Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 925: See ghost ghost detective (5)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

[Spur task: the wicked have their own wicked grind. Hint: Please crack five or more murders. 】

Harmony issued a branch mission to Mingshu early in the morning.

But what does that title mean?

What is it that wicked people have their own grievances? what!

Harmony number you come out!

I want to have a good chat with you!

[Does the host watch the goblin fight? Goblin fights are better for this morning! 】

When Mingshu just woke up, his mind was still unclear. Suddenly he was stimulated by a fight with a full screen of goblins, and the whole person was bad.

Harmony, you get me off!

disappear as far as you can!

[...] Go away.

Mingshu: "..."

This is shameless.

Mingshu rubbed his hair and sat up.

She lives in a small room, one room and one hall.

She got out of bed to wash, and sent a message to Chen Wen by WeChat.

Chen Wen checked them all night, but the clue was finally broken, and the child disappeared.

The victim was not yet in labor. The seven-month-old child was taken out of the mother and there was little chance of survival.

But why should the murderer take the child away?

Ming Shu asked Chen Wen for information about the previous dead.

The first deceased is a college student, the second is a lady, the third is a high school student, the fourth is a white-collar worker at work, and the fifth is Curran.

The five cases occurred at irregular intervals and nothing special on the date.

Sometimes the interval is long, sometimes the interval is short.

But from the first case to now, it is only two months, and the killer kills an average of 12 days.

Mingshu carefully turned over the information.

All for the value of hatred.

It's all about making money to buy snacks.

"Jingle Bell……"

At a glance, Ming Shu looked at the landline, which was connected smoothly.


"Is it Chitose?"

Ming Shu responded casually, "Well, something happened."

"I want to ask you to investigate something, if convenient..."

"Inconvenient, goodbye!"

"..." The person across the phone was choked for a few seconds, "Miss Qian, do you not pick me this list? You open the door to do business, is there such a reason?"

"Well, just know, don't call again, and help me tell Yao Ying by the way, I have the ability to come to me by my own back, and engage me behind me, I shouldn't be able to chase a man.

Clearly hang up the phone.

Yao Ying, a blackened pseudo-hostess, often does not come forward in person.

How can I pull the value of hatred in this way?



Chen Wen: You just said to go to Y?

Chitose Chitose Chitose: Uh.

Y Y is the first university where the victim attended.

Such cases have not found similar old cases in the police system.

The first victim, the first person killed by the murderer, certainly does not rule out the undetected dead.

But the first one found, there may be more clues.

Chen Wen: When I go with you in the afternoon, I happen to have something wrong here.

Chitose Chitose Chitose: Does the police station provide dinner service for employees?

Chen Wen: ...

Chen Wen just wanted to give Mingshu a big scroll.


Y big.

The school has a history of 100 years, and many celebrities graduated from Y University.

This school is full of classic atmosphere, walking on campus, as if through time and space.

"Lu Jiaqi? She is very nice...I don't know who is so abominable, did the murderer catch it?"

"Lu Jiaqi has good grades, and she is beautiful and easy to talk. No one in the school should not like her?"

"Don't you ask about this before? Why did you ask again, Lu Jiaqi? She is very good, everyone likes her..."

The deceased Lu Jiaqi was a sophomore, a good student in the eyes of the teacher, and a good person in the mouth of his classmates.

From school to the present, no one has seen her conflict with others, and no boyfriend.

What the classmate said is almost the same as before.

"That woman is broken."

Mingshu looked at the talking-ghost.

"How to say?"

The ghost widened his eyes.

"You you... you talking to me?"

Ming Shu nodded, "Is there any other ghost here?"

Similar to Xiaobai, this ghost is also very excited.

So Mingshu easily received a lot of information, "She has a boyfriend, and several, and also beat a child, she is pretending at school, I saw her Balabalabala......"

Lu Jiaqi in the mouth of the ghost and Lu Jiaqi in the mouth of his classmate and teacher are completely two people.


As soon as Chen Wen turned around, he heard Mingshu's words. He couldn't keep up with his thinking. "Where are you going?"

She hasn't said a few words since she came in, so she left?

"I've finished asking everything."

"..." You cheated! Chen Wen saw that Mingshu really wanted to go, and quickly said: "I still have to meet someone..."

Chen Wen was going to see a professor of the Department of Psychology of University Y. He wanted to ask this professor to analyze the murderer. This is also his main purpose of coming to University Y.

"Professor..." Chen Wen entered with Mingshu, "Do you have guests?"

There are two people in the office, a middle-aged man.

The other, very young, leaned casually on the table, leaning slightly on the corners of her lips. At first glance, she was a little bit nasty.

The man is very handsome.

Very ostentatious, the kind of handsomeness that people can't forget at a glance.

Chen Wen came in, he raised his eyebrows slightly and looked over.

"Xiao Chen is here." The professor greeted Chen Wen. "It's not a guest. It's just the students you brought before. Speaking of you as a system, haven't you met?"

The professor glared at the young man again, "Standing up."

The young man didn't say anything, and didn't mean to stand upright.

"Not seen." Chen Wen answered honestly.

"You criminal police have been running outside all day, and it's not surprising that you haven't seen it." The professor greeted Chen Wen and Ming Shu to sit and poured tea. "Gu Zhi, who do you show it to, come and sit down!"

The sip of tea that Chen Wengang drank was sprayed directly.

Just sprayed the professor's face.


"Professor, I'm sorry I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Chen Wen handed tissues to the professor in a hurry.

"It's okay..." The professor wiped his face.

Gu Zhi sat on the opposite side with his big long legs, his right leg overlapped on his left leg, his body was relaxed and sunk into the sofa, and his eyes were glorious and spontaneous.

Mingshu was holding a bag of Copic and was eating it very seriously.

Chen Wen also admired her, eating food so calmly whenever and wherever.

Chen Wen looked at the man opposite, this man...

It's a legend within them-a legend that hasn't been punished.

"This is the Gu Zhi Gu Corps of the provincial bureau." The professor cleaned up and sat down to introduce to Chen Wen. "This is Chen Wen, the captain of the municipal bureau. Eh... this..."

The professor looked at the little girl who was quiet as a chicken and silently eating potato chips.

"Thousand..." Chen Wen was a little embarrassed to say her name, "Xiaoqian, a consultant asked by the Municipal Bureau."

The professor nodded, but looked at Mingshu more.

The consultant has no special skills in this status, where can he be.

Ming Shu grinned, and Professor Chong gave a standard smile.

Professor: "..." I really don't see anything special about this little girl.

"Cough... Xiao Chen, you came this time, it should also be for the 516 case. It happens, Gu Zhi is also for this case, then you can't avoid suspicion."

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