Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 887: Sword breaking the sky (29)

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The birds in the mountains and forests were frightened by the sound in front of them. Mingshu looked far away. Even if it was covered by the jungle, they could see the light and the enchantment in the distance.


Ming Shu patted the continuous mirror.

Even the corner of the mirror's mouth twitched, and he endured and tolerated before he threw the person on his back.

It's so smooth to make Lao Tzu!

Even the mirrors speeded up, and the wind passed by their ears, and the light in front of them turned brighter.

Approaching the destination, Mingshu came down from Lian Jing and looked up at the three men fighting over the jungle.

Promise Sword Sect and Qian Yuan Sect, the two Sect Masters.

It dealt with an unremarkable burly man who met at the inn before Mingshu.

He held a baby in his left hand, and the enchantment was emitted from the baby's hand.

The two patriarchs dealt with one man without dealing with men.

Mingshu couldn't see the depth of this person.

Even mirror said: "Magic repair, Mahayana period."

Mahayana period? Soaring by only one step, the original owner is still far away from the Mahayana period...

Ming Shu's right hand was across his chest, and his left hand was against his chin, thinking about how she should now **** the demon king to death.

Hard resistance is definitely going to die once.

She glanced at the mirror and forgot it.

Mingshu touched the little beast.

You go!

Little Beast:? ? ?

By what!

Mingshu rubs the little dog's "dog head", you don't just want to reflect the value at this time, a table full of Han people!

Little Beast: Bah! I want to send me away at one table!

Mingshu: Two tables, no more.

Little Beast: "..." lied to me again.

The little beast was a little unwilling.

But Mingshu did not give it a chance to refute at all, and threw it into the air when he lifted it up.

The angry roar of the little beast continued.

"What are you doing here, go on, grab the demon king!" Ming Shu turned his head to look at the plumes of black air floating beside her.

The Mozu flew around Mingshu, probably they didn't want to go, what did they rob the demon king for?

Ming Shu raised his fist, and those black qi flew to the front immediately, so fierce.

The Demon Clan suddenly appeared in front of the man. His attack was missed, and the man also fell, stepping on the treetops before falling.

The demon's attack is very simple, relying on a large number, go together.

Group racking is to kill more people than others!

The man's sharp gaze swept down.

Ming Shu raised his hand and waved at him, as if he could feel it across the night, and the woman smiled shallowly.

the man:"……"

He looked at the two suzerains who hadn't figured out the situation across from him. With a gloomy expression, he shook his sleeves and waved away the demon in front of him, turned and ran.


Promise Jianzong shouted sharply, and only his afterimage remained in the air.

At almost the same time, countless demon rushed from the front, as if they didn't want money, forming a line of defense to increase the time for men to escape.

"Isn't he Moxiu? Why can he control so many monsters?" This is a bit counterintuitive!

Look at the demon's attitude towards the demon, that group of fools... proves that these two races cannot coexist peacefully.

"The demon clan is different from the demon clan. The demon clan takes power as its respect and the demon clan takes demon order as its respect. That man should have a demon order on his hand." Lian Jing explained.

When the original master was born, the demon clan was sealed, and the demon clan was inactive. These things were not clear to the original master, and they did not know the nature and nature.

Mingshu tweeted twice, the society is really complicated.

Or kill the demon king first.


The man skimmed through the forest and looked back frequently, almost vomiting blood, and the Demon were following behind him slowly.

They turned into black gas, and the group demons attacked them and dispersed, bypassing the group demons, and gathered into a ghost fire, followed him swayingly.


Several of the demons floated faster, and ran straight towards him.

The man's attack fell through, and the Demon Race passed through his body.




The man heard a neat ‘bah’ sound.

His brow jumped.

Mozu and Moxiu share the same roots and cannot kill each other. The attacks will be ignored.

Although I don't know what the principle is, it is so magical.

Since he could not attack, the man no longer delayed, hurriedly ran, released a group of demons to interfere with the demon, trying to get rid of them.

However, the Demon Race is like a dog skin plaster, which can't be shaken off.

"Oh shit."

The man yelled and touched something in his sleeve.

The things hadn't been taken out yet, and the back was just numb. The whole person was shaken out and fell into the tree crown from the air, and then fell from the tree branch to the ground.

"Cough cough..." The man coughed while covering his chest, and at the bump, he felt his soul was almost knocked out.

He looked around alertly.

What was it that hit him just now?


The man was hit again, smashed on the thick tree trunk, and slid to the ground.



Bang Bang Bang!

Men are constantly being knocked off, knocked down, knocked off again, knocked down again...

The leaves are flying around, and the sound of tinkling bells goes from far to near.

The morning dawn appeared on the horizon, and the red figure was looming in the woods.

The woman stooped to pick up the demon king on the ground. The demon king opened a pair of blood-red eyes. There was no ignorance or ignorance that a baby should have.

"Leave him down!"

The man was lying on the ground in embarrassment. He reached out and seemed to want to take back the demon king.

Mingshu took the demon king to the man's side and even took her with the mirror.

Mingshu looked back at him and asked him in silence.

With a whimper, he slowly released his hand, "Be careful."

Ming Shu was stunned, and nodded insignificantly.

The man gritted his teeth, "You are also Moxiu, why should you help that group of people against me?"

"Don't misunderstand your big brother." Ming Shu laughed, "I'm not interested in you, I want this."

She pointed to the demon king.

The man's pupil shrank slightly.

His fingers moved slightly, and a smile appeared suddenly in front of him.

The man unconsciously speeded up, took out something, and stood before Mingshu, "The demon...ah..."

The sound of broken bones was so crisp that something in his hand fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, I started a little bit harder." Mingshu apologized without sincerity.

Because of the pain, the man's expression was distorted, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Ming Shu looked down at something on the ground, which was a piece of bone, but it was blood red, as if stained with blood.

"This is the demon order? A broken bone?"

the man:"……"

What do you know! That's the demon bone! Do you know the demon bone! !

The demon bone of the first demon king!

Mingshu stepped on the demon bone and squatted in front of the man. "Eh, you said you were a demon repairer, what did you take the demon king from?"

The man's eyes were full of anger, and he did not answer the question: "What do you want the demon king to do?"

Ming Shu's right answer: "kill him."

She obviously felt that when she said this, the demon king's eyes were more fierce and vicious.

I don't know what the man did to him. The demon king couldn't even move his hands except to stare at her.

The man’s anger is mixed with weirdness, "Are you trying to kill him?"

"Otherwise?" Mingshu said seriously, "The demon clan has blocked my demon clan's thunder, revitalizing the demon clan, and the devil is responsible!"

"Poof..." The man spit out several blood.

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