Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 855: Interstellar Year (33)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu was comfortable on the earth, and at the urging of Shan Yin, he reluctantly went back.

"what did you say?"

Shanyin looked like the domain master who was angry. Somewhat unknown. So, what was wrong with what he said just now?

"The penultimate sentence." Ming Shu reminded.

"..." What is the penultimate sentence saying? Shanyin thought for a while, "Ai Datou lost his battlefield because he was looking for Aino?"

"Where did Aino go?" Mingshu asked, holding the table.

"...I don't know." Where did he know where Aino had gone, this person was not important.

He only knew that at the last minute Ai Datou was looking for Aino all over the world, and he also said that they kidnapped Aino.

Mingshu snapped it on the table, and Shan Yin took a step back.

How do you feel that the domain owner is a bit scary?

Mingshu was fierce in finding the year.

"Daughter-in-law." The man who didn't want to enter into an instant turned into a little milk dog, so he shook his tail and begged his head.

Ming Shu threw the hatch.

Years of the heart jumped wildly, right or wrong, this momentum is a bit wrong...

He got up from the chair, but before he stood firm, he was pushed back by Mingshu.

All year round, he fell in a big chair.

"Daughter-in-law... Um..." Ji Nian's mouth was blocked, and some cold hands pressed his shoulder, and Ji Nian's body was slightly stiff.

She is so active... there must be fraud! !

The whole year is full of red alarms.

The alarm gradually dissipated, leaving only a blank space, and a sound from time to time in the throat.

He wanted to gain sovereignty, but was pushed back by Mingshu.

The clothes were torn apart, and Mingshu's lips fell on his neck, spreading to the collarbone, as if there was a fire burning, and the limbs and bones carried a current and rushed somewhere under his lower abdomen.

Yearning, he raised his head, his breath was light, and he grabbed the chair with his hands, and his pale skin was pale.

The pair of hands with a little coolness unbuttoned his shirt one by one.

The clothes on the body of the year faded cleanly, and the importance of the body suddenly lightened. Mingshu got up and picked up the clothes on the ground and turned away...

gone? !

"daughter in law……"

Mingshu smiled back slightly, "Reflect carefully."

Chronicle: "..." reflect on what! ?

MMP runs on fire, what a virtue! !

You have the ability to come back to Lao Tzu!

I can't kill you! !

Years of watching the door closed, this is not where he lives. Without his clothes, he can't even go out.

Sit down in a chair.

What does she want Laozi to reflect on?

Could it be that she discovered that she sneaked into her bed last night?

But he did nothing...


Huaxia Xingyu is now in a loss due to Ai Datou's mistake.

Send someone over there to negotiate with Mingshu.

Mingshu speaks well, as long as their home star.

"Xiyang domain master, the parent star of each star domain is extremely historic. You need to be too much." The negotiator's face is not very good. "You can choose any other planet, the parent star is not good."

"I just want it."

Negotiator: "..." Their home star is no longer useful, has no resources on it, and cannot survive on it for a long time.

So many energy stars, why is she staring at such a planet?

Do you want to insult them?

"The Master of Western Yang..."

"If you don't agree, I don't think there is anything to talk about. Keep fighting. Anyway, I won. It's mine too." Mingshu laughed sweetly.

The negotiator vomited blood.

He couldn't help it, so he had to ask the main star.

Now that the major star fields have not resisted, the sent Ji Jing was sent back by a cool body, and Ai Datou has defeated the battle several times, how can he fight?

What can the host star do, don't you have to wait for her to come over?

The last discussion, bearing all kinds of dissatisfaction, gave the parent star to Mingshu.

I got snacks... No, Mingshu was very happy to get the earth, and people sent them back.

However, in the eyes of the other party, it became a threat.

If they don't give it, do they want to die?

Shanyin signed all the documents and got the ownership of the earth. The next step was to clean the battlefield.

The people in China Stars have retreated, and the battlefield can only be cleaned up by them.

Mingshu also has a lot to do, and being pulled by Shanyin has little rest time.

"I knew I was so tired, so I stopped playing." Ming Shu sighed while working.

Shan Yin: "..."

In terms of pretending to be in a position, the domain master calls second, and no one dares to call first.

"Shan Yin..."

The Shanyin Station has to be straight, with a serious cut and a clear cut, "Master, there is something outside that needs me to handle, you are busy."

After that, Shanyin quickly left.

Mingshu stretched his hand.

I'm so hungry! !

Mingshu found out two nutrients. The more she looked at the things in front of her, she became more exhausted. Finally, she simply ignored them and bit off the nutrients.

People outside came and went in a hurry. When Mingshu passed the laboratory, he saw Curly and Yaxing.

"Small chase?"

"Still training." Curly said: "Master Ji's mental strength is too horrible."

Mingshu frowned, and the mental strength of the year is indeed a problem...

But he looks quite normal recently.

"Domain Master, are you busy with your business?" Yaxing asked the cat.

Mingshu looked around, "I'm leaving now, let alone seeing me."

Curly: "..."

Yayuki: "..."

The two looked at each other and hurried away. After a while, Shanyin couldn't find the domain master, so it was time to catch them.

Mingshu returned to the room to wash, and slowly sat down by the bed.

So tired.

go to bed!

When you lie down, you turn to face.

Mingshu: "..."

Forget this stubble.

Mingshu saw that she seemed to have fallen asleep, turned over carefully, lifted the horns, and suddenly there was an arm around her waist, and the people behind came up.

Mingshu also wore only a thin pajamas, and her temperature was hot.

"daughter in law."

Years of crying, there was no movement.

Mingshu didn't let go of the quilt's hand, nor did it.

"Daughter-in-law, I have introspected." Ji Nian suddenly made a noise.


Do you know you shouldn’t kill my snack coupons? !

Years of arms tightened, "I will like you more in the future."

Mingshu: "..."

The neck was a little itchy, and the year was slowly kissing, seeing that Mingshu had no objection, the movement was unavoidable, and he turned over and pressed Mingshu under him.


Years of the year already made plans to see no one in the morning, but the magic is that Ming Shu was still in the room the next day.

She was sitting at the table, as if reading documents.

Hold the bed for years and hug her from behind, "Early."

"Early." Mingshu responded.

His eyes fell on Ming Shu's chest, and from his perspective, he could see the little strawberry hidden in his clothes.

It was impulsive to get up in the morning, and I couldn't help but plant another one on Mingshu's neck.

The wife is so fragrant.

The wife is so cute.

Mingshu thinks that the year is a disaster star, and it is better to run next time.

"Wife, look at me..."

Mingshu's eyes were biased, and his face glowed abnormally. "I will have a meeting later, hurry up."

Some years of grievances, but the action has accelerated.

The two packed up, and Shanyin told Mingshu that the meeting time had passed.

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