Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 841: Interstellar Year (19)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Someone attacked the battleship.

The battleship was surrounded by artillery fire and they were besieged.

When he was operating the battleship, his ears were still red, and his face was hot.

Curly hair kept ringing in his ears.

"What do you think, don't be skewered!"

Curly patted his head, and he rolled his eyes, "Come on!"

"I didn't design this complicated thing, I hit it seriously, and killed me this group of lifeless people, and bullied him." Curly hair turned and went to the other side.

"Who is going to award a prize in the rest of your competition? Hurry up and kill this group of mentally retarded gadgets!" Curly didn't know who was yelling.

The opponent has a total of eight warships.

fully armed.

This posture is obviously waiting here for them.

But the other side didn't seem to know that there were warships behind them. At this time, the warships behind them were roared by curls to speed up and come to reinforce.

The situation suddenly collapsed.

Can not meet the opposite, immediately transferred the warship ready to run.

"Do you want to chase?" someone asked through the channel.

"Chasing." Mingshu answered, "I want to see who is so brave and disturbs me to eat."

It was unforgivable to attack me half a nutrient just now.

Xiao Zhu and Curl shivered at the same time, how do you feel the master of the domain is gloomy?

The domain master spoke, and several warships speeded up to catch up, blocking the opponent.

"I don't know who gave them the courage to dare to attack us." Curly pressed a keyboard, and the screen in front of him instantly changed.

The temperament of the curly hair also changed, being polite and polite, just like your son, "Good night everyone."


Xiao Zhu vomited beside him, but he was standing outside the screen at this time, and the curly hair glanced at him, the meaning is obvious, and I will wait for you again.

The attacker on the opposite side of the screen was looking at Curly in a force.

I can't figure out how he appeared on the screen.

"White Elephant Interplanetary Pirate?" Curly read these words, "Interplanetary Pirate grabbed the city of science and technology. Which warrior gives you the courage?"

They were surrounded at this time, and suddenly they heard the three words of Science and Technology City, and the other party changed their faces, "You, you... are you from Technology City?"

"Will you have seen the use of such warships other than Science and Technology City?"

It is not difficult to recognize the Curiosity Self-Identification Technology City Fleet.

"I... I... we really don't know." The person on the opposite side was probably frightened. "We just use people's money to do things."

Curly fur frowned, looking at Mingshu.

Mingshu walked slowly, and she patted the table in front of her, but her tone was extremely gentle, "Just now, who attacked first?"

Even if the pirates were across the screen, they felt tingling scalp.

One of the pirates launched a man, " him..."

The pushed man was dumbfounded, "It's the boss's order, I just executed...they also attacked..."

Facing Mingshou's sight, the pirates on the other side didn't dare to shout.

Mingshu smiled slightly, "I was so shameful that I sprinkled half a nutrient and wasted food, do you know?"


What causes causality before and after this?

The pirates said they didn't understand.

After half an hour.

The pirates shivered. Was the gangster's hobby so strange? So many battleships surround them, just for nutrition?

After receiving the compensation, Mingshu looked much better. "Let's talk, who asked you to attack me?"

The pirates didn't feel that they were shaking more, "Ji... Ji family."

"Ji Family?" Ming Shu narrowed his eyes, "Don't you tell that person is Ji Nian?"

"Big wise."


Mingshu kicked on the table next to him, and the tied pirates shrank back, "Give you another chance."

The pirate was in tears. "Yes... yes... it's the year."

"Year of age?"

The pirates nodded again and again, "Yes, yes..."

Ming Shu called out, "Shan Yin."

Shanyin stepped forward silently, "Domain Master."

Ming Shu smiled charmingly, "Throw them into the clutch cabin."

The pirates didn’t know what the clutch cabin was. Curly and politely explained to them, "The clutch cabin can keep you absolutely awake watching your bones break down. Of course, you are completely assured that you won’t die. It’s still not the same, so we can’t guarantee it."

In order to achieve a threatening effect, Curly also deliberately found an analog video.

After reading the pirates, Qi Qi wailed: "We don't know who the man is. He said that if you ask, it's the year, the big brother, we are wrong, we are crazy, we are wrong..."

"We are in contact with Xingwang. I have never seen him."

"What we said is true, if you don't believe you can check our terminal."

The pirates shook their brains.

After a while of curling, they really found the information of their transaction exactly as the pirate said.

Mingshu asked Shanyin to bring these pirates down.

Curly chin touched his chin, "It's a pity, I thought I could practice my new research once."

Pirates: "..." Leave here quickly.

Mingshu bit a nutrient and thoughtfully looked at the vast universe outside.

Then I didn't know what I thought of, and laughed silently.

That little goblin dare to kill her?


Curly tried to track the other party with the information provided by the pirate, but the result was obvious, with no results.

Mingshu let Shanyin temporarily change the route, circled around and received the Hai Ruixing people, and arrived at Water Mist two days before the auction.

The water mist star shows a light pink color, and the mist is hazy and more dreamlike.

Hai Ruixing and Ming Shu stayed at the hotel together.

Among them, the leading Hai Ruixing used his tentacles to salute, "Thank you Master, as long as we get something at the auction, the previous conditions are still counted."

Mingshu stared at him with a tentacle smile.

Hai Ruixing: "..."

Does this domain owner of Doom Star Zone have any special hobbies?

Every Hai Ruixing who has dealt with her said that she always likes to see their tentacles...

"This is a name card for admission." Ming Shu took his eyes off, and nothing happened. He generally handed them a post. "A name post can only be entered by one person. I don't have much here. I can only give you three."

Although the Hai Ruixing were somewhat dissatisfied with the number of three photos, they still thanked them.

"Can I ask you a question?"

The Hai Ruixing suddenly tightened his body, "What does the domain master want to ask?"

Mingshu's eyes dropped, "Can you eat this stuff?"

The Hai Ruixing first looked down at their tentacles, and then looked at Mingshu.

At this moment, it is full of bad luck star territory to eat Hai Ruixing people?

"Just kidding, don't be nervous, I don't eat and talk." Mingshu smiled.

Hai Ruixing: "..."

If they don’t speak, you’re about to eat? !

Are you serious? !

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