Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 866: Sword breaking sky (8)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"You'd better not provoke it, it's easy to suffer." The man chirped beside him as a person coming over.

Mingshu tweeted, "Isn't anyone allowed to say that he has an ugly temper?"

the man:"……"

The sword stood on the pond, and the water surface next to the tip of the sword rippled in circles.

"not good."

The man's hands and feet are tied, he can only use the jump, jump to the courtyard door in a very strange posture.

Brother Ling looked at the pool, and the pool water was forming a vortex.

The air's aura seems to be stirred and sucked away.

Brother Ling picked up the unconscious disciple on the ground, called up the two disciples who were still in a state of mind, and quickly chased the man out.

How can men run fast?

The man's face was twisted with anger.

There were sounds of water in the back, and the man's scalp was numb. He had suffered bitterly, but this sword rarely ignited. He usually did so much, and he didn't see much reaction.

The pool water was stirred and splashed into the air, forming a water sword one by one.

Countless water swords are scattered around the center of the pool.

Mingshu has the most.

"Close the door, close it soon!!"

The man jumped out of the hospital door and fell on the ground with a bite of mud. He raised his head and shouted at the person next to him.


The door closed, and Shui Jian hit the door with a muffled noise, but Shui Jian did not shoot through the door.

Mingshu also jumped off the wall.

The courtyard was bloody.

But those water swords did not leave the yard half a step.

The sword cannot leave the pond, and its attack cannot leave the yard.

This is the experience drawn by men for so long.

The sword made itself in the yard for a long time. When the voice was quiet, Mingshu climbed up on the wall and saw that the sword had laid back in the pool. The surroundings looked the same as before.

"It's getting dark."

Mingshu turned the corner and heard a baffling sentence from the man.

The child also shivered, reminding Mingshu, "Hurry up and find a place to hide."


The paradise at night is the Shurachang.

Mingshu listened to the whispering sounds outside, and from time to time black shadows flew across the window, and occasionally sharp screams rang out.

Even men don't know what those things are, anyway, just don't go out at night.

Otherwise, it is a dead end.

Mingshu felt that these things were a bit interesting, similar to her breath.

It should be some kind of monster.

However, it is a place full of spirits during the day, but it is occupied by a group of monsters at night.

This place is very strange.

[Time-limited task: Rescue the female host 100%, the time is half an hour, the countdown starts. 】

The release task of Harmony is faster than ever.

Mingshu started the countdown after listening.

Where to save?

Harmony gave Mingshu a road map.

However, the circuit diagram is very abstract.

It's like a piece of white paper, where the starting point and ending point form a wavy line.

that's it.

There is no reference.

Mingshu stood at the door and watched for a moment. No dark shadows passed, and she opened the door and went out.

The person of Promise Sword Sect was next door. When she opened the door, the opposite door also opened.

"I just heard Fang Wan's sister..."

A group of people met face to face, looking at Ming Shu with some alertness.

Mingshu turned around and walked in the direction indicated by the route map.

Two steps haven't been taken yet, but a shadow has struck. That thing is so fast that it can't be avoided at all.

Mingshu directly reached out to catch.

Mingshu encountered the black shadow and found nothing.

Black Shadow went through her palm and rushed straight to her door.

Then the shadow went through with her body and hit the back door.

Dark Shadow seemed to turn around, facing Mingshu, "Bah!"

Mingshu: "..."

What the hell? Dislike me? Who gives you a face!

You don’t even have a face.

How dare you!

She grabbed the shadow again, and the shadow didn't move. It seemed that Mingshu couldn't catch herself.


Dark Shadow screamed sternly.

The people behind followed to see the dark shadow struggling in the hands of Ming Shu.

"Dare you dare?"

"叽......" They are all of the same kind.

Mingshu squeezed hard.

"叽......" Black Shadow's voice was a little weaker, and he respected Rao Fu, and the small one did not know Taishan.

Mingshu let go of the shadow, and the shadow immediately went into the dark and disappeared.

"What is that?" The disciple next to Brother Ling asked Ming Shu.

"Who knows, can't eat anyway." Mingshu continued to move forward.

Shadows hiding in the dark: "..." Geji, Moxiu is really annoying and can't eat it.

They belong to the same kind, and they are the same kind that can't be touched, but the woman can catch it.

The disciple looked at Brother Ling.

Brother Ling shook his head.

That thing should be what men say about night activities. Men say that these things are not difficult to deal with alone.

But they are in large numbers, and they are in a haunt. Once they are surrounded, they can never run away.


The circuit diagram given by Harmony is very abstract. Fortunately, when Mingshu moves, her point will move with it.


The person who followed and looked at the front walked along a road, and after a while it turned back again, and chose the road next to it, tossing repeatedly.

Who stepped on the horse made so many forks here.

The shadows they met next dare not attack Mingshu, and walked around her one after another.

Can't eat, don't go around, should she be caught and pinched by her?

According to the road map, Mingshu finally stopped at...


Isn't this the bad-tempered sword, the yard to be treated?

"Brother, hold on, I'll finish it immediately."



The sound from the courtyard was very harsh.

Mingshu pushed the door open and entered.


The dark shadow in the courtyard was like a ghost fire besieging the few people on the edge of the pool.

Mingshu came in, and the courtyard suddenly became quiet.

The shadows turned around and pointed at her.

People on the edge of the pool also looked at Mingshu, but the light was dim, and they only saw someone coming.


Dark Shadow parted and flew towards Mingshu.

Apparently intending to attack her.

But each one passed through Mingshu's body.



Mingshu brows, so is this their tradition?

Mingshu dragged a black shadow down the ground, and the black shadow retreated back, "If you don't roll, I will kill you."

Obviously, the big dark troops did not expect Mingshu to catch them, and some unwilling glanced at the people by the pool.

The shadows squeaked several times and began to withdraw from the yard.


"叽叽......" What else do you want, give you the food!

The magic is that Mingshu actually understood.

"That man took it away." Ming Shu pointed to Fang Wan by the pool.

Fang Wan had heard Ming Shu's voice, and she shouted Dan Tian roared, "July, what do you want to do with us in collusion with these things?"

The people present, including the hostess, are already there.

The demon who snatched the Xixian sword?

"Don't be nervous, I won't do anything to you." Ming Shu's voice was ups and downs in the night, and the ending had a different charm, as if it would make people forget their situation at this time, "I just want to be right What are you doing."

Fang Wan: "..." What did she say?

The Dark Army is not so much estimated.

"George?" For us?

"Yes, hurry, otherwise I will regret it."

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