Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 905: 1990s (15)

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There are more upstairs because there are many young people.

But there are only a few things that can be played in this era, and no new tricks can be played.

The small groups upstairs are clearly divided into groups of two and three.

Ye Xifeng went to get Mingshu, and Mingshu stood waiting in a place with few people.

"Sister Jane is also here."

Carrying a glass of red wine, Han Ying stopped Ming Shu's way. From the look on his face, it seemed that he didn't care about what Ming Shu beat before.

Ming Shu glanced at him, "Want to be beaten?"

Han Ying: "Little sister, it's good to have a strong temperament, but if you are too strong, it's not good here."

Mingshu asked with humility, "What's wrong?"

Han Ying leaned over to Mingshu, "it's easy to offend people."

Mingshu yelled, and asked the indifferent question: "What about offending?"

Are she offended?

One more, not more.

One less, one less.

Duanshu said-don't care.

Han Ying: "..."

Offended, of course, there is no good fruit to eat.

He turned his eyes around Mingshu, and the eyes under the lens seemed to be dormant with evil beasts. He pulled the corner of his mouth, "It seems that Jane Shu protects you well."

Mingshu just smiled.

Han Ying raised his glass and said, "Little sister will see you again."

Han Ying turned to leave and talked with the person next to him.

Ye Xifeng took something back and frowned and asked, "What did he tell you?"

"Say he is a pig."


Ming Shu's voice was not depressed, Han Ying was not far away, and he could hear Ming Shuhei himself.

Han Ying turned his back to Mingshu. He lowered his head and pressed the edge of the frame. After a moment, he raised his head and continued to talk with others.


Halfway through the banquet, Ye Xifeng was called away by Ye Fu.

Mingshu ate snacks brought by Ye Xifeng and looked at the crowd above.

Li Meng is also here. At this time, Han Qian is being surrounded by her little sister. Listening to the voice should not be a good thing.

Li Meng pushed away the person who blocked her and walked a few steps forward.

A girl in a pink dress dragged her back, and the two struggled, approaching Mingshu unconsciously.

Li Meng glanced at Mingshu. When the girl in the pink dress pulled her, she turned back and exchanged positions with the girl in the pink dress.

The girl in the pink dress somehow did not stand still and ran towards Mingshu.

If you don't have a precautionary collision, Li Meng feels that even if she is not ill, she will make a noise, and these people will not dare to find trouble for themselves.


In a handsome posture, Mingshu easily catches girls in pink dresses.

"Be careful, it's a waste to knock off the dim sum."

The girl in the pink dress looked up at the girl in front of her, her face slightly reddish, and she stood hurriedly, "I'm sorry."

The girl in a pink dress turned her head and yelled at Li Meng: "Li Meng, you deliberately!"

Li Meng's face changed slightly.

That sick seedling, why...

When the girl in the pink dress saw Li Meng, she stepped forward and grabbed her to the corner.

A few girls were surrounded, and the others just watched.

They all know that this Han Limeng is the righteous girl recognized by the Han family's romantic daughter. Many people guess that she is an illegitimate girl.

Since ancient times, illegitimate daughters have been an unidentified identity.

There is Han Qian, the Han family, who has a lot of advice, these people do not want to cause trouble.


Li Meng was washing the red wine on her face. She wiped her face and supported the sink with both hands. Those eyes were full of hate.

If it weren't for the diseased seedling, she might be the daughter of the Jane's family now.

Where did she not do well before, so she suddenly alienated herself?


Li Meng stood up with sweat and turned suddenly.

Han Ying leaned against the door frame and looked at her with a smile.

The hatred in Li Meng's eyes instantly converged, and he screamed, "Brother..."

"Don't call me that." Han Ying said: "Han Qian doesn't like you, and I naturally don't like you either, because you are not from the Han family, I don't know what method you use, let him accept you as a righteous girl, and treat you Bring it back, but you have to be clear, you are just an outsider in this family."

Li Meng clenched both hands.

Of course she knew she was an outsider.

But if she does not resort to external force, her identity is too humble.

The reason to be able to enter the Han family is, of course, some of the news she knew before her rebirth. Although it is not a major event in later generations, but now... It is fatal for the Han family.

"I can teach you Han Qian."

Li Meng looked at the man in front with amazement.

The man's eyes are hidden behind the lens and he can't see emotions.

The sound of ticking water in the bathroom seems to be amplified several times.

The man held his finger in the middle of his eyes. "But, there is a condition."

Li Meng asked, "What... what conditions?"

"Jian Xi once lived in your village, right?"

Li Meng nodded.

Han Ying asked: "What is her weakness?"


What is the weakness of that sick seedling... Is heart disease a weakness?

But recently she looks very good, not as delicate as she used to be in the village.

Han Ying: "I don't know?"

Li Meng grabbed the clothes and said, "She...has a heart attack, does that count?"

"Heart disease?" Han Ying murmured, "No wonder the Jian family is hiding her like this, hey... Jane Shu, Jane Shu, this time I want to see what you do."

Han Ying took out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Li Meng, "This thing, you let Han Qian drink it for a while, and I will arrange the rest."

"what is this?"

"Don't worry about it, just do what I said."



A scream came from the third floor.

When Mingshu and Ye Xifeng went up, there were already a lot of people. Han Qian stood at the door in disgrace, and the little sisters next to each other supported each other, as if they saw an extremely terrible scene.

Ye Xifeng is from the Ye family, he squeezed into it.

"what happened?"

"Yaoyao... Yaoyao she..."

Han Qian shamelessly pointed to the room, unable to speak.

Ye Xifeng glanced inside and immediately turned to pull Mingshu who wanted to go in and take a look. "Go and call the ambulance, few of you, take the guests down."

In the room, the girl in the pink dress was paralyzed on the ground, and a large area of ​​blood was on her wrist.

Committed suicide.

Li Meng, who was mixed in the crowd, was a little stunned when she heard the news. She thought that what Han should give was the kind of medicine... but she didn't expect it to cause suicide.

And why was it that the girl in the pink dress.

Although Mingshu didn't go in, when the ambulance came to carry people, she still saw a large blood stain on the pink dress girl skirt.

This happened at the banquet. Although the girl suspected of committing suicide, the Ye family, as the host of the banquet, must bear some responsibility.

"Yaoyao can't commit suicide!" Facing the police who came to investigate, Han Qian looked very excited. "How could she commit suicide, she would never commit suicide!"

"Miss Han feels that someone has murdered?"

"Someone must have hurt her!!!" Han Qian shivered, and she grabbed the arm of the policeman opposite her. "Someone must have hurt her. You must find the murderer!"


End of full text

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