Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 891: 1990s (1)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

#九零头条: Jian Xi is sick like a child if he doesn't agree with one another#

"How do you take care of people, a good person, why can't you have a high fever?"

"sorry Sorry……"

"I'm sorry for what use, if the little ancestor has a good look if it has three lengths and two shorts."


Mingshu had a headache, and his body was weak. The voice of the conversation was intermittent, and the voice of the woman crying and crying made her headache even more.


The door was pushed open, and the sound of footsteps moved from far to near.

A plainly dressed woman came in, and she came in with a look of concern, "Miss, are you awake?"

The woman went up and down forty, with her hair set behind her head. Although she was dressed plainly, she was clean.

"Are there any food?"

"Yes, you wait, miss. Aunt Gui will take care of you." The woman nodded quickly. "You are waiting."

Aunt Gui quickly brought a bowl of porridge, but it was a bit cold.

Aunt Gui didn't seem to notice half of it, and she cared about it, letting her drink quickly.

Mingshu felt that the body should be hungry for a long time, and drank the bowl of porridge in one go.

"You are sick, you can't eat anything else, poor child, take good care of your illness, and wait for the illness to be cured, Aunt Gui will give you good food." Aunt Gui comforted her.

Mingshu said nothing, and asked for another bowl of porridge.

After drinking the porridge, Mingshu asked Aunt Gui to go out first.

Aunt Gui may not want to stay here. As soon as Mingshu said, she immediately agreed, but she still very attentively told her to be careful, and called her if something happened.

After Aunt Gui left, Mingshu looked at his environment.

The house is a bit old, and the furniture beds are all antiques, but the room is clean and spacious, full of light, and a green bamboo outside the window, giving a quiet and comfortable feeling.

Mingshu decided to accept the plot first.

The false female lead is Li Meng, born again.

Before rebirth, Li Mengxin was higher than the sky.

Li Meng’s father was in charge of the factory in the town, and anyone who wanted to let his children into the factory had to take the relationship of his father.

So Li Meng is the envy of everyone in the village.

However, when Li Meng's father was laid off, Li's father used to relax in the factory, and then he went to find other jobs that were either too tiring or underpaid.

Later, Li father was also gambling, and the Li Meng family naturally squeezed Li father's brother and Li Meng's uncle.

The uncle has a daughter named Li Le.

Because Li Le is not so good at playing a small brain, he is the object of being bullied in the village. At ordinary times, Li Le's father goes to work and let Li Meng's family take care of him.

Li Meng was very disgusted with this sister and often dealt with her.

However, Li Meng suddenly discovered that Li Le learned to talk back and clenched his teeth, and the village said she was not stupid.

And Li Le's father gradually refused to help their family.

The Li Meng family made troubles several times, but in the end it was because they lost money and their reputation in the village gradually deteriorated.

Later, the Le family moved to the county.

Li Le also went to college, Li Meng High School did not study after two years of school, I heard that Li Le bought a house in the city, his father took them to find them.

Li Le's father remembered his brothers for many years and asked them to live first.

Who knew Li Le would lose his temper with them as soon as he returned, and drove them out.

Li Meng saw that the fool had such a good life.

Finally, I was jealous that Li Le had such a handsome boyfriend.

When things are exposed, they suffer from evil.

Finally, my father, who had been gambling himself, sold it.

When Li Meng was born again, she was determined to figure out how Li Le turned from a fool to a clever one and robbed her of everything.

It's a pity that Li Meng didn't figure this out, and Li Le was very difficult to deal with.

But she found another thing.

There is a family in the village, and the house listened to the villagers saying that they were some years old, and they were very impressive. During the war, the family went out to take refuge, and later made money, and returned to rebuild their ancestral house.

She inadvertently saw the mistress of that family, and suddenly remembered that she had seen the woman while following Li Le before reborn.

Li Meng saw the original owner in that household.

The original caller was Jian Xi. Because of physical reasons, the doctor said she needed to recuperate in a quiet place, so she was sent to her ancestral home.

The original owner has a heart disease, because it was not born at full term, and there are many messy complications. Anyway, you need to be careful.

Li Meng slapped his idea on him.

She knew that Li Le would recognize Jian Xi's mother as a godmother in the future, but Jian Xi was already dead at that time. She only had to take this line and was afraid of Li Le?

The most important thing is that Li Le’s future boyfriend is Jan Xi’s brother.

So she made an accident and soon gained Jane's trust.

Jian Xi couldn't go out on weekdays, and suddenly had a playmate, Jane was very happy.

And Li Meng also met Jane's brother before Li Le.

Li Meng didn't know how Li Le made Jane's mother recognize her as a daughter, she could only find a way for herself.

However, because Jane almost didn't go out, Li Meng couldn't find any way.

Until one time, she saw Jian Xi standing alone on the bridge by the village river, looking into the distance, not knowing what she was looking at.

The bridge in the village was very rudimentary, without guardrails, and it rained again. When Jian Xi turned around, she did not step on it and fell down.

But she didn't fall completely, grabbed the edge, and she could climb up with a little effort.

Li Meng knew at that time that his opportunity was coming.

She rushed over anxiously, pulling Jane up.

At that time, Jian Xi regarded her as a good friend and naturally trusted her very much.

Li Meng pretended to rescue her, pulled halfway, pretending to be on foot, and the two fell into the river at the same time.

Li Meng was delayed in the river for a while, and he also got his legs on, and then he rescued Jane Xi, who happened to pass by at this time to see them.

Jian Xi fainted in the river, and Li Meng pretended that she fainted after saving her ashore.

At that time, the weather was already autumn, and Jane had been in the river for so long. Although he was not dead, he couldn't walk anymore.

And Li Meng desperately trying to save Jian Xi became the object of appreciation of the Jian family.

But Jane's temper became a little weird when he retrieved a life, and always looked at her with somber eyes.

She also complained to her brother that Li Meng deliberately pushed her into the river. She also saw her scratching her leg in the river, delaying time to save her.

Li Meng was clever and obedient at the time. Instead, she was gloomy all day long. Her parents thought she was because of the inability to walk, and her heart was depressed. She didn't believe her at all.

Jian Xi became more and more irritable. When she saw Li Meng, she lost her temper and almost hurt Li Meng several times.

But Li Meng took care of her regardless of previous suspicions.

Finally, even Jane's brother no longer believed her.

Li Meng completely replaced Jane's position at Jane's house, wearing her clothes, sleeping on her bed, and holding his brother.


Non-authentic chronology, overhead overhead, according to the party bypass.

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