Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 901: The 1990s (11)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu didn't have time to catch Ye Xifeng.

Because they were caught by Jian Shu.

With a black face, Jane Shu taught Ye Xifeng a lesson, carrying them in the car.

Mingshu is nothing to eat a small snack, and Ye Xifeng is lying on the seat of the co-pilot.

Jane Shu took them to dinner.

The place is a famous restaurant in the city.

Although Ye Xifeng is rich, he is still in school, and it is impossible for his family to spend too much money on him.

"How does Xixi feel recently?"

"Well... that's good." The school's food is not tasty, but it's okay outside the school.

"Any discomfort?"

"No." A little hungry.

"If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell your brother not to worry us all."

Ye Xifeng flipped through the menu and turned loudly. What could she feel uncomfortable? She ate more than he did a day.

"Ye Xifeng ordered well." Jian Shu looked over.

"..." fierce, fierce, know the fierce, if you have the ability to murder your sister!

After Jane Shu asked, Ye Xifeng also finished the order.

"Jane Shuge, how long will you be back this time?"

Jane looked at him, "What are you doing?"

Ye Xifeng rubbed his hands, "Isn't my old man going to be born? I want you to help me pick a gift at the antique market."

"Half a month."

"So long?" Ye Xifeng was surprised.

"Recently a cardiologist from abroad came to the city hospital for academic exchanges. I took the opportunity to do a routine check. There should be time this Saturday. Come over to your house."

Mingshu: "..."

Ye Xifeng: "..."


On Saturday, Ye Xifeng arrived early.

It happened that Jane was at home, tossing a table of nutritious breakfast, Ye Xifeng had eaten up, and Mingshu was still drinking milk slowly.

"Xi Xi should eat more, there is no meat on this body."

"Auntie, don't you think she eats too much?" Ye Xifeng pointed to an empty plate on the table.

This is too much to eat.

This is just breakfast!

Who can afford it in the future.

Mother Jane looked at the empty plate on the table and spoiled: "Mother will make more for you tomorrow morning."

Mingshu folded his hands together, "Thank you mom."

Ye Xifeng: "..." This lunatic.

Jane's mother couldn't be happy, "After drinking milk to change clothes, I will add some new to your closet, go out and dress nicely."

Before her baby didn't eat, she was worried.

"Mom, it's really overdose."

Jane Shu went downstairs while wearing a tie.

Ye Xifeng nodded again and again, and finally there was a normal person.

"Xi Xi was when he was growing up, what happened to eat more? Your dad can afford it." Although she eats more now, her baby is in good health.

"I didn't mean that..." Jian Shu didn't dare to say to Mingshu's alert look, "Cough, after eating? Go change your clothes."

Ye Xifeng: "..."


The antique market is in the city center and occupies several streets. There are more people on the weekend. Jane Shu protects Mingshu in the middle.

The antiques here are true and false.

Someone has found tens of millions of antiques here.

So whether you can buy the real one depends on your eyesight and luck.

When Jane Shu was interested in antiques when he was young, he paid a visit to Master for a period of time. Although he hasn't done this yet, he knows more about it than a layman.

Ye Xifeng wants to buy a painting, but if you want to buy the real thing for this thing, it certainly won't work without spending money.

So Ye Xifeng did not have much hope.

They looked around and found nothing to paint.

In the end, Ye Xifeng decided to go back to the previous family to watch the bottle and buy it.

This shop has a storefront and the lobby is clean and bright.

There was still someone watching in the lobby, glancing at Ming Shu, his eyes stopped.

"Girl, this is the treasure of the town store in our store. If you like it, hold it tight." The store is touting with the guests.

There are two people in the lobby. In addition to the two old men standing by the shelf, a man and a woman are standing in front of the counter.

The man was about the age of Jane Shu, with gold-tinted glasses, standing impatiently at the counter.

Seeing someone get up, the man glanced inertially and was about to look away, then quickly moved back, and pushed a little closer to the glasses, "Sir. Jane."

This is really weird, and ordinary people can hear full of malice.

"Han's people." Ye Xifeng explained in Mingshu's ear, "It's a competitive relationship with your family."

Ming Shu's attention was not on the Han family, but on Li Meng beside him.

Li Meng failed to rely on the original master to rise to power, but now climbs another person.

No matter how the plot changes, the protagonist should go in that direction.

Li Meng obviously also saw Mingshu and others. Compared to when he was in the village, Li Meng was more calm. Seeing Mingshu was a look that he did not know.

"This is this?" Han Ying and Jane Shu's hypocritical greetings immediately turned their attention to Mingshu. "I heard that Grandpa Jane has a younger sister. Is this the family of Jane who is hidden?"

That similar face, Han Ying knew, without Jian Shu's confession, this must be the Jane family who never appeared before him.

Jane Shu stood in front of Mingshu, "What's the matter?"

"What are you doing so nervous, but just knowing, little girl, do you say it?" Han Ying tilted his body and looked at Mingshu.

Han Ying's eyes narrowed, and the little girl looked really real.

The man in front of him was a little naked, but it was not a desire to see a pretty girl, it was a very strange malice.

Maybe it's because she is Jane Shu's sister.

Maybe I think this person is perverted...

Anyway, Mingshu knew that he did not have good intentions, the reason was not important.

Mingshu gave him a bright smile, "I am not interested in knowing non-humans."

Han Ying's face dimmed, but disappeared instantly.

"Han Ying!" Jane Shu grabbed his collar and dragged him back with a warning, "What dare you dare to move, I won't let you go."

Han Ying rescued himself from Jane Shu and raised his lips. "Little sister looks so pretty. If I were the eldest son of Jane, I would have to hide her at home."

Jane Shu threw a punch.

Han Ying was hit and hit the counter at the back. The store exclaimed and hugged a green vase on the counter quickly.

Li Meng stepped forward to support Han Ying, "Are you all right?"

Han Ying withdrew his hand.

Li Meng stood a little embarrassed, and didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

Han Ying didn't feel anything at all. He raised his hand and wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth, and took off the gold wire glasses to wipe it. Sister, it's very important."

Jane Shu looked coldly at him.

Han Ying took the glasses back. "I'm in a hurry today. I can't chat with my little sister. Then, I'll talk about it again."

He turned to look at the store, "Wrap the two pieces just now."

Mingshu casually ate the **** in his hand and waited for them to settle the bill, watching Han Ying leave with Li Meng.

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