Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 871: Sword breaking the sky (13)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"What's the buzz." Mingshu slapped Lian Jing's body with a slap, the Lian Jing tilted, and snapped to the ground.

The man shook his head. "It's still his temperament."

"Do you know it?"

"Fortunately I saw it once." The man picked up the mirror, fearing that it might cause trouble in the city, he took off his coat and wrapped it up.

Even the mirror was obviously unhappy, and shattered the man's coat directly.

It rushed towards the front and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Then what kind of broken sword, how can you break it?" Ming Shu asked modestly.

The man is strange, "Why should the girl break it?"

"Don't accept my sword, what is it used to do to add to my block?" I am not a masochist.

Manly: "Then the two of you can get along a little bit, even the mirror heart is arrogant, its former master..."

The man stopped and said nothing.

Mingshu was not interested, and went straight to the restaurant after entering the city.

But before she reached the restaurant, she saw that Lian Jing caused a group of people to run towards her.

"Xi Xie Jian!"

"its mine!"

"Don't let it run away!"

Mingshu: "..."

What Xixie sword, how blind are you people?

Seeing that the people over there were going to rush over, Mingshu still stood at the door of the restaurant, so he could discuss academic issues with men, "Why can you see that it is not a Xixian sword."

The man answered: "The spirit is different."

The man said again: "Everything is spiritual. Girl, they are coming."

Lian Jing led everyone to encircle Mingshu, and it shrunk behind Mingshu, and it was almost written-this is my master, come and beat her!


"Just say Xixie Jian is in her hand, it really is like this!"

"Demon, hand over Xi evil!"

Mingshu touched the mirror, dragged it to the front, and handed it to the man, "Give it."

The speaker: "..."

The scene was awkward.

It was like they had gathered thousands of troops and came to attack the city. The other party directly announced the surrender, you are the same.

It took a while for the man to try to pick it up.

Get it, get it?

Just got it so easy?

"Don't let me see it again." Mingshu turned to the restaurant, and it was reactionaries who disturbed my eating!

The fight outside the restaurant was very exciting. Ming Shu sat in the restaurant while eating and watching the drama.

The man invited Ming Shu to have a meal and invited her to be a guest, and said that she might change her mind. He was very interested in making this single business.

The man knew that even the mirror, there may be many delicious, Mingshu fart go away.

Facts have proved that men really have a lot of delicious food, and many of them are currently found on the mainland.

Even if the man doesn't care about these things, he still regrets it. How can she eat so much?


Promise Sword Sect Pavilion.

The Protagonist of the Promise Sword Sect sat cross-legged, and Brother Ling was not slow to report the incident.

The Sect Master slowly opened his eyes when Brother Ling said that he would change the medicine with his life.

"Master, do you know that person?"

The poisoned younger brother woke up quietly after the man left, and there is nothing at all until now, but they cannot see such things as the lifespan of people, so he only asks this question.

The patriarch Xu Jiu asked: "What can that person tell?"

Brother Ling frowned slightly, thinking of what he said when he left, and repeating the man's words, "In seven, seven, forty-nine days, you can't kill, no flowers, no trees, nothing."

Sect Master said: "Let that disciple stay in the Meditation Pavilion for two months, go on."

Brother Ling is puzzled, "Master?"

The patriarch sighed and couldn't help but tell him, "Ling Xian, your talent is excellent, it is the hope of our sword patriarch. In the future, if you meet this person, don't deal with him no matter what the situation, understand?"

Ling Xian was even more puzzled, "Master, who is he?"

The patriarch waved his hand, "Don't ask so much, go on. By the way, call Fang Wan and Su Yiqiu."

Although Ling Xian wanted to know the identity of the man, the Sect Master said so, he could only withdraw.

Find someone to call Su Yiqiu and Fang Wan.

Fang Wan came out first and said a few words to him. Fang Wan went away because someone told her to leave.

Su Yiqiu didn't come out until the evening. When he came out, he looked a little trance, as if he had experienced something incredible.

Ling Xian called out, "Sister Su?"

Su Yiqiu returned to God and was busy saluting, "Master Ling, Brother."

"What happened?"

Su Yiqiu stirred his fingers and suddenly stumbled when he said, "The Sect Master said... I want to accept me as a disciple."

Ling Xian was slightly surprised, closing the disciples... That is to say, Master will not accept students in the future.

Ling Xian said: "That's a good thing. Master only has me as a disciple. I will be with you in the future. I won't be there. You can take care of Master."

"Brother Ling, did the Sect Master find the wrong person?" She was really not good at Kendo. It was completely unexpected to come to Wuji Sect.

"How can Master be wrong."


Ling Xian is not a good-spoken person. He simply appeased the two sentences. As a sister who has further relationship in the future, Ling Xian sent her back.

"Thank you Brother for sending me back."


The atmosphere was awkward, Su Yiqiu didn't know where to put it.

"By brother, do you know who we are?"

Ling Xian shook his head.

Su Yiqiu reached out and touched his forehead. It felt a bit strange at the time, as if he really took something...

"I think he is a bit like himself." Su Yiqiu muttered.

"Huh?" Ling Xian clearly heard, "Who does it look like?"

Su Yiqiu scratched his head, "Did I not be fined for sweeping the Tibetan bookstore last time? I... Brother Ling, I tell you, don't tell the patriarch."

Ling Xian looked at the girl in front of him suddenly and prayed, and he nodded subconsciously.

Su Yiqiu felt relieved. "The top floor does not allow disciples to go up. I accidentally went up... Then I saw a portrait on the top floor with a man drawn on it, much like the man."

"There is a formation at the top."

Su Yiqiu touched his head and was a little embarrassed, "Brother Ling, you don't know, my swordsmanship is not good, but a simple formation can't reach me."

Ling Xian thinks too.

He asked: "What else is on the painting?"

"There is an inscription, but the writing is too sloppy, I didn't recognize it." Su Yiqiu said: "But the payment is a ghost doctor."

Su Yiqiu turned his head and asked him, "Brother Ling, have you ever heard a ghost doctor?"

Ling Xian shook his head indifferently.

"I've heard that it is said that ghost doctors are unparalleled in the world. They can heal dead men's flesh and bones, and grab people from the hands of the king. But ghost doctors' whereabouts are uncertain. There are very few people who can meet him."

"It's all rumors, don't talk nonsense. Come here, take a break early."

Ling Xian pointed to the building in front.

What Su Yiqiu wanted to say, but Ling Xian obviously didn't want to say anything, she could only wave her hand, "Brother Ling, bye."

When Ling Xian left, Su Yiqiu sighed heavily and went to his room.

She didn't see that Fang Wan's face was not far away, staring at her back.

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