Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 968: Enlightenment from the leader (13)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

As soon as Mingshu's words came out, the crowd was about to kill her with a knife.

Is this a fake leader?

It must be a fake leader!

Where are the gangs of magicians talking one after another?

When the leader of the alliance didn't do anything, the rest of the martial arts that had hatred against the demons could not sit still. Two of them flew directly to power, pulled out their weapons, and attacked the veiled man.

The veiled man snorted coldly, just finished playing with Zhuozi, and showed no flaws to the two of them.



The two fell off the stage at the same time.

"Huh, who else?" The man in the veil raised his palm up: "Come all together."

"Devil! Eat a punch!"

Successively, three people flew into the ring, and the eight immortals showed their magical powers across the sea, besieging the veiled men.

Mingshu clicked on the cucumber, and said to the Flying Tiger Gate: "You are too unreasonable, people are just coming to the ring. You can't fight well, you can still besiege, you lose, you have no face Place it."

Master of Flying Tiger Gate: "..." Why is it unreasonable.

That's the devil's head.

The devil who kills without blinking.

The devil that caused others to die.

"If such people are not removed, why are the rivers and lakes peaceful?"

A man next to the Flying Tiger Gate sneered.

Ming Shu: "The rivers and lakes don't jump from dogs to dogs. What are the names of the rivers and lakes? The name is changed to a nursing home."

The man took the case and said, "Leader! Don't forget your identity. You are the leader of the martial arts. You have spoken to the devil several times. What do you want to do?"

Mingshu looked at him with a tilted head and a clear tone: "Do you want to be? Let it be for you."

The man: "..."

Master of Flying Tiger Gate: "..."

The little girl really doesn't understand.

The man looked at Ming Shu's age, which was estimated to be defeated by her age.

At this age, still a girl, what ambitions can you expect from her?

His daughter knows to eat, drink and have fun all day...

"Be careful--"

A scream screamed through the chaos, and several hidden weapons flew towards them.

Mingshu's palm pressed against the table in front and lifted forward, knocking out several hidden weapons.

However, after a series of hidden weapons hit, the table was torn apart.

Mingshu jumped up and stopped again the next second, the moment she paused, a hidden weapon hit her shoulder.

Mingshu's body was carried back, and Rongli took her, and his eyes were full of panic: "League...Leader."

"Leader!" The bun also rushed over, holding his weapon to block the uninterrupted hidden weapon: "Take the leader quickly."

After he finished, he gave Rongli a vicious look.


Just now the leader of the alliance can clearly avoid it. If it is not the one that the leader of the alliance blocks, the one who lay down now is Rong Li.

Rong Li was terrified and wanted to help Ming Shu withdraw.

Mingshu brushed his hand away and stood on her own. She glanced at the shoulder injury and reached out without changing her face.

Hidden weapon Xu was poisoned and his shoulders were a little numb.

Swish swish—

A few more hidden weapons shot, Mingshu's arm numb, the reaction was slightly slower, pulling Rongli to flash to the side.

But there was still a hidden weapon that wiped Rongli away from the neck and cut off a strand of green silk, a white neck, and a trace of blood oozed out.

Abnormally dull.

Mingshu's eyes dimmed and leaned over.

Rong Li was thrown upright, and then his neck was hot, and the blood in his body was flowing quickly.

"League, leader?" Rongli raised his hands in the air, not knowing where to put it.

Mingshu vomited blood and pressed his fingertips, and the blood came out as normal red.

Just wipe it, the poison on the hidden weapon should not penetrate too deep.

Mingshu wiped the corner of his mouth, holding Rong Li's shoulder, looking at the chaos not far away.

The radiation area of ​​the concealed weapon is very large, and the people on their side have been planted with seedlings. They do not feel targeted, and they do not know who came from.

Mingshu's tongue swept across his lower lip, his eyes fixed on the chaotic ring, and the corners of his lips slowly rose.


As soon as Baozi turned his head, he saw that Mingshu had grabbed the sword of one of the others and jumped towards the ring.

"Look at him, and the rest follow me." Baozi ordered the two to hate Rongli and lead the rest into the chaos of fighting.

The hidden weapon came from this group of people. It doesn't matter who it is.

Then play together.

So everyone found their leader, indiscriminately attacking.

Their disdainful allies were daunting at this time.

It's not that she's powerful, but the momentum...


Mingshu threw away the sword in his hand and stepped on the floor to walk down the ring.

In the distance is a stunned hero.

Just now...

what happened?

Mingshu sat on the steps of the ring and gasped slightly.

"Leader..." Rong Li fluttered over, his voice shaking: "How are you?"

"A little hungry." Mingshu's voice was weak.

Rongli hurriedly drew out two buns from his sleeve.

Mingshu took the buns and ate slightly.

Rong Li was more nervous than her: " are injured."

"Ah." Mingshu looked at his blood: "Yes."

"You are injured." Rong Li raised his tone.

"I know, what's so loud."

Rong Li's already red eyes suddenly burst into tears.

Mingshu: "..."

She is bothered by two things.

No snacks.

Qi Yu cried.

Rong Li cried silently, tears wet his eye feathers, and dripped from his chin along his slightly white face.

The boy was not very young, and crying at this time, he wouldn't feel masculine at all, it would only make people feel bad.

The liquid fell on the back of Mingshu's hand.

She trembles her fingers and raises her hand to press the person into her arms and tells the bun coming over: "Tie these people together and try one by one until the person who launched the hidden weapon."

"Yes..." Baozi should say: "Leader, your injury, please deal with it first?"

"Prepare a room."


"Help me get up." Mingshu was close to Rongli.

Rongli sullenly yelled, got up from her arms, and carefully supported her.

After entering the room, Mingshu took off his blood-stained coat.

Her left shoulder and even her entire arm were numb and she couldn't move.

Rong Li looked at Ming Shu: "I'm going to ask the doctor."

Mingshu pulled him: "No, you can give me medicine."

Rong Li froze for a moment.

"But the hidden weapon is poisonous..."

"Huh." Mingshu pulled down his collar and exposed the wound on his shoulder.

Rong looked away with a look away.

Moved back in the next second, "It's so serious, no, I have to ask the doctor."

Rong Li said he would go out.

"If you want others to watch, just go."

Rong Li froze.

"Come here, clean up and apply the medicine."

Rongli was hesitant to call the doctor and to go back.

It happened that Baozi sent someone to bring hot water, and Rongli returned with the hot water.

He twisted the veil and carefully wiped the blood around her wound.

Rongli suddenly leaned over, and the hot air spurted around the wound, which was hot.

"What are you doing?" Mingshu raised his hand to stop him.

Rong Lidao: "I will help you **** the poison out..."

Mingshu's mouth twitched: "Just now the master of Flying Humen has given me the antidote."

This is just ordinary poison, ordinary detoxification can be solved.

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