Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 848: Interstellar Year (26)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu hasn't returned to the Doom Star Zone. The people of the China Star Zone have already caught up and intercepted them between a common star cluster in the China Star Zone and the Doom Star Zone.

Excited by Curl, he fired a shot first—

Facing Mingshu's gaze, Curly's face was the first move of the battleship.

If it wasn't for McGrady to bring the fleet from the technology star to reinforce fast enough, they might really have to explain it here.

The Shenwei Fleet rarely mobilizes collectively, and no one knows exactly how many the Shenwei Fleet is.

But the first time I saw the China Stars, I was still shocked.

From their direction, where they can see, they are densely packed, like the starlight spreading in the universe.

Originally the battleships of the Shenwei Fleet were difficult to handle, and there are still so many now.

Every ship looks the same, but its function is completely different.

Even some weapons that look the same have different effects.

Just summed up a little bit of experience on the side of Hua Xingyu, and a battleship was replaced on the opposite side.

How to fight this! !

how to spell! !

Hua Xing Xingyu had no choice but to draw a part of the army from the battlefield of Arlo who had not scored a victory or defeat for several years.

Qi Chaoyang, who has already eluted the suspect, is among them.

When Qi Chaoyang heard that the other party was chasing them, he refused to come and support him.

He was slandered as a traitor because he was injured and stayed in the Technology City for nearly a year.

Later, he met Sydney, who studied with Xiao Zhu, and he had contact with these people.

Let's not say that the other party has the grace to keep him, let's say that the top lunatics in the technology cities are better to fight with Arlo than to fight with them.

Qi Chaoyang refused very bluntly. Hua Xia Xingyu was a little puzzled, and he could only tune the people over Ai Datou.

Ai Datou was also a little unhappy. Later, I heard that his daughter was being bullied, and then he killed the battlefield aggressively.

"Dad, you don't know, she threw me on the star, I was almost eaten by the interstellar beast." Ainuo came from the side of the water mist star, and came to the head of Ai to complain.

Ai Datou's face was heavy, "I didn't tell you, don't provoke her? When you go out and cause trouble to me, you shouldn't be soft-hearted to let you out!"

Aino grieved, "Dad, I was bullied, you are still murdering me."

Ai Datou saw that his daughter was about to cry, and she couldn't stretch her face. "Don't cry, isn't Dad here to avenge you?"

Ai Dao comforts Aino for a while, and finally calms down his baby daughter.

Aino said while wiping her tears: "Dad, I want to go to the battlefield too."

"You?" Ai Da head startled, and immediately shouted, "What battlefield are you on? Nonsense! I will send you back immediately!"

"Dad!" Ainuo refused. "I have grown up. Huaxia Xingyu is our home. As a member of Huaxia Xingyu, I have the responsibility to shoulder the responsibility of protecting China Xingyu."

"Nuoer, do you know how dangerous the battlefield is? That's not what you should go for!" Ai Dasha shook her head. "Dad wouldn't agree with you on the battlefield."

"Dad, you can attend me. Why can't you? When you joined the battle, you were the same age as me. Why shouldn't I?" Ainuo argued.

"That's different, I'm a man!"

"Before the war, only ability, not gender."

"Pappa." Applause came in as the metal door opened. "It's good, General Ai, so Qianjin is so conscious, you should be a father if you are a father."

A man in a white uniform came in with a group of people.

The man is tall and the military uniform is worn on him, as if tailored.

There was a smile on his handsome face.

His momentum is not as impressive as other soldiers.

But how do you think it is very contrary and weird.

General Ai immediately stood up for the marching ceremony, "Admiral... Admiral, why are you here?"

"Young people have this idea. General Ai can definitely give the opportunity, not burying the enthusiasm to fight young people." The man looks young, but a young man screams very naturally.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Aino looked a little strangely at the man who was turned into a general by her father. Her father’s military rank was not low. Need it so... fear?

"Aino, you go out first." Ai big head told Aino.

Aino knew that they were going to discuss the war, and she was unfit to be present, so she got up and left the room.

Ai Datou and the man didn't stay in it for long, and the man quickly took the man away.

"Dad, who is that?" Aino and others left, and went in immediately.

"Ji Jing."

"Ji Jing?"

Ji Jing, the people of the Ji family, the younger generation had to call him a little uncle.

Very prestigious in the military department, the most important thing is that he has a super-powered mech.

The Ji family is the only family in China that can make super-powered mechas. Unfortunately, since the one of Ji Jing, there are no super-powered mechas.

It is difficult to make super-powered mechas, and it is normal for one to be born for hundreds of years.

But only Ji family knows--

"They can't do it." Ji Nian said with a chin support: "But the domain is mainly good to me, I can do it for you."

Mingshu slapped in the past and said, "When you make it, the daylily is eaten up."

Years of dissatisfaction pulled down his hair style, "So what are you going to do against Ji Jing? I remember Doom Starland has no super armor."

"Who told you you didn't?" Mingshu chuckled. "You have been frozen for fifty years, and you can do many things in fifty years."

Chronicle: "It will be possible to make super-powered mechas in fifty years, and there will be no shortage of super-powered mechas."

Mingshu gave him a glance, and said with a smile: "You are a science and technology city person who keeps playing?"

Chronicle: "..."

"Two years ago, the Science and Technology City had already developed super-powerful mechas." Xiao Zhu raised his head and explained, "However, Ji's technology is not reproducible, which is much more powerful than ours, but if it is quantitative, the Technology City Mass production should be dominant. The domain owner said that we can't beat a group of people."

Xiao Zhu finished squeezing his fist, and his face was firm.

Chronicle: "..."

Even if you say that Ji's technology cannot be copied, he will not return to his three views.

Curly interjected, "I researched the freezing compartment that recovered you from space last time. I believe that it is not a problem for the super-powered mech to catch up with Jijia."

Chronicle: "..."

A group of perverts!

Laozi just wanted to show off with his wife-in-law, is it necessary for you to demolish this way! !


"I think Sydney's mecha making technique is very similar to that of the Ji family, but unfortunately the girl is very thieves." Curly hair complained to Xiaozhu, "I blame you, don't let me catch her, otherwise I have already researched it now ."

Xiao Zhu stared at Curly, "Sydney also pointed out a few key points, are you still not satisfied?"

Curly: "..."

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