Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 919: West Wind Fanwai (29)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Dr. Ye, just sent a patient, Dr. Mu is not..."

The little nurse stopped the leaving man and said breathlessly.

Without thinking, the man turned around and walked back, asking calmly, "What's the situation?"

The little nurse ran and followed him while talking about the patient's condition.

It was late at night when the man came out, and there were only anxious family members waiting in the corridor.

"Doctor, doctor, how is my son?"

The man took off his mask, revealing a slightly tired, yet handsome face, "has been out of danger."

The family members hug each other happily.

The man turned and left.

He returned to the office and sat on the chair, rubbing his eyebrows.

He reached for the cabinet and pulled out a picture frame from inside.

The **** the photo frame smiled like a flower, and behind him was a fireworks blooming.

Fingertips brushed the girl's face.

On the operating table, these pairs are steady like Taishan's hands.

At this time, he was shaking uncontrollably.


Ye Xifeng put the photo frame back and connected the phone.


"Still at get off work?"

"Well. I just had a patient."

"Go home tomorrow." Ye father hung up the phone when he finished.

Ye Xifeng knew what Ye Father told him to do, nothing more than blind date.

Ye Xifeng looked out at the vast night outside the window.

A slight sigh sounded.

Where in his heart can accommodate others.

The next day, Ye Xifeng still took a rest and went home.

There was already someone at home. A girl was sitting on the sofa in the living room, her head slightly lowered, and she was shy and shy.

"Dad." Ye Xifeng called out.

Father Ye rarely did not flick his face, "This is my friend's daughter, you will be assigned to your hospital for internship, you take care of her a little bit."

Ye Xifeng secretly relieved.

Not a blind date.

"Good." Ye Xifeng nodded.

The little girl looked up at him quickly, and her head fell down in fright, her voice was weak, "Trouble Uncle Ye, Mr. Ye."

"It's okay. Your dad and I are old friends. In the future, you will think of yourself as your home. Don't go outside and find a house. You live here."

"That's too much trouble, no need..." The little girl shook her head and insisted on finding a place for herself.

Father Ye had no choice but to instruct Ye Xifeng to take the little girl to find him so as not to be bullied.

Ye Xifeng took a day off and had time.

The little girl is not a local, but the family should be very wealthy, Ye Xifeng found a community with better environment and security for her.

There is not much for the little girl, just a suitcase.

But there is no way to live, there is nothing.

Finally, Ye Xifeng can only accompany her to buy daily necessities.

Ye Xifeng basically pushes the shopping cart behind, and the little girl picks out what she wants.

Xu was shy and hardly spoke to him unless necessary.

Ye Xifeng was a little distracted, and when he was back, he was surrounded by snacks. The little girl was constantly throwing snacks into the shopping cart.

Ye Xifeng looked at her somewhat blankly.

The little girl Xu Shi noticed his sight and looked over with embarrassment. "Yes... I bought too much, scared Mr. Ye?"

Ye Xifeng recovered, "No."

He has seen more exaggerated than this.

That guy can't wait to move all snacks home.

The little girl seemed relieved and quietly put two bags inside, then left the snack area reluctantly.

When sending the little girl back, Ye Xifeng ghostly asked her name.

"Mu Xi."

Ye Xifeng froze.

Mu Xi...


Ye Xifeng remembers the last time he saw her, the moment when the millennium came.

The bells of the millennium rang, and fireworks exploded in the air.

And that was the last time he saw her.

Her abstinence...

This is the first day of the millennium.

The cold snow fell, Ye Xifeng reached out to pick it up, and the snow fell on the palm, and disappeared.

Like her.

Obviously he is so close to her...

Just reach out and touch her.

But what he encountered was Jinghuashuiyue.

She is gone.

Ye Xifeng looked up at the snow that was falling, and murmured, "Come on, it's time for the New Year."

Ye Xifeng gathered his clothes tightly and walked into the snow.


A group of interns came from the hospital.

Among the interns, there is a little girl who gets special attention.

The little girl is well-behaved, speaks carefully, treats people politely, whoever sees and likes.

I also like to eat snacks. I always carry candy on my body.

This is not the point.

The point is that their handsome and handsome doctor Ye takes good care of this little nurse.

This is a big news for their hospital.

Has Dr. Ye, who has been abstinent for many years, become enlightened and looking for a girlfriend?

Ye Xifeng turned a deaf ear to these gossip and only did what Ye Father told him.

He had no intention of Mu Xi.

However, the side that Mu Xi showed occasionally, Ye Xifeng was always a little lost, and some greedy wanted to see more shadows from her.

"Mr. Ye... Is there something wrong with me?"

Mu Xi always asked him timidly.

Every time at this time, he will be sober.

Jane won't talk to him like this.

The year is approaching.

Ye Xifeng is like a layer of ice on the cage, and no one can get close.

Everyone in the hospital knows that don’t mess with him during the Chinese New Year.

There is almost no way to rest in hospital holidays, but Ye Xifeng always asks for leave at this time, even if the hospital has a big event, he will not show up.

No one can find where he is when the phone is turned off.

"Uncle Ye, where is Mr. Ye? He will not come eat together?"

Ye Father shook his head and sighed.

Mu Xi didn't dare to ask Ye Ye when his expression was wrong.

Because Mu Xi is an intern, she has time on New Year's Day to ask Ye Fu Baiyun Mountain Cemetery how to get there.

Father Ye looked at her strangely, "You ask what this does."

"Nothing..." Mu Xi was vague.

Father Ye thought she had heard what people had said, thought about it, told her how to get there, and finally sighed and smoked away.

Mu Xi scratched his head.

According to Ye Father, she found the Baiyun Mountain Cemetery.

The Baiyun Mountain Cemetery is really a mountain.

Mu Xi went up from the foot of the mountain.

Mu Xi was slightly surprised to see the person standing in front of the tombstone.

She now recalls Ye Ye's eyes, Mu Xi's face was red, Uncle Ye wouldn't think she was looking for Mr. Ye?

The man stood still in front of the tombstone, with some tenderness in his solemn expression.

That was something Mu Xi had never seen before.

Mu Xi walked lightly and walked to Ye Xifeng. She looked at the person on the tombstone and reached out her hand and covered her mouth and whispered.

Ye Xifeng frowned and looked over.

Meiyu suddenly showed displeasure, "What are you doing here?"

Mu Xi seemed to be scared by Ye Xifeng and took a step back, the flowers in his hand fell to the ground.

Ye Xifeng looked at the flower and his expression slightly converged. He lowered his lip. Isn't Mu Xi a stranger? Does she know anyone here?

Ye Xifeng's thought turned only once, and then he settled down.

He didn't want to speak.

I don't want to be disturbed.

He turned around and continued to look at the tombstone, hoping Mu Xi to leave in a sensible way.

Mu Xi carefully picked up the flowers, stepped forward, and placed them in front of the tombstone that had been filled with flowers.

The girl's cautious voice slowly sounded, "Does Mr. Ye also know Sister Jan Xi?"

Ye Xifeng exploded in his head.

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