Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 931: See ghost detective(11)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu turned on all the lights in the office.


The light bulb flickered several times, and finally it was strong and did not go out.

"Your place..." It was ruined enough.

Chen Wen still couldn't find a place to go.

"No way, poor. You have to understand the waters of poor people."

The original owner had almost no deposit, and all the money she earned was spent on the little tadpole looking for his father.

She has to save her snacks now.

Ming Shu turned his head and looked at Chen Wen again: "Would you like to buy some snacks and come back and say while eating?"

"Do you want to die if you don't eat?" Chen Wen couldn't help it.

I just had dinner just now!

Eat him so much money!

She even wants to eat.

Ming Shu's serious expression: "Yes."

"……"you win.

Chen Wen went out to buy snacks and came back, and Mingshu only started contentedly--

"The murderer is in the Huahai Community."

Chen Wen looked dazed.

Is this the end?

This is a treat for him again, and he is also buying snacks, just in exchange for such a sentence?

Chen Wen frowned into Chuan: "Hou Yazhi's suspicion was not ruled out by you?"

"I didn't say it was Hou Yazhi." Ming Shu said.

"Who is that?" Chen Wen said in a hurry.

"Four buildings in 1805, Kong Jianguo." Mingshu clicked and chewed potato chips: "I will only give you the answer. As for the evidence, you need to find it yourself."

The conclusion was told by the imp, she naturally did not know the process of the murderer's crime.

Can only say that this time good luck.

Hou Yazhi, who had originally investigated, unexpectedly knew the real murderer.

Chen Wen doubted: "Aren't you talking nonsense?"

This name, which they investigated, never appeared.

"If you go and check it, you know if I'm talking nonsense." Mingshu doesn't matter.

Chen Wen struggled for a moment.

In the end, he still deployed a manpower to check Kong Jianguo. Because he was worried about the incredible extent of the news, Chen Wen did not preach it hyped up and investigated it secretly.

Not even Gu Zhi reported it.


However, as soon as Chen Wen started investigating, Kong Jianguo himself had taken the initiative.

The whole police station is in a strange atmosphere.

They are so exhausted, the murderer has given himself! ?

What a plane!

You are a murderer! Serial murderer!

Are you so principleless? !

Say it yourself! !

Things have to go back to the night before.

Kong Jianguo came home from get off work as usual, but as soon as he came home, he saw Ming Shu sitting on the sofa.

Kong Jianguo also wondered how he made a mistake, how come a girl.

The little girl was holding yogurt, biting the straw, and was sucking for a while.

When he opened the door, she looked at the sound.

His eyes were soft and his face smiled slightly.

That attitude seems to be hers, and it's no wonder that Kong Jianguo feels that he has taken the wrong door.

"How did you come in?" Kong Jianguo stood at the door, didn't come in, his eyes alert.

"Open the door and walk in." Mingshu pointed to the window: "I want to climb the window on the 18th floor of your house, and I don't have that skill."

"this is my house!"

"Well." Mingshu nodded, indicating that she knew.

"..." Kong Jianguo frowned: "What are you trying to do in someone's home?"

"It's nothing, just want to come in. You can call the police if you're not convinced." Mingshu sat on the sofa with all his time: "Will I call you for you?"

The word "alarm" caused a subtle change in Kong Jianguo's expression.

He entered the door, closed the door, and locked it.

But as soon as he stepped into the entrance, his eyes widened, and he was startled by what was projected on the wall behind him.

"Did you die miserably?"

The girl's voice came clearly.

Kong Jianguo is still calm, even with a weird smile on his lips: "You know."

"It looks like a dog, what to do is not good, make a pervert." Ming Shu snorted.

"Since you know it, dare to come here, little girl, I admire your guts." Kong Jianguo walked inside while taking off his coat.

Seeing the tragic conditions of those dead, he was not afraid at all, but instead seemed to be stimulated and started to get excited.

"Okay, that's the first in the world." Ming Shu smiled lightly.

Kong Jianguo suddenly stopped.

In front of this girl...

It's kind of weird.

She is too calm.

In an unfamiliar environment, she did not make any precautionary actions and expressions, but just sat on the sofa of his home casually, and the whole person quickly fell into the sofa.

There was even food in his refrigerator next to him, holding his yogurt in his hand.

That is a relaxed gesture.

Kong · Serial Murderer · Jianguo: "..."

This is indeed his home.

Why doesn't she have any precautions?

When Mingshu made such an appearance, Kong Jianguo was not subconsciously rash.

If she showed a panicked or terrified look, he might not be so worried now.

"Aren't you going to kill me?" Ming Shu waited for a long time, and Kong Jianguo didn't move. He could not help reminding: "You hurry up, you don't do it, I'm embarrassed to hit you."

Kong Jianguo: "..."

This is his place, he is afraid of a yellow-haired girl? !

Kong Jianguo thought of it, drew a folding knife from his pocket, and walked towards Mingshu...

The result of the matter has come out.

He got himself.

As a serial murderer, Kong Jianguo felt that he was really too gentle to those victims, and that woman would make life worse than death.

To be honest, Kong Jianguo is pretty good, and the price is not low, anyone who sees it will not think that this person is a serial murderer.

After surrendering, Kong Jianguo did not explain the crime.

But pushing the process from the conclusion is much easier.

I have to say that Kong Jianguo did a really clean job. The police station worked for half a month before he got him.

Kong Jianguo is a pervert.

Those victims were the objects he randomly selected.

He just killed people to kill people.

The child of the last victim was made into a specimen by him. When the police found it, he couldn't bear to look at it.

"I want to see the one named Chitose!"

This request was made when Kong Jianguo was about to be transferred.

Chen Wen, who had dealt with Kong Jianguo, did not recommend Mingshu to see him.

This man...

It's really perverted.

Not afraid of the perpetrator's perversion, fearing that the perpetrator is a pervert with a high IQ.

But Mingshu still went.

For the value of hatred.

This time the hate value is obviously obtained from these criminals, she does not shake, how to pull the hate value?

The people in the interrogation room withdrew, leaving only Mingshu and Kong Jianguo.

"Do you know how it feels to kill?"

Kong Jianguo asked hoarsely.

Ming Shu made a loud noise: "Forgot."

Kong Jianguo sneered: "Have you killed anyone?"

Mingshu said with a smile: "I killed more people than you ate."

Of course, Kong Jianguo didn't believe it: "It's a big talk."

"No one believes the truth now. What about the basic trust between people?" I believe you have no snacks.

Kong Jianguo: "..."

He looked at the girl in front of him for a few moments and suddenly grinned, viciously: "You and I are the same person, one day you will pick up the knife in your hand."

This girl is just like him.

Cold blood.



One day, she will also take this path.

"Sorry, I have now put down the butcher's knife to become a Buddha and spoiled snacks."

I don't even disdain such a slapstick murder.

Kong Jianguo: "?????"

Snack alone?

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