Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 912: The 1990s (22)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Du Wanyu is not young, but because of her face that does not show age, she is still red and purple.

It took a while for the Mingshu family to squeeze in.

Du Wanyu happened to finish shooting a scene and saw her husband and his son and daughter visiting the class and pushed off the afternoon scene.

"That's Li Le?" Ming Shu asked someone looking at the studio.

"Ah, yes, baby know?" Du Wanyu was curious.

Du Wanyu is unfamiliar with the people in the village and has never seen it. Naturally, he does not know Li Le.

"Well, classmates."

"Student, then your classmate is a bit powerful. Well, baby, see if she came with that person, business man, great."

Du Wanyu refers to a man about the same age as Jane's father.

"Humph." Jane hummed beside him.

Du Wanyu glanced at Jane's father, without any intention of coaxing, and hugged Ming Shu with a baby crying cheerfully.

During the meal, Mingshu and Li Le met.

Li Le just nodded and said hello, but the man stopped.

"Mr. Jane." The man reached out to Jane's father and greeted him enthusiastically. "It's been a few years since I last met. I didn't expect to meet here."

Father Jane held out his hand and took it back.

Probably because Du Wanyu just praised this man for being very angry.

The man was not angry, and he naturally invited, "Since I met him, let's... have a meal together?"

All of them are in this circle, and Jane's father can't refuse directly.

So a group of people changed a big box.

"This is Li Le, an interesting little friend I know."

The man took the initiative to introduce Li Le. Father Jian had to look at Li Le.

People like them...

How to say, if it is not for the table, or important people, generally will not take the initiative to introduce.

Father Jian had to introduce it, mainly Mingshu, who knew both Jian Shu and Du Wanyu.

"Li Le and Jian Xi should be a school?"

"It's a classmate." Li Le answered.

"Fate, fate, this is fate."

Father Jane communicates with men, accompanied by Jian Shu.

Li Le occasionally speaks, with unique insights, which makes the three men look at each other a little.

Mingshu and Du Wanyu can concentrate on eating.

Mingshu is not interested in shopping malls, and she is not here to make money.

Du Wanyu didn't quite understand it. Her profession was an actor.

"I suggest to buy it first, and of course it is only my suggestion. I think that place will appreciate in the future."

"That place is not very good." The man frowned. "What do you think, Jane?"

Father Jane is here, and he has a great god, "I'm okay now."

The man glanced at Jian Shu, who was rich and handsome, and sighed, "Youth is promising, unlike the one in my family who is not climate-friendly."

However, he admired Jane even more, and he was able to directly take down the entire company at this time.

How many people, once standing in that position, can no longer afford to let go.

Change to him...

Probably not.

"The terrain does have some problems." Jane Shu then said, "Why does Miss Li Le think it will appreciate there?"

Li Le briefly gave Jian Shu an analysis. Although what they said is not very good now, many people look at it and there is no follow-up.

But once it develops in the future, it will be the center.

"My family must not dare to take this risk. The place is quite big. If Jane always feels feasible, we can cooperate." The man was probably moved by Li Le, but he took the risk by himself, and he was a little worried.

Who can be sure of the future?

"This matter must be considered." Jian Shu did not immediately agree.

"Brother, what she said makes sense." Mingshu, who has been eating, suddenly looked up, "I will make money in the future."

Jian Shu looked at her sister.

Ming Shu pursed his lips and smiled.

Jian Shu made a decision: "No problem, I will talk about the specific contract tomorrow."

the man:"……"

Li Le: "..."

I promised this?

Didn’t you just think about it?

The man looked at Mingshu strangely. Was it happy to spend money to buy his sister?

The man winks at Jane, won't you stop it?

Father Jane smiled like a Maitreya Buddha.

It probably means-I have retired, no matter what.

the man:"……"

How big is the heart of this family?

Li Ledu looked at Mingshu twice, the latter was talking to Du Wanyu, the corner of her mouth was slightly tilted, and the sunlight outside the window came in. At that moment, she seemed to see an angel.

After dinner, the two parties said goodbye, Li Le followed the man away.

When Jane Shu received the news, she had to deal with it, so she could only send back the two most precious ladies in the family.


Ming Shu went to the hospital to see Ye Xifeng, and it was almost the same. He could be discharged.

Perhaps because it has already been said, Ye Xifeng actually performed much more than before.

Jian Shu saw some signs.

Pulling her sister, "Come on, don't fall in love early."

He is not worried about Ye Xifeng. Ye Xifeng can be said to have grown up under his eyelids, knowing the roots and knowing the truth. When it is time to talk about marriage and marriage, he is also willing to give his sister to Ye Xifeng.

It's just that her sister is still young, and Ye Xifeng is not qualitative...

If the mood swings are too great because of the relationship of early love, it is not good for her.

"Early love? Can it be eaten?"

"Just know to eat." Jian Shu Chong smiled and smiled, "Yes, did Han Ying have trouble you recently?"

"He?" Mingshu raised an eyebrow. If it is estimated that he is not dead, he is probably lying in the hospital.

Jian Shu also heard that the Han family was not peaceful recently, and Han Ying should have no time to trouble his sister.

"If you meet him, avoid him and come back and tell your brother that he will help you teach him."

Mingshu nodded, "Okay."

"Xi Xi... It's class." Ye Xifeng stood outside the door and waved.

Mingshu took over the schoolbag in Jian Shu's hand, "Leave Brother."

"Do you really want me to send it?"

"No, I'm fine now."

"Then be careful on your way." He also shouted Ye Xifeng at ease, "Ye Xifeng is not allowed to be frizzy, be careful."

Ye Xifeng salutes, "I won't hurt if I get hurt."

Jane Shu watched the two leave side by side, his expression somewhat obscure, and slowly tightened the hand that fell on his side, how would he... to save his sister.


There have always been questions about the attitude of the Jian family to Mingshu and the original owner.

Let me explain here:

The original owner's temperament is not as lively as Mingshu, what to say, she is very dull temperament because of her illness.

Moreover, in the plot, she did not propose to go to school, and the Jane family did not contact her so frequently.

The Jane family felt that Li Meng was her daughter's only friend because she was very kind to her, and she was also very kind to her.

Moreover, after the accident, Jane's family did not treat the original owner badly. It was only because of the original owner's relationship that Li Meng was very good. Later, when the original owner had an accident, they would feel that the original owner was unreasonable for physical reasons.

After Mingshu came over, Li Meng had no chance to contact the Jane's family, so get it! ! ! !

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