Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 874: Sword breaking sky (16)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Longevity took a deep look at Mingshu.

Is she expecting that?

This kind of thing should not be told to her.

According to the records on the Shenwu Continent, every time the demon king is born, it will cause very serious consequences.

Therefore, the demon king must not be born.

But when and where the demon king will be born, no one knows, good luck can prevent, bad luck, and wait until the demon king has grown to a certain strength they will find.

Chang Sheng sat for a while and returned to his room.


Even the mirror floats in when the sky is dark. It is not red, but blue... What kind of ghost has it become?

Chang Sheng's voice rang from the door, "This is the Sword Sovereign of the Red Sun Sect."


Mingshu felt that the broken sword was not good.

She only had a fight with Chiyang Zong yesterday.

It has become the sword of the suzerain.

Mingshu dug a hole and buried the broken sword.

Longevity looked at her tossing her own yard, and really didn't know what to say.


"Mr. Changsheng."

"Doctor Changsheng, open the door."

Changsheng put down the wooden tub to open the door. The people outside the door swarmed in and carried several people. The blood was dripping and it looked really miserable.

"Place it in the yard." Changsheng directed them.

"Dr. Changsheng, you must save my son, a good person, suddenly become like this, if there are three long and two short, how can I live."

"Dr. Changsheng begs you to save my brother."

"Mr. Changsheng."

Longevity checked the first person, and then said to the noisy crowd: "Everyone be quiet and stand aside."

The yard is full of people, and everyone can only retreat to Mingshu.

Mingshu was sitting on a chair, stepping on a continuous mirror with only one sword head exposed. Everyone was worried about his family, and it was strange to see such a beautiful girl sitting here, not thinking much.

Longevity uses ordinary medicine to treat ordinary people.

"The monster is so angry that it's dead." Mingshu said quietly.

Everyone glared suddenly.

The longevity doctor didn't say anything, how could this girl talk nonsense!

"July girl, please let go of Bai Miguo, I will use it in a moment." Changsheng didn't lift his head.

Mingshu bites the fruit and throws the fruit back to the shelf next to it.

Just a long time after the longevity inspection, a few people came outside, and the courtyard was more crowded.

"Girl, please take your chair."

Mingshu glanced at him, "Trouble."

She got up and pulled out the mirror in the soil, and everyone backed up in full shock, terrified.

Mingshu dragged his mirror to squat under the eaves.

It is said that in the city, in addition to the longevity here, the rest of the drugstore is also full of people.

Everyone has traces of scratching and biting. Men, from old to young, are very even.

Many people who arrived at the drugstore died on the spot.

The longevity side didn't hang.

In the courtyard, a stove for boiling medicine was set up, and everyone spontaneously boiled the medicine.

Mingshu snacks are all finished, and Changsheng is still busy.

The medicine in the yard was almost used, and she had nothing to eat.

Mingshu propped his chin and guarded a stove, but what he smelled was not the medicine but the sweet smell.

There was a child lying next to him, looking at her with **** eyes.

Mingshu moved to the side, not even looking at me.

The child's face was pale, his body was covered with bandages, he had more outgassing, less air intake, and no adults around him. He looked very pitiful.

Mingshu: "..."

I won’t give it to you! !


"It can only be stabilized temporarily, but if you want them to get better, you have to find Xianmen Xunmen."

Chang Sheng wiped the sweat on his forehead and said to everyone.

"Elixir? Where can we find it, Doctor Changsheng, can't you?"

Longevity shook his head, "I can only help here. They have demon qi in their body. My medicine can't expel demon qi. Even now, the demon qi does not penetrate deeply. As long as you can find Xianmen to get the Elixir, you can save it."

Xianmen is talking about three schools and six schools.

"Really demon."

"Such a strange thing, I said it was done by a demon."

"Then what will happen, will the monster come back? Are we not dangerous?"

A woman choked with sobbing, "Do you really have no choice, Doctor Changsheng?"

Longevity is very humble, "I am just a doctor."

These people probably received Changsheng's help in ordinary times. He said that, the rest did not dare to be entangled. Some people left in a hurry and said to go to Xianmen Zhongren.

But everyone knows that even if the people in Xianmen are found, they may not be able to obtain the Elixir.

Changsheng Jing changed his clothes and came out after a while.

The courtyard was quiet, and he glanced at Mingshu.

Ming Shuzheng and a child stared at each other.

"July girl."

"Which bear boy!" Ming Shu pointed at the boy.

Longevity looked at the child who was lying down. The enchantment in him had faded for a long time, and the spirit was obviously better. "This child..."

Ming Shu clutched the bowl and felt sad. "He drank a bowl of soup, did he want to starve me to death? Now the bear children are so insidious, popular..."

"What did you eat for her?"

Longevity glanced into the empty furnace pot, empty, nothing.

"Is it easy to make a soup? It's not enough for me to fill my stomach."

Longevity: "..."

Chang Sheng found a packet of pastry from his sleeve and handed it over. This was given to him just now.

"Good people live a safe life." Mingshu put down the empty bowl. "What did you ask me just now?"

"What did you eat for him?"

"Soup." Mingshu took a piece of pastry.

"What soup?"

"Shiquan Dabu Tang."


Longevity looked at the people in the yard, and he didn't ask him in the end. Even if he asked, she shouldn't help. It would be better to let these people invite the people of Xianmen.

When such a big thing happens, the people in Xianmen will not sit idly by.

But longevity does not mean that it does not mean that others cannot see it.

The child didn't know who sent it. There were no adults or brothers and sisters around. The dress was good, like a rich child.

The first to find out that the child was abnormal was the woman who was guarding a man next to the child.

Then everyone around discovered the child's abnormality.

"Why is he alright?"

"Why is he good, Doctor Changsheng, what did you eat for him? Why is he okay, my son still looks like this?"

"Dr. Changsheng..."

"Everything, doctor Changsheng, don't you say you can't save? You can't save yourself from death!"

The crowd was around the child, and the child shrank in awe.

Longevity is the focus of everyone's greetings.

Why is this child all right, but their family is still lying?

Longevity looked at Mingshu a little helplessly, and she caused it.

However, the latter supported his chin and took the mirror to write on the ground, not looking at this side at all, as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

Longevity: "..."

Where was the gate, he suddenly wanted to throw her out.

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