Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 910: The 1990s (20)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Han Qian did not come out for a long time, and Ye Xifeng waited a little impatiently.

"Come on, let me take you home first?"

Father Jane has been at home recently, and she has not been sent back at this point yet.

"You go in and see."

Ye Xifeng frowned, "Are you alone?" No problem?


Ye Xifeng thought of the scene of the beating man before, and quickly said: "Then you are waiting for me here, you can't run around."

Ye Xifeng went in to find Han Qian.

Suddenly there was a lot of noise in the disco, many people were coaxing, and the voice came out far.

Mingshu was strange, and suddenly felt someone behind him approaching.

She stooped to avoid it and left the place, turning around and standing a few meters away.

The two men stood where she had just sat, looking at her in surprise.

It seems that a little girl can move so fast.

Ming Shu looked at the people across from him, "You..."

The two rushed towards Mingshu at the same time, copying packages from left and right.

Mingshu looked at them calmly, and when one of them was about to approach himself, he found out the little beast and smashed it over.

The man was smashed into the air and hit the car that had just stopped on the side of the road. There was no wailing and he fainted.

The crowd around them feared to get into trouble and quickly backed off.

In this era, there is still some chaos and turbulence.

In places like Disco, it is normal for occasional black spots to fight.

After the small animal hit the person, it fell to the ground and spread on the ground for a long time without moving.

Under the light of the lamp, no one thought its fur was strange.


The **** shoveled it again.

I want to move.

Come scoop up **** and pick me back.

The remaining big guy didn't know if he was scared, his expression was as ugly as eating a fly.


What did she just throw?

Why did people fly out directly?

Ming Shu smiled with a lip, and smiled softly.

She asked lightly: "Han should let you come?"

The name Han Ying seemed to give the Han the courage. His hands shook and the muscles in his arms swelled up. He walked towards Mingshu, "Little girl, follow me quickly."

"What about ignorant?"

The big man showed a fierce expression, "then don't blame me for not understanding Xiangxixiyu."

"Do you know how to write Lianxiang Xiyu?"

Dahan: "???

Mingshu flicked his clothes and said slowly: "So read more books."

Dahan: "???" Why should he know how to write Lianxiangxiyu?

The big man roared and swept towards Mingshu.

Mingshu knew that this body was just bad, so-she took the weapon.

The big man looked at the thing against his head and rolled down with cold sweat. "There is something to say... something to say."

Didn't tell them before coming, this little girl has such a dangerous weapon!

The girl with the gun slowly turned her head, butted her eyes with the big man, "Are you still playing?"

Dahan: "..." A fart!

No matter how hard they are, they can't fight for money! !

"Don't move. The people behind see me holding such a dangerous weapon. If I call the police, I will be irritated. Once I get irritated, I don't know if I will shake my hands, what happens, bang..."

At this time, Mingshu was almost completely blocked by the tall man, and the surrounding light was not bright. Mingshu was hidden in the shadows, and the crowd standing in the distance could not see what was in her hand.

But the big man gave up, and I will definitely see it.

"Do not move, I will not move."

Han's legs began to tremble.

Why is this little girl so evil.

The speech is so nice, but the content is too infiltrating.

This business is losing money! !

"What's going on? No more?"

"Why don't you move..."

The onlookers saw that there was no movement over there, and they began to talk.

Mingshu asked the big man: "Han Ying should let you come?"

"Yes, yes...he asked us to take you to a place. We just used money to do things, little girl, we have no injustice with you. Really, we all blame us for being crazy. Seeing the money, you have a lot of adults. , Let us go this time."

It doesn't matter how intimidating Mingshu is, the Dahan Zhutong pours beans and says everything.

Han Ying originally wanted to start in the disco.

But it was Han Qian who went in, but Mingshu didn't go in.

Next to Ye Xifeng, Ye Xifeng entered, and they got the news.

"What should Han Ying want to do?"

"This...I don't know."

The big man's eyes moved, obviously not telling the truth.

"My hand is shaking..." Mingshu placed his finger on the trigger and pressed it slightly.

As long as she let go...

"He wants to destroy you!" Dahan shouted immediately.

"So bad?"

"..." Master Jin does not know whether he is poisonous or not, and now he knows that the little girl in front of him is very poisonous.

A man with a gun, under the large public, can still be careless and unscrupulous, how can he be an ordinary person?

"Where should Han let you send me to?"

The big man shuddered and gave an address.

At this moment, Ye Xifeng helped Han Qian out.

Han Qian looked very wrong, Ye Xifeng was sweaty, her clothes were crooked, and she was stained with blood.

"Come on." Ye Xifeng helped Han Qian over, "Are you okay. Who is this... I rely on!"

Ye Xifeng almost called out.

Little ancestor, where did you come from this weapon! !

Mingshu took the gun, picked up the little beast, and stopped the car at the door, "Get in the car."

Ye Xifeng also knew that it was not time to speak, so he quickly threw Han Qian into the car.

The car passed away.

The entire Han is soft on the ground.

Scared him...

Mingshu sent Han Qian back to Han's house, and then went to the address that Dahan said.

"What are we doing here? Hurry up, Zuzong." Ye Xifeng couldn't worry, "Are you unwell?"

"Waiting for me here, I will come down quickly."

"Come on..."

Ming Shu looked at him, and Ye Xifeng was inexplicably afraid to move.

He watched Mingshu disappear through the door of the unit.

After clenching his teeth, Ye Xifeng followed.

The corridor is very dark, and there is no sound on it. Which floor did you go to?

Ye Xifeng felt a little regretful. He should have followed him immediately.

Ye Xifeng did not know which floor Mingshu was on, but could only find one floor after another.

There are not many residents on each floor. Ye Xifeng found them on the first floor and the first floor, delaying some time, but fortunately they were found.

The door of this family's room was open, and the scene reflected Ye Yefeng's eyes.

His pupils twitched.

"Come on!"

Ye Xifeng didn't even think about it. He rushed straight in and stopped in front of Mingshu, and a sharp fruit knife pierced his shoulder.


The owner of the weapon was puzzled and murmured a moment later: "Ye Xifeng, you are very annoying."

Ye Xifeng lost his blood on his face, but his eyes were like beasts that were suddenly irritated, flashing a fierce light, "Han Ying, you dare to try her!"

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