She doesn't even kill people. When did she learn to kill people?

Sutai walked over and listened for a while. The two of them seemed to be quarreling. He patted Ye Xiangsi on the shoulder. "She and the wilderness are making trouble."

"I know..." If she didn't know, she dared to stand here now, Ye Xiangsi sighed, "Miss Xia and the wilderness are really good."

Sutai said strangely: "Why didn't I see it?"

The wilderness is very good to her, but she... how do you feel that the wilderness is being stricken by her every day, quarreling about that trivial matter, and occasionally being beaten.

Ye Xiangsi put the hair in her ear behind her ear, "What should I say... Miss Xia doesn't look good on the wilderness, but she will wait for him when the wilderness comes back late. When going out, there are always the most zombies around the wilderness , One action in the wilderness, she will look sideways..."

"I didn't pay attention..." Every day I watched the two of them jump over there.

Ye Xiangsi smiled, "It may be that the details of the girl's observation are different from yours, Miss Xia is hard-mouthed."

"She talks hard to everyone."

"Uh... it seems to be."

Seeing that it didn't stop, Su Tai turned to the topic, "Are you coming to see her?"

"Almost forgot the business, Dr. Bao asked me to call Miss Xia, as if his research had made new progress."

Dr. Bao is the zombie.

He had to make him call Dr. Bao.

If you don’t ask Dr. Bao, you will go crazy and start crazy, and dare to put any plot on yourself.


Dr. Bao showed his new research to Mingshu, who was perfunctory about his lack of interest, "It's not bad."

Dr. Bao: "..."

"Have you taken it seriously?"

Mingshu took a serious look, "... looks better than before."

At least the body ratio is normal, and nothing strange grows.

Dr. Bao was angry, "superficial."

"What's the matter?" The field stared at him impatiently.

Dr. Bao pointed to Mingshu and the wilderness, "I have known love and love all day long, and I haven't made any progress. You are the worst I have ever brought!"

Everyone: "..."

What strange plot did this fall into?

"I tell you, you are not good at learning now, and in the future Balabalabala..."

Mingshu drew out snacks and eat, not to listen to this fool.

The fielder put his hand on Mingshu's waist and kept staring at Dr. Bao. Should he shut him up and not disturb his wife's eating?

"What is your theoretical evolutionary man?" Su Tai interrupted Dr. Bao first.

Asked about his professional knowledge, Dr. Bao immediately stopped giving lectures and began to talk excitedly.

The evolutionary human shape they expect must be the same as humans, but the power is far more than normal humans, whether it is their own physical qualities or special abilities.

But the results of the experiment failed again and again.

Now, as a result of his research, strength has reached expectations, but shape and strength cannot be considered simultaneously.

When there is power, there is no shape, and if there is shape, there is no power.

The mouse can't help but betray him, "This is the end of the world, you guys made it out, you still want to study, you see what the world is like."

Dr. Bao patted the table, "Nonsense, what does this end time have to do with us!"

The mouse also patted the table, "Don't you guys come up with it!"

Everyone stared at Dr. Bao.

Dr. Bao was full of anger, "Fart, what does it have to do with us, the people we researched will not spread the virus, they are evolutionary people, not biological weapons!!"

The mouse followed and increased the volume, "Will not spread the virus, how did the zombie come? You still want to shirk responsibility!"

"Impossible, it has absolutely nothing to do with us."

"It's your fault..."


"That's it!!"

The two quarreled like this, Mingshu raised his hand and yelled, "Maybe it really has nothing to do with them."

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