Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 879: Sword breaking the sky (21)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The red light flashed in the alley, and the deep alley became more weird. After a while, the alley calmed down as if nothing had happened.

Then there was a dull sound in the night.

Xixie sword fell to the ground, Fang Wanwei sat at the root of the wall, she stared at Mingshu in a grudge, "You have the ability to kill me, today you will not kill me, I will make you regret it."

Mingshu sorted his clothes, and the bell on his wrist rang as she jingled.

When she heard the words, she raised her head slightly and smiled, "Why am I so sorry, then you can easily get a life."


Fang didn't respond any time.

She just felt the cold air flow from the bottom of her foot to the forehead, and her brain was buzzing, blank.

Lian Jing didn't know when he was next to Xi Xie Sword. Xi Xie Sword shivered on the ground like a bullied little girl.

Red light constantly overflowed from the Xi evil sword and entered the body of the mirror.

The power can be swallowed up between devices.


According to Changsheng, Lian Jing is an awesome sword. Doing this kind of thing is a bit disregarding identity? !


Even the mirror dropped himself on the ground.

That's enough to eat and drink...mean.

The light on Xi Xiejian's body was obviously dim, and Fang Wan also felt the weakness of Xi Xiejian, but she was now immersed in the sentence that Mingshu just had, and had no energy to manage Xi Xiejian at all.

Mingshu was ready to go back, and even the mirror suddenly flew up, stabting towards Fang Ye with a thunderous speed.

Fang Wan instinctively felt the danger and waved his hand to let Xi Xiejian fly to block the mirror.

Xi Xiejian was just devoured by Lian Jing and lost a lot of power. Where is Lian Jing's opponent, he fell to the ground with a "snap".

Seeing that even the mirror will pierce Fang Wan's body.

The tip of the sword stopped in front of Fang Ye's chest, and even the mirror was caught.

Fang Wan's breathing almost solidified, and his back was full of sweat.

Mingshu's eyes narrowed at the sword in his hand, without even struggling with the mirror, and let Mingshu drag it back.

She picked up Fang Wan, picked up her sword and took the people back.

Throw it here and be killed?

Protect the snack coupons.

Mingshu returned to the courtyard with Fang Wan, disciples of Promise Jianzong were shocked and surrounded them towards her, anger was hard to conceal, "July, what did your partner Sister do?

Ming Shu was more brilliant, "I to do."

Mingshu returned both the man and the sword to them, "Don't ask me to ask for Xixie sword again in the future, I will also have to pay for the fraud."

Disciple holding a sword: "..."

Don’t you still have one? !

And that one looks more real? !

They looked at the party night that was almost unconscious, and then looked at the dim shining sword...

What's going on here? !

In the middle of the yard, Cui Liu'er was gone, lying on the ground, looking pitiful.

But at the moment she passed by, Mingshu saw Cui Liu'er raise her head.

A pair of red eyes, full of vicious hatred and madness.

She opened her chapped lips.

I couldn't hear the voice, but I saw what she said from the mouth shape.

"I want to go out."

"I want to go out."

"She said she was going out."

Mingshu suddenly turned around, shouting at the people guarding the battlefield.

Cui Liu'er: "..."

The disciples who defended the array were very strange. Why didn't anyone drive her away? Isn't this a magic cultivation? Is it really okay to stay here?

Cui Liuer lowered her head, her long hair blocked her face, and looked at it from afar, like a female ghost crawling on the ground.

In the eyes of doubt and vigilance of the disciples who guarded the field, Mingshu slowly swayed back to the chair under the eaves.

She inserted the Lens Mirror into the soil next to it, "Don't tell me, what Sect Master did you kill?"

Even the mirror shook.

Disgust means a lot.

Mingshu looked at it with a smile, "How can you become someone's broken virtual sword? Where did the broken virtual sword go?"

The mirror is still.

The sword turned around and was about to slip.

Mingshu pushed it into the soil, "I can't run more than fifteen after the first day."

Even mirror: "..."

Even the mirror pretends to be dead.


Colorful Tuanzi rolled over from the courtyard wall, put one end to Ming Shu's feet, and hugged her skirt.

Shit shit, what strange thing have you contracted with?

You have known all day that you are messing with me, because I am loyal to you, are you worthy of me?

Say it!

who is it!

When the little beast came back, it was unreasonable.

"Aren't you going to eat solitary food yourself?" Mingshu kicked it away, and the little animal bone rolled into the soil, just next to the mirror.

The little animal burst into hair instantly.

The little paw made something out of thin air and smashed Mingshu.

I knew that bullying me and letting you bully me, how good is the shoveling officer in other people's houses, look at you, what it is like.

You are so cute to me, a beast like me.

While I'm away, look for this... an ugly thing.

It used to be a two-legged beast, but now it has no feet! !

After the little beast got angry, he went away.

The angry beast.

It never comes back! !


If it is gone, what will the shovel officer dominate this ugly thing?

By the way, the little beast slapped himself and rolled back.

This ugly thing cannot be allowed to occupy its **** shovel officer.

The **** shovel officer is no longer good, that is also its **** shovel officer.

The little beast grabbed the Mingshu clothing and rubbed up, looking for a place for himself.

Mingshu was bending over to pick up the things that the small animal smashed her, and there were fruits and strange flowers and plants.

But the amount is not much, and it seems that the appearance is not very good. At first glance, the little beast picked and picked before leaving her.


At the other end of the courtyard, the elders of the Promise Sword Sect, Qianzong Sect Master, and Chiyang Sect's uncle who stayed in charge, the three parties gathered together to discuss the demon king.

Elder Wuji Sect: "Cui Liu'er is innocent after all."

Uncle Chiyang has a slightly humble attitude, "The two predecessors think that Cui Liu'er should be left? But she is pregnant with the demon king, how can the demon king leave her and protect her?"

Sect Master Qian Yuan told the truth: "Cui Liu'er is a mortal, and the demon king is in her body. Even if she is born, she will not survive."

Elder Wuji Sect: "I have sent a letter to Zongmen and the six factions. When they arrive, we are discussing."

For such a big thing as the demon king, the three of them can't decide for themselves.

The other two also agreed.

Sect Master Qianyuan suddenly raised his head, "What a heavy aura."

The other two also sensed at the same time and looked across the courtyard.

It was dark under the eaves, only a faint outline was seen.

However, the mirrors that still maintain the appearance of Xixiejian are very conspicuous.

Just when they were strange, the young master of Qianyuan Sect ran over and ran over, holding the blue fruit in his hand to him, "Dad, my sister gave it to me."

"Buddha Fruit?"

The elders of the Promise Sword Sect were full of surprise.

Sect Master Qian Yuan was also surprised, and took the fruit from his son, "Is it really Buddha Blue Fruit, is this thing extinct?"

Buddha blue fruit is a blindly important medicinal material for refining Ziyang Xuandan. It can reduce the risk by one third when taken when promoted to Yuanying.

It is a pity that the blue fruit of Buddha is extinct, and Ziyang Xuandan cannot be refined long ago.

The promotion of Yuanying now depends on hard resistance, so the failure rate is very high, and there are not many monks on the mainland.

"Dad, can I eat it? My sister said it was delicious..." Young Master Qian Yuanzong asked crisply.

The three looked at each other.

Can't they just grab a child's stuff with their conscience?

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