Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 897: The 1990s (7)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The woman's eyes widened, "You mean I hit the wrong number? You see she hit my son, she didn't have a mother to teach, why can't I as an elder educate her?"

"Sister-in-law, we have long separated, this is my daughter."


"Dad, it hurts."

Father Li did not care about the woman, and quickly took Li Le to the village doctor in the village.

When they left, they ran into Mingshu and Ye Xifeng. All of them were obviously stunned. The appearance of these two people was obviously different from that of their village, and they were more beautiful than those of the county.

"who is this?"

"I haven't seen it in the county?"

"...It seems to belong to the Jane's family. I saw the Jane's car at the entrance of the village before. The little boy saw me get off the car."

The original owner never left the Jane's house before, but the people who lived in the Jane's house could not hide it.

Of course, many people asked Xiaoli, and Xiaoli didn't reveal much, so in the end, the villagers only knew that the little girl living in the Jian's house was a poor-healthy girl who recuperated in the countryside.

Aunt Gui?

Aunt Gui dared to eat at the Jane’s house, but it didn’t mean she dared to talk outside. The rumor spread to Jane’s mother and Jane.


Li Le was so troubled, I heard that he had a complete trouble with Li Meng's family. Before that, Li father was thinking about their brotherhood, and he had been unwilling to make trouble too bad.

But this time, Li Meng's mother started Li Le's hands and committed the taboo of Li Le's father.

Lose the support of Li Le's father.

Li Meng's father came back from gambling. At first, he only scolded Li Meng's mother, and later developed into a two-person fight.

According to the plot after Li Meng's rebirth, he should have been helped by the original owner. He often gave Li Meng some good things to make their home still not too difficult.

But now there is no such plot, the Li Mengs have a worse life than before.


Mingshu just passed the kitchen and saw Jane's mother covering her forehead, she immediately walked over, "What's wrong?"

Mother Jane took her hand, and her hand was full of blood. Mother Jane's eyes were dizzy and she fell to Mingshu's side: "Baby, am I going to die."

Mingshu: "..."

Mingshu supported Jane's mother and opened her forehead.

"What's wrong with this?" Ye Xifeng whistled, seeing both Mingshu and Jianmu standing here, and they inevitably stepped in.

Mother Jane was so dizzy that she couldn't say anything, just muttered: "Am I going to die, so dizzy, I seem to see a lot of stars..."

Ye Xifeng looked at Mingshu.

Ming Shu paused for a few seconds. "Probably... halo?"

Ye Xifeng: "..."

The two called Xiaoli and took Jane back to the room to treat the wound on her forehead.

"How did you get it, Madam?" Xiao Li asked strangely.

How did you knock your forehead?

Mingshu asked Xiaoli to take care of Jane. She went to see where Jane stood before, and found a **** stone on the ground.

"Sister, what are you looking at?"

Mingshu showed him the stone.

Ye Xifeng was so savvy and immediately understood, "Someone dared to deliberately hurt someone."

Mother Jane woke up after a break, she only remembered a pain in her forehead, and then remembered nothing.

I don't know who did it.

When Jane was ready, she ran to the village chief’s house to make a phone call. Mingshu listened to her and asked her to call two people over.

Father Jane was very busy there, but also worried about Mother Jane and her daughter, agreed.

Xiaoli said in the evening that there was a lot less in the kitchen.

After Aunt Gui is driven away, they will basically have a lot of food left. Xiao Li took it back and ate it for her family, and everything that was not easily broken was stored in the kitchen.

Xiaoli cooks today and finds that there are fewer things in the kitchen.

There were fewer snacks just delivered, but I hadn't had time to deliver them to Mingshu's room.

This is okay!

Moving her snack is moving her life!

And Jane’s mother, if she hits her temple, she is very likely to die.

"The little thief is very powerful." Ye Xifeng patted his chest. "Relax, I'm here. Keep it for you to catch the little thief."

But the next day, no one showed up.

Instead, the bodyguard sent by Jane's father arrived.

Ming Shu looked at the six, bodyguards like black-skinned people, supporting the forehead, what wonderful things are in her family.


The bodyguard caught a teenager the next day.

Mingshu was awakened by the teenager's howling, she came out in her clothes, and the teenager was stepped on the ground by a bodyguard.

The night is dark and the murderous night is high.

The teenager was shocked, only knowing to keep crying.

Ye Xifeng ran out of the room and took a flashlight to take a picture of the teenager, "Hey, this is not the one... Whose one? Is he stealing something? I rely on it!"

The teenager is no other than Li Meng's younger brother.

Mother Jane also woke up and put a shawl on Mingshu again, "Baby, you go back first, my mother will solve it."

Mingshu shook his head, "I'm fine."

She looked at the scattered things on the ground, these were brought by the bodyguards, and many of them had not been unsealed.

Regardless of the screaming teenager, Mingshu ordered the bodyguard, "Go and call the village chief and Li's family."

The bodyguard should be heard.

When the village head came with the Li family, Li Meng's mother saw her son being trampled on the ground and immediately rushed over, "What are you doing, let me go, let me go! Let me go! "

The bodyguard was so tall that he easily pushed the woman away.

The village chief hurried out to play the round. "What's wrong with this? If you have something to say, don't do it."

The woman yelled loudly, and the shrews scolded the street in general: "The village head, let them do it first to see what they make of my son?"

The head of the village wished to cover her mouth.

Didn't see what happened in the yard?

These men of great force, standing in front of them, all felt short.

She dare to shout.

"Xu Fang, calm down, you haven't figured out what happened yet." The village head knew more about the situation of the house.

This family has also been here for more than half a year, and has never had any trouble, and has always been low-key.

The village head almost didn't need to think about it, and knew that it was definitely the Li kid, who was doing something that made people unhappy.

"The village chief, you yelled at me, my son was caught by them, why did you yell at me."

Xu Fang's noisy and vociferous voice successfully attracted nearby villagers, one after another, and soon the Jian's courtyard was full of lively villagers.

Li Le also came and stood in the crowd.

Li Meng was at the end, and she was pulled to the front by Xu Fang as soon as she came. Brother hit it."

"Oh, ma'am, is it glorious to take other people's things?" Ye Xifeng hit Xu Fang with a flashlight.

"Your family does not lack that food, what to do is unreasonable!" Xu Fang is still straightforward.

Ye Xifeng was smirked.

He hadn't been to the country before, but the villagers on his grandfather's side were far more honest than these people.

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