Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 831: Interstellar Year (9)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Sydney's mechas are only modified with ordinary mechas, while the other's mecha is obviously not. Once it appears, there is a burst of pumping sound outside the court.

It was a green mecha, which was a little fatter than Sydney.

"Shameless!" Xiao Zhu scolded.

Facing the doubts of everyone, the owner of Mecha only sneered arrogantly, "I didn't stipulate what mecha was used at the time, I can use Green Shadow is my strength."

If you divide the level, Sydney uses only a first-level mecha, but Green Shadow is a second-level mecha, which is directly higher than a level.

Isn't that shameless?

"Let's get started." Sydney didn't react very much to such injustice. Instead, Aino, who was standing outside, was very angry.

Green Shadow was a big move as soon as he played, and Sydney was forced to have little ability to fight back.

Xiao Zhu wanted him to go up to help.

The midfielder Sydney started to fight back, and I have to say that the things that the female host had transformed were not the same. Their power and ordinary mechas were not nearly a star.

The visitors outside the stadium were dumbfounded.

Mingshu squatted beside him, biting a nutrient and sucking, Shanyin was very tangled. If outsiders could see their domain master squat here so uncharacteristically...


Lvying hit the Sydney mech with a punch, and Sydney's mech fell directly to the ground.

Lvying didn't give Sydney a chance to get up, but hit the mech again with a punch.

Sydney suffered two punches and the mecha was somewhat damaged.

It was difficult to stand up, and he was taken off before he could stand still.

"Hahahaha, Sydney, admit defeat!" The voice from the mecha was a little distorted, and it sounded extremely harsh.

Sydney climbed from the ground, the silver-white mecha suddenly started to change, and barrels appeared on both arms.

Bang Bang Bang——

Green Shadow was bombarded by Sydney for negligence, but the raid was only once, and the second one was not so easy.

Mecha leaps, falls, meets and kicks in the field.

Sydney suddenly seemed to hang, pressing Green Shadow to no avail.


Green shadow fell to the ground.

The other party tried several times without getting up.

Because there was no confession, the barrier to protect the site has not been lowered.

"I surrender."

Sydney's sudden mech suddenly knelt down, and apparently she was bracing just now.

"Not good!" Xiao Zhu suddenly said.

Mingshu looked up and saw that green light suddenly flashed around Green Shadow, and Green Shadow's chest had unfolded, exposing dark weapons.

"go to hell!!"

The barrier has not fallen, and everyone can only watch this happen.


No one knows what happened just now. The barrier seems to be broken in an instant. The light of the green shadow attack is full, and the M-shaped building is not far away.

Lvying seemed to be hit by something and smashed out of the field, shattered in front of her chest.

The next second, Lvying shattered into slag.

Lvying's master fell out of it, and his clothes seemed to be shattered and scattered.

She stared blankly at the scum in front of her, her mind was blank, and she clearly did not understand what had happened.

The little animal shook its hair, and smoked smoke to Mingshu's feet, and then went up.

You shoveling **** and throw me, I will run away from home! !

One hour! !

Do not!

one day!


When Sydney came down from the mech, her steps were a bit lacking, and she didn't know whether she was scared or was out of force.

She looked forward a meter away.

There stood a girl with long hair arranging a ball randomly, holding a nutrient in his mouth, sucking in a small mouth, his head slightly biased, as if looking at the green shadow in the distance.

She hit it just now, she blocked it?

"Domain Master!" Shanyin rushed over when he recovered, "Are you all right?"

"Domain owner? Is she the owner?"

"My God, I actually saw the domain master."

"The domain owner has come to the Technology City and looks so young..."

Shan Yin shouted, and the people around him heard it, and the crowd was suddenly excited.

Ming Shu sighed, "Something."

Shan Yin's expression tightened, and he looked up and down. "Where did the domain master get hurt?" Didn't see the wound, is it an internal injury?

Mingshu bit the nutrient and rocked up and down, "It's finished."

Shan Yin: "..."

Believe in your evil.

Shanyin took two new ones to Mingshu. Now he doesn’t need to bring anything, but brings nutrition.

Eat so much... Will the domain owner be supported?

That's nutrition, not water!

"You... are you the domain owner?"

Sydney's face was pale at this time, and apparently did not expect to see the domain owner under such circumstances.

Mingshu turned and looked out of the field, Aino was gone, it was estimated that she ran when she saw her coming.

After all, the current pseudo-hostess has nothing.

Where is it just like Mingshu?

Mingshu turned to Sydney, "Little cute, how about I invite you to be a guest?"

Little... little cute?

Is it... is it called her?

Can Sydney not agree?

This is the owner of the domain, the owner of the technology city.

Sydney glanced out of the field and found no familiar person. She wondered slightly, where did Aino go?

"This person... how to deal with it?" Shanyin asked Mingshu.

In the city of science and technology, such a lethal weapon is used, and it is still in the case of confessing...

Ming Shu swept at the woman who was still sitting on the ground, "Whatever the rules of the Science and Technology City, how to deal with it."



Sydney sat a little uneasy in the room, and Xiao Zhu cared about her in the past, and she embarrassedly refused Xiao Zhu's good intentions.

"That... the domain owner invited me to come here, what's the matter?"

"I don't know." Xiao Zhu scratched her head, fearing that she was worried, and quickly appeased. "Relax, the domain master will not bully you. She is very good, especially for the people she picked up."

"Uh..." What does it all mean?

Thinking that Mingshu was so gentle and gentle with himself before, it should be, probably, maybe, nothing would happen.

At most it was... curious about her mecha making.

Sydney clenched his hands slightly.

"Now play an emergency notice, please ask Ms. Aino to go to the Science and Technology Building at No. 78 to pick up the little cute Sydney you dropped."

Sydney's eyes widened slightly.

What is on the radio?

Let Aino find himself?

But she never said what her name was, why would she know her name?

"Now play an emergency notice, please ask Ms. Aino to go to the Science and Technology Building at No. 78 to pick up the little cute Sydney you dropped."

"Now play an emergency notice, please ask Ms. Aino to go to the Science and Technology Building at No. 78 to pick up the little cute Sydney you dropped."

The broadcast was repeated several times and could be heard in the nearby technology city.

When Aino heard the broadcast, he almost spit out blood.

She even threatened herself with Sydney.


When she went, she would be caught by her. What would happen, she had no clue in her heart.

Don't go, what about Sydney?

She finally got a little status beside Sydney...

Aino bit her lip, struggling with her heart.


She is too weak now.

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